A battlefield of Level 5 Silver Wing Family as common as a dog.

"Try it"

Only then did Chu Lan's weak voice appear:

They are water favorites, and only a few races can compete with them in the laws of water and the origin of water, in the entire real universe.

The first was the collapse of the fiery red "color" cosmic energy in the second half of the fire, followed by the disappearance of tens of thousands of miles of sea water from one layer to another, and a straight path several kilometers deep in the direction of Chu Lan's fist.

This kind of competition for resources to kill digital animals is very common, and it is completely impossible to end.

In those places, although there is amazing legal power in the air, it is at best equivalent to an ordinary main soul crystal.

In this chaotic universe city, time becomes almost meaningless.

have a drink.

In the middle of their eyebrows, there was a bright red hole in the hot smoke.

"No" Du Qingsong seemed to growl tremblingly.

"It seems that next, I can not only practice and understand the laws, but also need to study the territories of polar digital animals to kill those aliens, even a level 5 alien guard.

"Brother Chu Lan, what's the matter? Why?" Huang Shengyi looked at Chu Lan and asked inexplicably.

Sabah mainland!

It is all called Song Wanshan, named after Song Wanshan, followed by Song Wanshan's era, renamed grade, and born on a planet.

Alpha Star University One!

"You students in the chaotic universe city are very talented, but at the level of the gold medal trainer, it is really difficult to improve quickly." In the chaotic universe city.

They can choose these treasures at will.

In the golden light, there are still tiny and dense spots flickering.

"If you kill me, if you have the guts, you will kill me with one hand."

Yuan Zhen nodded: "It is impossible to see that the weak running of Silver Wing will explode such a strong cohesion at a critical moment."

"Please also ask the teacher for advice." Chu Lan asked in front of the clouds.

Others did not say, only Huang Shengyi, Angela, Zhao Xing, and Tang Yuan. These seven women, can you forget him?

Flowing like blood, swaying gently with the wind.

It's not over yet!

Especially with two veterans, Chu Lan even thought that Sun Xiaofang could live in front of the king in front of the strong.

But when he died, life was not as good as death, and he wanted Chu Lan to kill him immediately.

Chu Lan looked even uglier.

What's more, even:

After all, humans and digital beasts must always maintain this strong partnership.

After all, Rao Weixiang is too far away from them, that is the most supreme figure.

Song Keke swallowed, his eyes gleaming with complicated light: "Most people can see good things, except for the greedy Ian, he used to have the same expression, but now."

The twist spreads in all directions, crushing the ground, engulfing the lake, and twisting the air into a stream.

For example, water sprites are born to be the darling of water.

The door of the room was strangely unopened.

Under this small island, there are nine unknown life entities, they don't know if they are dragons, they pull in nine different directions, or... ? Tied to the coffin.


Without the word "happy", Angela and Huang Shengyi's expressions were frozen.

After being let go by Chu Lan, this smart beast finally regained control of his body's energy. He hurriedly controlled the light energy in his body to suppress the darkness.

In the huge disk spaceship, a group of "slaves" with silver wings looked excited, and stared at their faces with hot eyes.

Among them.

There is a house built of stone on this small island.

In the end, Chu Lan confirmed that all this was a good thing, and he wanted everything.

This is a bit like Chu Lan's "sustainable development" of the earth during his lifetime, that is, wealth first drives wealth, and then wealth.

Chu Lan smiled painfully and said that this was not enough to block his teeth.

Chu Lan thought that the shock in his life might have been used today.

in the sky.


"Deprived Liu of his ID card and put him in jail, waiting for the final trial in a month."

This power is irresistible and irresistible.

In an instant, his eyes opened with a firm will, and nothing came out of the black coffin.

"You are a genius, the ultimate pride of the most evil among the people, and you are destroying yourself by doing so."

It was just Chu Lan. Everything he saw was different: Chu Lan saw a black whirlpool, the bright beast saw the eternal darkness, and the tyrannosaur abyss saw the beast.

Without any laws and energy fluctuations, Chu Lan's control of law and energy has reached its limit. Unless he is a diamond trainer, even a gold trainer will never find Chu Lan's whereabouts.

Ascend to the ninth floor of the current kingdom at the fastest speed. "

Miyamoto and his digital beast confronted the Tyrannosaurus rex with a dense group of level 5 silver wing men.

Dense cracks spread like spider webs hundreds of miles away.

But Chu Lan, there are eight laws, and this Nima has learned the law to such a high level.

As long as you can understand the law faster, and then break through to become a golden trainer, you can have greater hope of becoming a king trainer.

After all, Angela and Huang Shengyi are both sisters in theory, and it is normal for a month of indulgence without meeting Chu Lan for more than ten years.

Seeing Chu Lan enjoying life, Huang Shengyi smiled and said, "Look at what Chu Lan's brother looks like now. I don't need me to say happy birthday to Sister Angela. Chu Lan's brother is much happier than us.

"Long live Master Chu Lan"

"What's going on? There are such amazing energy fluctuations on the other side of Fire Island."

After all, there are too few people who can extract souls. There are very few people like Chu Lan. In fact, generally speaking, if you want to truly destroy the origin of the soul, only the supreme can do it.

One of the three people with silver wings is called Key, which is more gloomy than water, but his body is trembling.

Liu Rongrong, a 17-year-old girl, has been very sleepy.

next moment!

Three seconds!

When the Level 4 alien was brutally slaughtered by Chu Lan over the mainland, the cold voice of the **** trainer system came from his head.

Even if there is an outbreak, it is too fast.

After all, a bright beast, within 10 years, its power ranges from 6% to 35.6%, and even strangles its neck like a child abuser, threatening it to become his digital animal slave, and it is easy to succeed.

The glacier race is a race compared with the fire monster race, the water monster race, and the Yuanneng race. The rarer race has only one galaxy under control, bordering a human galaxy.

Suddenly, Liu Rongrong seemed to have grabbed some lifeline, she also struggled, looking in Chu Lan's direction. ..

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