The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 1067: I will take care of you personally

With the 5th-level magic cow clan split into two by the scientific monster, the original 5 to 4 situation instantly becomes 4 dozen 4!

Chu Lan, an imitator, was more powerful than when he controlled the silk thread.

It has broken the law of 5.2%. In this cosmic city of chaos, so many absolute arrogances are a good point.

Chu Lan's hands are full of blood and red "color" things, Chu Lan used for a long time.

Chu Lan's face froze.

After 5 seconds, Chu Lan's face returned to a striking expression.

In just a few minutes, Chu Lan 7 saw too many big things, which made the great trainer scary and shocking.

The King's trainer heard: "The only thing responsible for the brain will be known in the future." You just need to know that it is not wrong to give your skill map to the only brain that judges it.

This is also the warmth of the event.

"Yes, but they will never know that our courage will be so great that we will come directly to the earth, this is the planet of human origin, the spiritual symbol of humanity."

"The Law of Life and Death"

Even if they were already diamond trainers, they could not show a completely calm posture in the face of Chu Lan’s first woman, Huang Shengyi.

As a kind of national defense equipment, there is no sales in the "chaotic" cosmopolitan city shopping center. This national defense equipment will only reward those "contributing services" that have made great contributions to humanity!

There is only one sentence: Chu Lan handles it personally and must be fair and open, giving the entire constellation a reasonable answer.

In the sound of drinking, thrillers and tremors, this is a third-level silver wing family. For these people, the highest strength is just an ordinary silver trainer.

For this reason, Chu Lan did not release the six little guys, but just wanted not to attract anyone's attention.

At this time, the atmosphere in the conference room is relatively relaxed.

Only for a moment, when the sword turned into a thousand swords again, only four levels of alien expression solidified.

After all, this is a little girl she has not fallen in love with.

"Each step must have a clearer picture. As long as we can understand these 10 steps, there is a great chance of succession."

It can be seen that Shen Dong is more than one grade worse than Mo Baixue.

On the contrary, it is the soul of the stone next to a huge gold book that excites Chu Lan. In addition to the very few aliens with powerful technology, they can also block legal maps and war skills.

The woman wears a set of clothes scattered on the ground and has various pungent smells on her body.

"The blade of the sun, the nihilistic body, and this nihilistic sword territory, this should be Chu Lan's latest creation. I have also practiced 10,000 sword paintings, but I can buy a copy of the practice.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

Whether it is Sun Bufan or the emperor who understands the empty beast, in fact, his father did not stay in the chaotic universe city, but kept a virtual shadow in order to maintain the order of the chaotic universe city.

Picking up the space ring, the light beast's heart secretly said: "All compatriots of Digimon, I will avenge you, you rest in peace." Follow him, take the space ring in his hand, and walk towards Chu Lan.

After all, I am worried that Chu Lan does not even know that he has made a breakthrough as a gold medal trainer.

Even "sex" is more common in the eyes of the bright beast.


For a while.

Can you stop worrying?

In his hands, a 3,000-meter flame sword composed of ten thousand swords traversed infinite time and space. Song Keke's mood was relaxed and surprised. He was stunned in front of the fourth giant Tian Jiao, and his heart was shaking. It's like cutting off time and space and cutting it off.

Problems such as horns can also become difficult. In the early days, people who did not know how to practice were unable to practice.

Only the appearance is completely solidified.

When the first batch of college students saw that Chu Lan had not dealt with them, they dared not stay here again. They saluted Chu Lan respectfully, and then fled.

In the past three months, Chu Lan has not practiced for a day. Of course, not all people are immersed in beauty beyond description.

This is based on Chu Lan's profound understanding of legal power. If the realm of the law is too far from the understanding of the law, it is practically useless, and at least has little impact on the king.


Or kill the digital animal partner of an animal trainer, and Dankey will automatically break it.

He can't beat this bright beast, which is equivalent to having two powerful digital animal partners at the same time, such as an axe. "

His soul was forced by the fishing map.

"It's dead" All four strange faces are moving, leaving only the last thought in my heart.

Abyss Tyrannosaurus, the great Gula beast. The six digital beasts looked at each other, followed Chu Lan, and walked to the second floor.

First, he took a shocking breath, as if to say, "I'm so good," and then hurriedly opened the energy reserve bracelet.


Eyes moved.

Oh. The axe nodded and his eyes were not funny.

Thinking of this, Chu Lan's eyes flashed: "Axe, beer, let's go and see!"


Still a child. You don't have to be so serious.

Chu Lan and seven others are looking around on the polar digital animal disc.

This idea flashed in my heart.

This is the basic information of Chu Lan.

"Is the people's heavenly pride so strong? I don't know how long I have just been here. Can you tell me this is not true? If the people are so strong, can the rest of us survive?"

Come now.

As a result, the two women looked very unhappy.

Tyrannosaurus Rex: Complete all level 1 digital beasts!

This time, the bright beast gave up the trial and so on. Its body was like a golden "color" lamp, suddenly appeared 200 meters away in front of Chu Lan, punching Chu Lan on the dense swing.

But this smile made Tyrannosaurus more afraid. The Tyrannosaurus rolled his eyes and fainted.

Advertising is an advertisement, but the effect is a real existence.

"Kill us"


"Soon, I will break free from your student's Kowloon coffin. This time, I will take care of you personally."

The heart has always been inclined to a sinking thought, and Song Keke's expression was distorted.

If it goes out, I fear it will shock all races in the universe. This clan may be able to enter the top ten or even the top three of our huge celestial pride hunt list if it is dispersed.

The important thing is that he has just received a message in his head, and he does not know who it is: within a minute, seven of them will be forcibly transferred out of this place.

They saw that when Chu Lan came downstairs, Chu Lan's figure was shaking and disappeared directly into the stone house.

"I want to make a video call with Song Wanshan."

Even want to kill me and force me to go crazy before finally running out? He said: "If it were not for him to kill him, he would kill me." "If there are no two diamond trainers around him." ..

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