You can't wash it ten times cleaner than Mr. Chu. "

She didn't just talk nonsense or look down on Lin Yi. She carefully observed Chu Lan, who never took a bath. At first, she thought Chu Lan was a vulgar person. Later, she found that Chu Lan was cleaner than anyone else, spotless, clean and tidy. This convinced her and shocked her.

In fact, this is a habit that Chu Lan developed when practicing with weird people in the mountains. It’s inconvenient to take a bath in the wilderness. He will change from day to day, and the real yuan will always surround him. Any dust that falls will be blown away. Even if he doesn't take a bath for a year, he will not be dirty and messy, and even his body will have a faint smell.

This is not only for the sake of cleanliness, but also for cultivation. The world has changed skills. It represents that every moment of Chu Lan's cultivation, his cultivation base has improved so fast. Several years of work has broken through from the first floor of Genkai to today's sixth floor, except for the powerful Opportunities and exercises are also related to his own hard work.

At night, Gu Er and Lin Yi slept soundly before Chu Lan got up and took out the "Book of Heaven" to read carefully.

Along the way, he would read "The Book of Human Nature" in his spare time, but he never found it again. His sacrifice attempts are still ineffective, as if this is the intention of the book.

Chu Lan remembered the heavenly book in Qian Yi Lu's hands. This is obviously different and can play a very powerful role, which makes it difficult for him to understand.

Page after page, countless words flashed in Chu Lan's eyes, unpredictable and full of mystery.

Suddenly, all the words disappeared, and then several figures from the Golden Light Chamber appeared.

"Tao is not the road to heaven, nor the road to the earth, so human beings are also the road to heaven, it is the book of heaven for mankind!

Chu Mengtian was stunned. This short sentence was full of supreme truth. The more he pondered it, the more profound it made people memorable. His mind seemed to be immersed in a mysterious mood.

Chapter 43 Buy One Get One Free

Chu Lan felt that she had become a farmer working in the fields, a hunter hunting in the mountains, and a hawker hawking in the noisy streets.

Then it became a general galloping on the battlefield, or a scholar scolding Fang Qiu in court. All kinds of things in the world have become blurred.

I don't know how long it took, Chu Lan suddenly woke up, only feeling that several thousand years had passed. He experienced various kinds of life through different experiences in his dreams. Hong Chen tempered his heart, making his heart more and more calm as water.

In the quiet room, the aurora stone bloomed with a soft light, and Chu Lan sat on the sandalwood chair with a surprisingly elegant figure.

Where is the Humanitarian Bible?

Astonished whispers sounded, Chu Lan was startled, looked at her hand, empty, is there any "Humanity Book"?

He quickly observed the room. The doors and windows were closed tightly, without any movement. The long, gentle breath of Lin Yi and Gu Er clearly reflected in Chu Lan's heart. Everything is natural.

Chu Lanhe checked his whole body, Zhen Yuan urged him to move, and suddenly he was taken aback when he saw his Gen Kai "shoot" a little more golden light.

The golden light is like a sun, dotted in the sky of gold jade, lightning and bamboo. It is timeless and full of great and ancient flavors.

And a little farther away is the fire...

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