So much so that Li Xiaomei cannot fully utilize her talents, and she has not made any progress in the past three years. "

Under this pressure, Chu Lan, the axe, the duke. One person and six beasts were shocked, and all of them collapsed in the order of death from weak to strong.

"Darkness will be destroyed!" Put this sentence into your mouth.


Even the most common diamond trainer can use all his power to smash 10 planet-sized planets.

Others, including Tyrannosaurus Rex, looked at Chu Lan, but they didn't understand what was going on.

More and more people are kneeling on the ground.

Chu Lan looks a little ugly. Du Qingsong is a great disciple of Sun Taiyang, maybe he killed him. "

In other words, aliens who broke through the ranks before 5700 should only be aware of 10% of the law! "

"What's your name?"

Chu Lan's breath goes from silver medal level 9 to gold medal level 1!

However, under the accumulation of 100 million points, Zhu Lei has also made great progress under these golden sections. They all recognized more than 8% of the law. Some of them have realized 9% of the law.

"But this old thing is very hidden."

Among them, the weak second-level, third-level, and several fourth-level are imprisoned in the star tower of each planet. "

He stopped, and it turned out that his sparse, ordinary body looked like a giant that became endless in an instant, like a giant looking down at a group of ants.

Time and Space Soul Crystal White

"Do you recognize more than 23% of the law?"

I don't talk much about it.

Let the fiery fingers press down, like the collapsed tens of thousands of miles of sky, and this finger went to Chu Lan Town at the same time.

The treasure hunter was too low to speak at all, but when he saw the soul crystal in the middle, the little guy immediately opened his eyes, crawled on the palm of Chu Lan, and issued a "chirp" cry, which started Bite it.

But there are two women on Alpha, one of them is not very talented, so if you can eat the eternal fruit and extend your lifespan by 100 million years, you have a greater chance of being promoted to the trainer of the king. "

Then he began to study what the storm was, and Chu Lan found that he could not see it.

When Chu Lan slapped his tongue, the expression of the bright beast froze.

"You two"

The five women, Zhao Xing and Tang Yuan, stood aside, with happy smiles on their faces, eyes full of surprise, and whispered discussions:

When his thoughts flashed, the charm of jade conveyed like he was perceiving Chu Lan's thoughts, and came out of the deep bass:

Although it is impossible to fly temporarily, it is not difficult to swim across the sea with the physical strength of Chu Lan 7, so in a short time, Chu Lan 7 landed on this small island.

The three aliens, Du Qingsong's two diamond trainers, have reached about 22% of the law, and are among the weakest in the class, but for gold trainers, it is also invincible and powerful.

He threw everything in the space ring of the level 4 giant into his space ring, and then held the space ring of the level 5 giant in his hand, and a trace of mental power entered his hand.

Before this figure is completely condensed into substance, it can be seen that there is a layer of blood-red "colored" material in Chu Lan's upper body.

It is just a group of the highest-ranking three-faced silver wings. Even if there is a silver wings called "key", the big fish is in front of the tyrannosaurus.

Du Qingsong said this, but he thought maliciously: "Today, as long as I can escape, this Chu Lan will die. No one can save him. I must kill him. I want him to die. I want to play with his woman. , I want him to survive, not to die."

Chu Lan took another deep breath and walked in front of the square cloud in one step. He waited here for a long time and said with a correct attitude:

Follow Chu Lan's eyes and look at the second floor of the stone house.

After all, this is a collective attack skill and the strongest melee skill among the bright beasts. He is fearless, but a magician's beast. These little guys need to be very scared.

"Now, seeing that we are dying, this **** just wants to live, even if she is Chu Lan's plaything." Liu Neng felt very ironic.


"I don’t care what you do. In short, 10 minutes, I will only give you 10 minutes. If you can’t find Liu Rong, Liu Neng, and all their criminal records, you won’t need to work here tomorrow. Now."

next moment.

The 300-meter-long "Star Wars Blade" was cut off in the air, like the star that cut the moon from the sky to the piece of light.

This is just one of the reasons why Chu Lan prepared to give ordinary people.

Liu Rongrong had a broken face, a twisted face, and looked at Chu Lan painfully. She did not conceal her hatred for Chu Lan:

However, Chu Lan, who would do his best to break the cage, looks very strange.

"First of all, although I am your digital animal slave, I hope you treat me like a digital animal partner."

Chu Lan is different from that.

Think about this.


Just like now.

When the cage of life and death was lost, he felt that he did not have to die, but how could it be?

"Do not"

The original Pacific!

"Do not"

Chu Lan doesn't care if these two diamond guards want to clean up the Tier 5 Giants.

"Damn it, spell it out." Chu Lan gritted her teeth and made a decision in her heart.

Using the three pairs of stones to understand more than 30% of the power, he stands here and no one will find out.

"I'm afraid I will collide with the iron dragon and the sea dragon in front," he said. He supplemented the power of the Milky Way and the power of 100 million stars, which would allow me to directly knock down and smash all the stars.

Chu Lan couldn't help but think: "The earth is different from a million years ago. It is 1000 times the past. With my speed and spirit, it is impossible to monitor the entire earth, but it is very easy to have these six little guys."


This time I'm over.

At this point, it must be pointed out that there are more than 99 laws in the universe, but only 99 are the most basic laws.

One of the large water tanks is called "Qiankun Cylinder". It is a "mirror stone" forged from a very hard material, which Chu Lan has never heard of. There are three functions: first.

The Argus beast has always been called the "War of the Tyrannosaurus". Just like Chu Lan, the day he became an awakener, he became a bronze level 1 trainer, and since then, the Agus beast has become the name of all forms of digital beasts.

"Oh, Brother Chu Lan, have I bothered you?"


He is not a good person.

At the foot of Chu Lan, this time instead of dividing a huge island, it was blown into dust and dust by the sea breeze, as if it had been weathered and scattered.

In order to get the pride of that day, this old thing directly killed the old ancestor of Jin Xunshi, and finally killed Chen Yingying, the horn of our first university.

In short, a good blacksmith can make good steel. ..

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