The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 1110: He came up with this idea

Yu Tianrui smiled angrily, but did not argue. He just said, "This is the end of the story. There are no twists and turns. I will not argue with you. I used to clearly see that this little brother is a virtuous person and has nothing to do with you. You should not hold high the banner of Confucianism. Use force to oppress the people."

He turned his head to Chu Lan and smiled softly: "Brother, don't worry. A month later, on the day the Confucian school opened its doors, it chose its disciples. You can go to participate, and enter the inner door with your qualifications. Not surprisingly."

"Since Yu Jin Zhu Lei is the treasure of the teacher, I will draw my sword to win love. One month later, I will return the gold, jade, thunder and lightning and bamboo." Chu Lan said sternly.

Yu Tianrui was stunned and took a deep look at Chu Lan. He could see that what Chu Lan said was sincere. This is very rare. He was very aware of Jin Lei Yuzhu’s important "sex" to his master. This is what he heard. It will be angry to see thousands of reasons why leaders leaning on the floor stole Jin Leiyuzhu.

"Yu Jin Zhu Lei has realized that you are the main character, and forced separation is no longer meaningful."

Yu Tianrui sighed and shook his head, and said to Qian Yi: "Qian Yilu, you'd better consider how to explain today's incident to the courtyard owner, because you have your own selfish desires, but you have caused trouble to many of your classmates. , Almost died."

A dozen Confucian disciples on the ground looked depressed at the moment. They were all poisoned to death by centipedes thousands of feet long. Fortunately, the noble and upright attitude of Confucianism is effective in dealing with these issues. In addition, they are equipped with detoxification "medicine", which does not cause much harm.

"You don't have to worry about my business."

Qian Yi-Lu's face was "green". Where is his previous attitude? This time he suffered a huge loss and aroused the fishy smell, but he did not get any benefits. He was naturally jealous of Shuchu, but he was sad.

He opened the book of heaven in his hand and saw a brilliant and huge light shining, surrounding many younger brothers and sisters who followed him. He saw the book of heaven getting bigger and bigger. Everyone stands on the book, then ascends to heaven and flies far away.

"Uncle Fu Yu is really willing to give up the heavenly book, and even Tianbao Academy has already handed it over to Qian Yilou."

Yu Tianrui showed some envy, but this was just an idea, and he quickly let go.

"Brother, Confucianism has been thousands of miles away since then. Do you need me to take you for a ride?"

Yu Tianrui smiled and said to Chu Lan that his temperament was extraordinary and approachable, and he didn't know how much better than being alienated from others.

However, Chu Lan didn't want to disturb Tian Rui. He smiled and refused, "It is more than a month before the establishment of the Confucian school. This time I am going to travel around the mountains and enjoy the scenery."

Yu Tianrui nodded approvingly, and said: "A gentleman travels thousands of miles, it is better to read a thousand books. In this case, I will leave first."

He said that the body moves, and then enters time again, far away.

This state has far surpassed Genkai and reached the sea. Let Chu is a carefree city.

He calmed down and felt that Jinyu thunder and bamboo were constantly releasing the sound of sky thunder in Genkai, shaking his body, washing Yin Qi through countless entrances, which made him feel much better.

"Sure enough, gold, jade, thunder, and bamboo are very helpful to the monks. No wonder Qian Yi-Lu wants to rob them, even if he opposes them."

Thinking of thousands of people leaning on the floor to thunder and bamboo, regardless of the calculations of the Confucian elders, Chu Lan shook her head, but did not think much, and continued to walk towards Chen Ruoshan outside.

Another day later, he had already walked out of the Chen Ting Mountains. Although the mountains are still undulating at first glance, more people live there and no ferocious monsters can be seen. On this day, Chu Lan came to the cliff. Looking around, the sea of ​​clouds churned, breeze blowing through her skirt and hair, giving birth to a happy heart.

At the foot of the cliff, there is a unique valley. Some strange flowers and grasses grow faintly. The birds are singing in the valley. It is quiet and natural.

"Huh? There are two herbal medicine doctors."

Chu Lan's eyes were sharp. He saw two figures clinging to the cliff and climbing down, obviously wanting to go deep into the valley to harvest yam.

There is also a herbal medicine doctor in Muxiang Town. Chu Lan lived in the mountains with strangers for four years and had many acquaintances. However, he did not expect that there would still be herbal medicine doctors here because it is close to the prosperous areas of the central and southern regions.

"Uncle Shi, is there really red grass in this unique valley? This is close to the Chen Ting Mountains. If you encounter a monster, it will be a disaster."

On the cliff, a heavy teenager asked solemnly, his body as flexible as an ape, climbing back and forth on the cliff, as smooth as the ground.

Next to the boy was a middle-aged man with a leather iron buckle around his waist and a special rope hanging from his waist. His movements are not as bold as that boy. He slowly moved the nail down all the way.

At this time, hearing the words of the young man, the middle-aged man took a break and smiled, "I also heard a yogi mention it. There should be no mistake. Those yogis are higher than God. What's the point of deceiving us? "

"A person with practical experience."

The young man "showed" an expression of desire. He also has three levels of achievements in Qi training, but this is only a superficial method. He cannot be compared with the monks of the sect.

"I hope we can find grass in Chilian, otherwise we will come here from the capital of Longshou Province and suffer heavy losses."

The middle-aged man sighed. At this moment, the young man suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "Uncle Shi, be careful!"


With a long scream, I saw a big eagle with wings spread over ten meters suddenly rushed down from the clouds and rushed towards the middle-aged man.

The attack is very fierce. The face of the middle-aged man changed drastically. He only had time to pull out the scimitar at his waist, wave it at the eagle, and shouted: "Beast, get out of here!"

He listened to the sonorous voice, sparks flew everywhere. The eagle is very agile. He blocked the scimitar with his claws, but missed it either.

The eagle's beak cried again, and its long wings passed over it. The middle-aged man snorted, swept it hard, and fell off the cliff.

"Uncle Shi!"

The young man suddenly yelled, panicked, trying to catch the middle-aged man. However, the eagle swept away its wings like a door, and swept it down in an instant.

"My life is over!"

At the last moment, he came up with this idea.

The eagle continued to dive down, obviously not wanting to let go of an uncle and nephew, but at this moment, a faint voice came from outside the sky. ..

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