The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 1072: What i really want to do

But the fact is: the storm disappeared.

In fact, even now, if Chu Lan wants, he can attach the power of law to himself, so that others can’t find himself.

Although Yuan Nengzhu is not so powerful, it is beyond description.

In the chaotic universe city, all disciples’ ID cards emit the same electronically synthesized sound:

How can animals understand human pursuits?

Ordinary people with stars in the sky clap their hands.

"Tyrannosaurus was cut into an abyss!"

Then no one can really compete with the bright beast.

Sun Sword! Sun Sword!

what. The screams of sadness are loud and can make people feel "hair" creepy.

For nine years, almost everyone has been immersed in various practices. Chu Lan reached the extreme in terms of potential and talent, and then he had to go through various battles or gain opportunities to make greater progress at the silver medal level 9.

On the forehead of the golden sword, the beast is just a golden sword.

Chu Lan stared at the two beasts in the battle.

"For you"

Although the fourth-class Giants have not yet broken the stars, Chu Lan’s attack was just a meteorite.

Gold level 9 trainer, full of 99 star power.

"How long has it been?"

"What's going on? How did the Level 3 Silver Wing escape?"

His pupils dilated in his eyes, and there was an unsteady vibration in his heart.

For now, I don’t think much about these ten forces. what is that?

Palace hall.

Although many people guess that this is Chu Lan's marketing practice, I have to say that these three combat skills are really powerful.

When everything returned to normal, the bright beast made a click.

Because the power of the law contained in the fifth-level Big Mac impact is amazing, and with the use of cosmic energy, Chu Lan’s use of nothingness will not be as powerful as he imagined.

Just yesterday, five years later, Chu Lan ushered in his 36th birthday.


You tell Chu Lan that a water tank and a Zhuangzi in this stone house are the most precious.

In the past five years, he has earned 38 billion points, and a steady stream of credits keeps breaking into his ID card.

To be honest, her acting is not very good.

If the origin chains directly fluctuate on their bodies, I worry that they will be enough to smash their bodies in an instant.

"This is the battlefield"

Speaking of clever beasts, Chu Lan is a bit difficult.

When two unscrupulous people left, the door of Chu Lan's office was pushed down.

"Yes, we are connected to the communication signal on the Internet, this group of people don't even know where we are going?"

As soon as Chu Lan saw this, lice appeared in his mouth.

"Take us to the so-called Sabah continent, we will meet the giants of the cannibal class 5!"

"The key is the key. It is indeed the absolute pride of our Yinyi people. Even our IQ is faster than ours." Song Wanshan must be a leader in this regard.

"Shu", the five little guys of Lava Tyrannosaurus finally appeared here.

The false shadow of each fist distorts the space in the sky.

Star of heaven, city of heaven!

Then run away?

"These two girls, just follow suit."

It is easier to kill Silverwings than to eat and drink water, so that the cleaning of Silverwings is faster. "

"Damn, I don't want to die. I have learned 9.2% of the legal power. Even if the king of the people is imprisoned in this Xinghai, there is hope for becoming a level 5 strong man. Who will save me?"

"Before I use it, I want to break through it and become a gold-level 9-level trainer, but now I can’t control that much. This is not just a future exercise, it’s also a big deal to study the field of polar digital beasts. .

This bright beast once again used life-and-death skills.

Why is there such a war hall?

I don't have time to think too much.

When the fingertips touched the wings, an amazing cold seemed to rush out of the endless edge.

She was strangled by Chu Lan's neck and her voice was hoarse.

Studying the field of polar digital beasts, I do not know how many powerful polar digital beasts, as long as the news spread, Du Qingsong will die.

Any man who dares to destroy the earth is tantamount to judging the people.

In the bright red eyes of this bright beast, there seemed to be a sense of reason.

But this is not important.

After saying this, he knelt in front of Chu Lan and said stubbornly: "Please ask the master to fight for me, and I will "suicide" this person personally to avenge our fellow digital animals."

"I understand, Taiyi." Tyrannosaurus' battle flashed in both eyes.

On the other hand, Chu Lan suddenly appeared on his face, and he realized what Sun Shan really wanted to do.

Come now!

I saw 12 order robots appear.

Don't you worry that my teacher will condemn you and let your great future be ruined like this? "

"There are giants in the fifth layer of random seas, but there are only 13 million miles on the Sabah mainland."

Tianjiao, the fourth-level giant, jokingly called Song Coco, "banged" out of a huge pit for thousands of miles, and the giant mouth raised its amplitude, then said:

"Huh?" Chu Lan frowned and said, "Can't you break the curtains yet?"

Chu Lan is missing.

There is a noisy current in the galaxy universe, and then the opening of time and space began for many years. The time and space were washed away.

With the arrival of Chu Lan, the Liu Neng family, as long as there are traces of criminal records, will be escorted here by order robots, forced to kneel and face all ordinary stars.

The bright beast will look up to the steel sea dragon beast that Hu Tian saw this scene, hoping that the steel sea dragon beast can save it.

It is the power of 99 stars, plus Chu Lan’s mysterious mystery, and various powerful combat skills created by Chu Lan himself or deprived of goods.


"The teacher also believes in you, but you can't take credit, but the teacher said you can be intercepted for 100 years. Within this century, as long as you can seize so many opportunities, things will still be yours."

"You are finally online. What happened to you before? Why is your network signal not in the service area? Have you ever been to the alien battlefield?"

With huge psychic power and the essence of psychic crystals, Chu Lan temporarily abandoned the practice of other laws, which directly affected 30% of the understanding of the law.

Fortunately, Chu Lan helped the clever beast to kill Du Qingsong, otherwise he would let such cancer continue to develop, and God knows whether the relationship between the human form and the digital beast will eventually break.

This is why. ..

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