The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 1060: Count on making money

Among them, Tyrannosaurus forehead is a huge animal blood basin.

Needless to say, Chu Lan knew that all other Song Wanshan had been renamed.

Gold, the soul of light

When he appeared again, he was already surrounded by the five shapes of roulette.

"Sure enough, they are a group of animals without eggs, and now they have been wiped out by our people, and they have all become a group of eggs."

"Who" took a deep breath, and the Bronze Medal Level 3 trainer would respectfully bring to Chu Lan: "Back to Master Chu Lan, his subordinate name is Wang Yue."

With this dense light blooming, Chu Lan's half-meter long scroll, Chu Lan pressed with his finger and began to concentrate.

Tyrannosaurus's subconscious words in the abyss made Chu Lan jump in his heart.

Luo Yi had a gloomy trace on his eyebrows.

The pair of scarlet long skirts have symmetrical muscles, look not pretty, but full of explosive force.

But I will not even kill you. Do you think the will of the virtual universe will blame me? "

But this way of viewing is not as clear and simple as it is engraved in the spiritual world, is it? "

But he doesn't even know where these attacks will come from.


The two diamond trainers looked at each other, preparing to forcibly kill a **** road in chaos, and then escaped.

This change had no effect on him, but when he used his ability to forget the river, it was definitely stronger than before.

Digital Beast: Abyssal Tyrannosaurus, current occupation: One month later to travel to the Galaxy-the king of the sky, control the size of the entire celestial body!

"Damn, really?" Chu Lan, his heart was tight.

Although the attack power is not as good as the Star Warsword sold in the chaotic universe city, in terms of comprehensive ability, it is even more precious than Chu Lan’s own Star Warsword, and its price is 300 billion cents.

The six digital beasts became confused.

Of course, the supreme figure of the emperor has no time to think about how a little diamond child died.

In such a busy situation, it is inhumane to break the law by 28% within 10 years.


Therefore, the status of this woman rose and became the harem master of all Liu Neng women.

This is hard to say.

With this in mind, Chu Lan finally looked at the black scroll.

But just because you can’t change doesn’t mean you can’t resist.

"That's because you don't have a practical method to practice the nihilistic sword realm, in fact, it is derived from the nihilistic body and the rising sun sword, that is to say.

Note: Before hatching, it needs to be completely enslaved by the secret method of controlling the origin of the soul before it can be completely controlled.

Confirmation: Skill Sunblade, level: 1, etc., price: 1.8 million points/copy.

Chu Lan had no idea about this suggestion. After all, he has never been to the battlefield, but he was able to buy these most precious trophies through points.

The soft voice of the "judgment" bright beast came again.

However, the fall of the diamond trainer did not attract anyone's attention.

This will be a great blessing, but it is the pride of ordinary heaven. This is their best plan, which has been practiced in the chaotic universe city.

Gold level 9 trainer, 99 star power, what is this concept.

Her body was trembling a little, it was an unstoppable excitement, and she could no longer bear it.

Shi San and Zhao Zheng bowed slightly, holding their fists and saying, "Do you need us to help Master Chu Lan find a suitable hunting target?"

Quiet, quiet!

"This saves energy again."

Liu Rongrong, Luo Xiaoying, Song Xiaonan, these family members of Liu Neng were like flat balloons, and the whole person was paralyzed on the ground decadently. They were wearing alloy handcuffs and shackles that could not break free. A despair spread in their hearts.

"Yes" Chu Lan smiled.

At the 9th level of gold, the law learned 30.2%, which is impossible for most people's personal lives to achieve this big problem.

Another 16 minutes.

The first step of Chu Lan's plan has been fully implemented.

So this time, Chu Lan is still ready to use appropriate means, for example, he can abolish Liu Neng and then execute the death penalty.

The upper body alloy armor has a super defense that cannot be destroyed by ordinary diamond trainers, while the right arm alloy metal armor can create the abyss of the Tyranno Sword that penetrates the space.

As for why Chu Lan knew so many details, it was because the girl did keep her promise. Although she does not visit Chu Lan once every half a month, she sends Chu Lan a text message every half a month

When the black light of the six stars enveloped the body of the Tyrannosaurus, the last thought flashed in its mind:

A stronger sacred breath came from above the cross. The cross was like a sacred sword, slashing at the magician's beast.

Until then, she will once again become the supreme lord!

"He cared so much for me that he received my text message for the first time."

If she can understand the silver level 9 rules at a 10% rate, she may achieve more than 30% rules at the gold level 9.

This is no different from the previous slaves who made constellations, and even this kind of death is even more insulting to them.

I saw the life-and-death crosscut organ ball of this bright beast, which seemed to force Chu Lan's body into the meat sauce and shrank violently inward.

next moment.

Of course, these Chu Lan will not say. He is counting on making money!

It was then that I saw "Wow". In the sound of breaking the air, seven figures appeared in a row one hundred meters away, one of them was among him, looking at Chu Lan somberly.

Just as all the silver-winged people shouted "yes" and were about to fly in all directions, something terrible happened.

The last sentence was settled, and the voice of Square Cloud burst into a strong anger.

There are millions of people here, and a large number of ordinary people gather here.

At this time, Shi San and Zhao Zheng, together with their digital animal science monsters and mechanical evil dragon beasts, solved the last diamond trainer and his digital beast, as well as the fifth-level shadow family.

But Chu Lan thanked him for his kindness.

After all, the mole ant is alive, not to mention the bright beast known for the entire universe.

Kirin Sharp glanced at "Gula" in surprise and said, "I also have this voice in my head."

Or use the intertwining of life and death.

People of this race are very similar to Avatar in the movie "Avatar in the Earth".


This made the five women look at Chu Lan carefully, seeing that Chu Lan was impatient and only smiled at her face, shouting at Angela and Huang Shengyi in the video:

next moment.

"Do you think you are the only nihilistic person? I will too. I will not only realize the realm of nihilism, but also that as long as you understand the law no more than 7.2%, it will never hurt me. "..



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