"It's useless." Gu Erping shook his head and said casually: Everyone can only get a kind of inkstone from the inkstone in his life, and he will never get it again.

Lin Yi regretted a little. The Yun Jinyan in Chu Lan's hands made him jealous. He thought that Chu Lan would help him find another one, but now his hopes were shattered.

Chu Lan also understood that the essence of Yanshan was limited in quantity and could not be grabbed without limit. It will only cause Yanshan Mountain to gradually collapse and eventually become a pile of stones without spirituality.

At present, they continued to move forward, and when they left the border of Yanshan Mountain, the surrounding space changed instantly, and it became fresh. The colorful world made them dazzled, and it took a while to adapt.

The next trip is becoming more and more difficult. Many people can be seen sitting or kneeling on the ground to rest, because they can't bear the pressure everywhere, and some even fainted.

But this level of awe-inspiring and just pressure is nothing to Chu Lan. Even if Lin Yi gritted his teeth, he could walk over, and the three of them continued to climb up.

Finally, the top of the mountain was visible from afar, and a group of buildings appeared before their eyes.

This is the School of Etiquette and Law. At this moment, many young and beautiful women can be seen at the entrance of the college. Each of them looks elegant and elegant, and the temperament is elegant, which is unattainable by secular women.

Seeing Chu Lan, Gu Er and Lin Yi walking together, the girl from the School of Etiquette and Law immediately laughed and said, "Hey, there are two young students here. Stay in our college, don’t go. We have many beautiful ones here. Woman, we will make you happy."

Lin Yi blushed and was at a loss. A faint rouge scent floated into the air, and the crisp and sweet flirtation of those women made Lin Yi's thighs soft.

Chu Xiaotian smiled. He felt the pressure everywhere disappeared. He let go of Gu Erxiao's hand and said calmly, "Do you want to go in?"

Goul nodded: "Basically, the School of Etiquette and Law only accepts female disciples. I passed the test that asked about the tablet, and there should be no problem. If you want this tablet, it will be very difficult."

At present, she walked to the "women" at the entrance of the college and smiled sweetly and said: "Dear sisters, please take your little sister to ask the tablet to try."

There was another giggle. They seem to be happy to flirt with the new couple.

auzw.com"One mountain has the scenery of another mountain. How can you stop if you don’t appreciate it? Dear sisters, please leave me next time."

Chu Lan ignored the group of Yingying and Yanyan, turned around and took a look. He was already standing on the top of Lifeng, with the artistic conception of other mountain peaks, and the sky seemed small. After calming his mind, he walked down the mountain step by step, up and down the mountain, which seemed to be a baptism in his heart again.

Behind him, Lin Yi escaped to catch up with him, causing a burst of laughter.

After climbing to the top of the mountain, the bitter pressure of Lifa Peak disappeared, which had no effect on Chu Lan and Lin Yi. Therefore, they will not reach the foot of the mountain soon. This time he chose Zhong Yong Feng. Lin Yi naturally had no different opinions.

The peak of the mean is different from the peak of ritual. The test given is no longer an awesome healthy atmosphere, but an illusion everywhere. As soon as Chu Lan climbed the mountain road, she felt that her worldly desires were about to move, and all kinds of desires had been amplified.

The news brought by Ling Qiu was really shocking. All four people in "Vogue" magazine changed their colors. They can sit in the position of the dean. Their eyes were not as good as Ling Qiu, and they immediately knew what was at stake. Demons are inherently powerful, but once they have the wisdom to form an army, they will become even more terrifying. In addition, there are two powerful spiritual realms and command troops.

What is the concept of spiritual power? The four masters of the courtyard are nothing more than this achievement. They are the high-level power of this family. If they rise to a higher level, they will have the same role as the Three Saints. In the entire South Central region, not many people can compare with the Three Saints. The Demon Legion actually possesses a powerful spiritual realm. Once they escape, it is extremely difficult to obtain permission again.

Although the strong in the spiritual realm are both strong and weak, they are easy to defeat and difficult to kill. As soon as they read this letter, Fu Yu immediately said: "I will immediately notify Confucianism to provide protection and never let go of the devil."

Vogue magazine waved its sleeves, flashed a flash of light, exploded in the sky, turning it into the image of a saint. It is extremely solemn and represents the highest crisis of Confucianism. It is not easy to use. The disciples of Confucianism dozens of miles away, seeing this sight, immediately sounded the alarm, and instantly shocked the entire Confucianism.

Tai Xuanshan, Qi Shengshou, Yu Ye and Dongfang Shang are together again. Zhu Jiangfeng is not here now, only the two of them are Confucian. Although they don't know what happened, they also know that the dim space has changed, and they are all worried.

In the middle and south of Yan Country, this is really an eventful time. There is an immortal tomb. The immortal who had fallen for 3000 years was resurrected and turned into demons. Although they have been hunted down and fled to the wild, it is unclear how big waves will appear in the future. I didn't expect that in the past two months, another problem appeared in the dim space. Are there signs that the era of turmoil is approaching?

When the Confucian guardian mountain **** beast heard what they had said before, Ming Chuyu and Dongfang Shang frowned. They discussed for a while, and decided that Ming Chuyu would guard the Confucian school from the east to the Valley of Flames and deal with the dimness. Space. Under normal circumstances, the leaders of the four major courtyards would not disturb them, but since they issued a warning, it was clear that there were earth-shattering events, which are related to the life and death of Confucian scholars, and the two saints should not be taken lightly.

Except for the Oriental injury, a large number of disciples from the inner courtyard of Confucianism drove over one by one. The silent valley of the burning wind became extremely active for a period of time.

The speed of Dongfang Wound was very fast, he opened the space directly, and instantly reached the Flame Wind Valley, appeared on the thirty-six plough formation, his whole body was blooming with white light, dazzling with horror, just like the **** of the moon in the sky, although only missing A trace of aura can also make people feel his strength, confidence, and wisdom, which should not be underestimated. It seems that as long as he is here, there is nothing he can't solve.

"Painted Saints Are Coming" When seeing Dongfang hurt, several people in Fuyu expressed joy, and a hanging heart fell. If there is a painting saint here, even the strong in the spiritual realm can't escape. There is no comparable "sex" between the two. ..

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