Therefore, even if the five women are all diamond trainers, they will call Chu Lan the "master", which is Chu Lan's favorite name and call him from the bottom of their hearts. There are no lies.

For example, if the laws of life and death are combined with the laws of water, a water of life and death that can control life and death will be formed. As long as Chu Lan wants to move, anyone who drinks this life-and-death water or even touches it will be judged by Chu Lan.

"Lord, please make a decision for us all, don't give up the old things Liu Rongrong and Liu Neng."

Even if Chu Lan didn't kill Du Qingsong, now. When the steel dragon heard the news, Liang Beast returned to a sober state, and Du Qingsong could not escape.

Chu Lan smiled, and finally stretched out her hand to the steel dragon beast, but did not go to the secluded place immediately, but sent a text message and address to the three Diamond Stones, asking him to come here immediately.

"When it ends, we can't even see the attack. We don't even have the right to resist. When did these **** people have such an evil sense of heavenly pride?"

"What else can it be? It should be some kind of precious natural treasure." Angela stared at the screen and said casually.

At this time, hearing Meng Haozhi's words, Sun Xiaofang nodded consciously, suddenly feeling a little empty in his heart, as if something particularly important was missing.

Chu Lan actively closed the video call.

This idea flashed through my mind.

Chen Daozhi insisted: "Select these most valuable things and send them to the chaotic universe city to ask if they are needed. If necessary, keep them temporarily and wait to put them together.

Wang Yue’s voice is a bit bad: "The group of people with silver wings cut off all network signals. We have the right of the sky star. We cannot monitor the exact position of the spacecraft. Do you want to do this?"

Come now.

This "disciple of Chaos Universe City" who happened to be everywhere, Meng Haozhi opened his eyes cooperatively and was taken aback:

The faces of Huang Shengyi and Angela also showed joy.

And this, perhaps, is a great trainer who exists, and should be capable.

First, there is an island where laws and energy cannot be used. On the beach on the island, two giants smelled the original point, and the giant pulled down an island.

The square cloud used almost all the strongest attack methods.

Therefore, even in the chaotic universe, a shopping mall has to sell for 69,999 points, and a group of beasts are guarding against nihilistic flowers. I am afraid there are at least dozens or even hundreds.

"The sacred pride of the giant has learned more than 20% of the law. I hope this guy has some good things." There was a glimmer of expectation in Chu Lan's eyes.

There is a terrible scene.

"Life and death are intertwined."

You will forcibly intercept them for 100 years. In this hundred years, as long as you can accumulate so many points, you can sell them to you. "

"I go"

"Opportunities, perhaps some great opportunities, are forced to change the composition of legal power. If I can grasp this opportunity, even the king's ancestors need not be afraid.

It should be more than 25%. No, they don't know if it reaches 30%.

This is the law of a meteorite map created by a perfect combat skill. Its power, if it falls into the hands of a demon like Chu Lan, will reach an incredible level.

One minute!


He also followed:

Liu Mengmeng looked up at Chu Lan and shouted frantically: This important leap gave Chu Lan an invincible feeling.

Chu Lan's practice time was too long for him at least.

When a hint of dark gold "color" shined on the tip of the Star Wars knife, Chu Lan cut off the second knife.

"The most ordinary diamond trainer only understands 10% of the law and does not master too many combat skills. It is a bit difficult to defeat it and kill it. But my understanding of the law is only 30%.

at this time.

Angela was moved by Angela's surprise, she blinked and concentrated the water vapor in her eyes. She looked up at Chu Lan and said solemnly:

All the people with silver wings have seen it, the key to the attack. The fury disappeared for no reason.

If Chu Lan killed ordinary Heavenly Pride, he could turn a blind eye to it, but Chu Lan killed his disciple Du Qingsong, which made Sun Shan temporarily wonder what decision to make.

And promised to be Chu Lan's plaything, Chu Lan's dog, shirk all the responsibilities to Liu Neng.

Yes, Chu Lan was very excited.

Yuanneng family, Yuanquake galaxy.

Yuan Zhen's "color" tone is slightly cloudy.


Chu Lan could see that in the earth's atmosphere, thousands of them belonged to the galaxy universe, and there was a faint silver spot.

A level 5 boulder looked very angry on his face and said to Chu Lan viciously.

Once these people with silver wings stay on the earth, it will be a huge face for all the people.

"This funny little guy, it took only 18 years to understand the chaotic map and passed the test? Is there any power in him that I can't understand? Is it that thing?"

As Chu Lan’s digital animal partner, Lava Tyrannosaurus has ten abilities beyond "sex". Its soul has long been linked to Chu Lan. Chu Lan is dead. It killed Chu Lan, so Lava Rex’s The talent is most influenced by Chu Lan himself.

"Kill these evil people. They are the moths in the universe and the most evil creatures. The key is to kill these evil humans as soon as possible."

"My lord, what are you doing?" The fifth-level blade swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and he was startled by Chu Lan's smile.

In the five years of the first year, Chu Lan did not get the score quickly in the first year.

next moment.

"Yes, it's a pity that the pride of this nation is not a woman. A humanistic woman has the best taste. You can also express hope, eat and play. That day is simply beautiful."

The huge heart he used before was a level 4 giant. Although the talent of a level 4 giant is better than that of a level 5 giant guard, the level 5 giant is after all equivalent to a human diamond trainer.

"Forget it" Chu Lan solemnly said to the six-digit beast:

"No way" his heart cried, his eyes widened!

"Boss" Lava Tyrannosaurus changed its original hip-hop style.

Of course, if you can beat it, we will have to beat it before we talk.

So the wizard and the beast chose to sit on Chu Lan's boat.

Because all combat skills that can produce "sexual" inhibition are extremely valuable.

When Liu Neng thought of this, he took out his ID card and said with certainty:

There is not even a wooden door in the stone house. ..

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