"Why" Chu Lan's expression suddenly shrunk into a ball. He was surprised. His eyes, stretched hands to grasp, big and small fists, and five faces and six colors were caught in his hand.

Because he saw it, no, everyone here saw it. In mid-air, the swords that shot from all directions to Meng Haozhi disappeared from the thin air.

Five intermittent empty sounds sounded one after another.

That little girl must be Liu Rong among these ordinary people.

Chu Lan is missing.

This appalling applause subsided, and the law of disappearance appeared in all directions of Meng Hao's body, turning into sword light, penetrating Meng Haozhi's body.

The time passed by second by second.

Du Qingsong is already a little crazy.

This is for the bright beast.

In front of the bright beast, any attack is enough to completely wipe out the magician beast from the world.

The most important thing is that Chu Lan’s eyes show the heart of a greedy person: Giants are a natural wealth!

This woman is just an ordinary person. Because she looks good, Liu "forced" to open the bottle.

What about Chu Lan?

With the power of people today, even if the people with silver "color" wings fled to the end of the world, they will be hunted, not to mention their escape, so what about the newly born little guy?

The beauty in his arms was robbed by him. Even if there were tens of millions of people in her heart who did not want to wait for Hao Huaiyuan, she could only endure this unprecedented torture.

There is a dense crack in the lock ring on the key!

At present, only nine years ago and after, it learned 23.6% from more than 6% of laws. According to Chu Lan's speculation, at this mature stage, the limit of understanding of lava tyrannosaurus should be between 25% and 26%.

Standing in a wooden village and a water tank, less than 1 meter apart.

In a blink of an eye, they were connected together. The connected minced meat forcibly pulled Chu Lan's broken arm back. For a while, the arm was as good as before, with no scars.

"I can kill you without the help of my master."

The court was not established in the Supreme People’s Court of Heaven, but in the middle of one of the largest people’s squares in the constellation.

He took out his ID card and said, "Scan data."

There are rumors that some people have successfully practiced the body of nothingness, the sword of the sun and the sword of nothingness. These three combat techniques have successfully escaped the hands of the Yuanneng people, who are above 10% of their laws.

Break through 26%. Of course, it can continue to improve, but this progress is extremely slow.

Two little girls who escaped from the dead suddenly changed their faces.

This is definitely the killing of Sanson.

These alien slaves, all below the third level, are silver-winged slaves captured from the battlefield of the people and the silver-winged people.

As for the five elements of Daoguo, it is a treasure that enhances the understanding of the laws of the five elements of heaven and earth, and the increase is far greater than that of ordinary heaven and earth.

He stared at the storm more seriously, the storm became more violent, and gradually changed from the original black "color" storm center to gray "color" storm center.

The black chain was tied to the black coffin through these armor.

But think that Shi San and Zhao Zheng are still alive, Chu Lan's number is not in the service area, this can only be said that Chu Lan may encounter some unexpected situations.

This makes Chu Lan look very heavy, because he knows that this time it must be a real stubble.

This is a habit of "sex" psychology.

Not to mention, Chu Lan’s achievements are not enough for him to cross such a big gap.

In the past ten years, 30% of the laws have been implemented, and Chu Lan feels that he has seen the bright future.

auzw.com When the two of them went to the eighth step, the third step to the ninth step, they were said to be supreme and unable to find great people.

Each race can dominate a planet, and now all of us have become victims of pagan escalation. "

With this roar, all flesh and blood are ignored, only tens of thousands of earth, mountains, rivers, trees, flowers and plants. But with the roar of Tyrannosaurus, everything was shattered.

Chu Lan pretended to be "I am fair" and said lightly:

"No" "women" said in unison, shaking their heads.

He looked at Chu Lan and waited for Chu Lan to answer.

The abyss of the Tyrannosaurus opened his eyes, and there was a trace of joy on his face of flesh and blood: "I think I am strong now!"

He was already crying with his voice.

In other words, if Du Qingsong's behavior is known by digital beasts, then Du Qingsong will also die.

He is the pride of giants. He is now 12,000 years old and has learned more than 20% of the law.


"You all go down"

These benefits make Chu Lan very satisfied with this feedback.

Such weather conditions make the air on Binghuo Island clearer than any other island, so there are more than 30,000 fourth-level aliens living on the island.

These thoughts flashed in his heart, Chu Lan reached out and waved. It is a blanket floating in the air.

In fact, I have been talking to Angela and Huang Shengyi for more than a year. Chu Lan still wanted to talk to these two women.

After a while, a huge ice foot was hit on Chu Lan at the front bottom of the level 5 glacier.


Chu Lan narrowed her eyes.

"However, don't worry, we won't kill you."


Chu Lan and his party came from the Huang family in a short time, and no one noticed.

In fact, after continuous efforts and concealment, there are 4 levels of alien races, breaking through to become the 5th level of alien races.

He was not good at doing business, so Song Wanshan closed, and for a moment did not know who to ask for help.

This has nothing to do with any other factors, that is, the spiritual shock caused by the destruction of the spiritual symbol of all people.

"What is this, why does the understanding of the law not disappear, but it does not work?"

Chu Lan was taken aback.

The sound of "click" continued to spread, everyone looked at the side of the key, only a moment to see its shock:

Although it is cold, it is like God punishing guilty mortals with inviolable breathing.

He was short, Chu Lan's guards gave him several times, even dozens of times, more than the other 3000 days of pride. You can tell.

It's hard to believe that although there is no powerful attack, the teeth of Jumbo Worm can be as sharp as a thousand swords.

When Chu Lan sat upright, the five women blinked their eyelashes and opened their eyes.

"Come out for me" His eyes flashed a bit of hostility, his mouth suddenly drank.

Liu Rongrong whipped two second-degree violent apes with a whip, and the two second-degree violent apes immediately opened their flesh.

On the other hand, Chu Lan took out his own strength and sat cross-legged on the ground. He narrowed his eyes and began to practice.

Diamond level 9 trainer, he has a 20.6% understanding of the law. Now he is 680000 years old, but 68 years old is the beginning of his long life. ..

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