The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 1101: I will give you a surprise

But if you go to the so-called Xinghai, it's different. Level 4 aliens move around, which means that Chu Lan can save enough energy for these three abilities at any time and any place.

Huo's face was cold for a while, like a volcanic eruption, the flames burning on her body erupted instantly, spreading in all directions like a cloud of fire, and the air was violently distorted.

The two people breathed a lot more than before.

"The second thing?"

But even so, at this moment, one person, six beasts, and even the taste of saliva is bitter.

"Angela, what did you say about Brother Chu Lan's surprise?"

"Blast" Chu Lan drank too much, his face was full of hostility.

In this direction, there are ten Level 6 Silver Wing families.

Not familiar with Chu Lan, the new golden lord, so these subordinates dare not show any special thoughts and actions here to avoid causing Chu Lan's anger.

at this time!

But it is impossible to successfully overcome this challenge, but at least for those opponents who exceed the rules by 2% and 3%, it is easy to understand.

"You don't know, we don't judge the strength and level of combat skills. It is the only brain that can be judged in our human virtual network. Although the only brain does not have any offensive and combat capabilities.

With a smile on Chu Lan's mouth, his reaction was simple.

But now she has improved her understanding of the law to 25%, becoming a gold-level 9-level trainer, and Chu Lan has become an empty number.

He just smiled at these discussions, which are just expressions of the truest thoughts in the hearts of ordinary people.

According to Fang Xingyun nine years ago, the combination of potential and talent is the decisive factor in whether a person can go the farthest.

When all of these are completed, Chu Lan will be able to discover that he is connected to this bright beast, which allows Chu Lan to control the life and death of this bright beast.


Using Chu Lan's fingers, all the rotating swords stopped immediately.

Chu Lan felt a slight fluctuation around him.

Chu Lan completely sees herself as a person in this world. He has a strong sense of belonging. Unless he has to do this, there will be 10,000 sinners who don't want to be human.

At the end of the scorching light, it was a familiar figure, and Song Ke could hold a huge hilt with one hand.

They believed that Chu Lan would not operate on them for no reason.

Now, this battle has finally become a real four!

"But it's not right."

If it takes a long time, he may stand here, immersed in a state of thorough practice.

Shi San flew towards Chu Lan, Chu Lan half-kneeled in the air, and respectfully handed the trophy for killing the fifth squad of giants to Chu Lan: "Master Chu Lan, please accept this trophy!"

In the next half an hour, this is a time for collective disclosure.

The first weight can be regenerated with amputation and bone regeneration, and the second can be resurrected with a drop of blood. If Wei Chuanxiong had this kind of practice method, I am afraid he would not die. The most terrifying is the third type, which means that as long as someone remembers Chu Lan, Chu Lan will not die.

Chu Lan's reaction was that a large amount of energy poured into Chu Lan's body, almost never raising Chu Lan from gold level 9 to diamond level 1.

Second, Chu Lan gave them so many resources. Even though Rao Weixiang and Dao were the only absolute evil, they did not have as many resources as they had. "The only brain?" Chu Lan frowned again. This was another new word he heard.

It is like a group of sacred brilliance, sacred, noble, and needs the worship of all sentient beings.

Can you not be excited?

Chu Lan took a deep breath and shouted: "Light is the guardian of light, it almost makes the beast of light invincible at the same level. Is the beast of light the **** of the will of the virtual universe?"

"Take us to the secret place you mentioned. It's time to solve the cancer of our people, Du Qingsong."


There was an earth-shaking explosion.

The power of these 36 kings is very powerful, absolutely not comparable to the ancestors of ordinary kings such as Shen Dong and Yang Lin. They can also directly contact the Supreme Master Benjamin Lent benjaminlent who has been stationed in this chaotic universe for a long time. together.

It seems to have no weight, but it gives a manic atmosphere that destroys the world.

99 stars!

In short, there are many rumors about the bright beast, but in fact, when people see this bright beast, they can count with one hand.

At this time, his body clicked like a broken chain. This was Chu Lan's fetters that Chu Lan forced to break at the 9th level of the silver rank.

Once the Yuanneng Orb falls into the hands of other peoples, it is necessary to erase the source of the soul of the Yuanneng Lord first, and then occupy the Yuanneng Orb as its own soul.

But in his heart, he actually jumped slightly. After all, he has passed the age of posture and posture, and now he prefers to play some plots, such as strong swordsmanship when entering the room. a-v-I seem to be a very good plot.

The voice became smaller.

A group of people with silver wings changed their faces.

The storm covered thousands of meters, and if the storm were allowed to raging, it would probably take only a few minutes to destroy tens of thousands of miles of territory on the earth.

next moment.

Can you not be angry?

"Opportunity, this is also a big opportunity."

"what happened?"

All the Silver Wing families have been unlocked by the key and reused energy instead of without the power of the First World War.

"What if it's stronger? Well, it's just a 9th generation gold medal. Even if I am locked here, I can erase it at will."

Pull the coffin to Kowloon!

Chu Lan didn't directly kill Liu Neng's family based on her "sex" character this time.

The first ray of light born in the virtual universe is a digital beast of light. It guards the order and justice of the virtual universe. At the same time, the body hides amazing dark energy.

"Do you think that if I use my strength and my talents, I will be directly erased by the Great Emperor?" Chu Lan was joking with two women.

You know, the city of chaos is equivalent to 2.8 beta systems.

In this rumor, Chu Lan slept with five women and heard the electronically synthesized voices. The scores on the ID card were getting more and more. He was very happy. Even the power to rest with the five women became stronger. Big.

When Chu Lan looked at it carefully, he became even more afraid.

He looked at Chu Lan and said, "You go to prepare, your ID is very high, but they will not directly send them out of the chaotic universe city. When you are ready, please ask your seventh brother Mo Baixue sends you to the Beta Galaxy.

The mature 9-level animal Lava Tyrannosaurus sent a text message, the content was: Boss, I am ready to break through the whole, how about it? Surprise, boss, wait, I will surprise you when you come out. ..

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