The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 1248: Fight for the future

However, the dim space is different. As soon as he enters, he will only repair one layer for Genkai in an instant, and the damage of the Heavenly Rift Heaven will be reduced to the limit. If he is besieged by countless demons again, even he will drink and drink again. hate.

After being mercilessly killed by Dongfang Wound, those crazy demons finally calmed down and were subdued. They roared and ran back to Gu Xing. Gu Xing's eyes flashed coldly. He has thousands of ghosts, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, Groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people Groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people, groups of people

Of course, Gu Xing's first-level achievement in Genkai territory did not produce such a powerful lethality. In fact, he relied on the legacy of the ghost star family, the Galaxy Yellow Map. Although this treasure is not a magic weapon, it is also unusual, with unpredictable ghosts and unimaginable powers. At the top of the dim space, it is indeed a big killer who kills demons and gods.

Suddenly, those low-level demons were slaughtered. Gu Xing's eyes looked at the empty "dang" and "dang" exits, and looked straight at Dongfang Wound's eyes, without a trace. Dongfang Injury is in the highest formation in 36 days. Behind him is a rotating moon wheel. Around him was the thunder of the sky billowing. They are both strong men standing on the top of the mountain. Without any words, they can feel their will. This is the determination to never compromise. Whether it is the Pluto family or the Confucianism, there can be no retrogression in this step. Only the complete elimination of the opponent is the only destination.

Now that the existence of the Pluto team has been confirmed, Dongfang Wound no longer thinks about it. He waved his sleeve, turned and left the thirty-six plough formation. He felt a little heavy. The Pluto family set up an army at the entrance of the dim space to welcome the human monks. I am afraid that no matter how many disciples they send, they will be surrounded by the Pluto family army. After all, the entrance is only so big, so few people can enter the dim space at the same time, how can they become the opponent of thousands of demons?

However, the 36-day plough array looks difficult, but it will be cracked sooner or later. As soon as I read it, Oriental Injury knew he had to gather people to look at the problem from a long-term perspective.

Seeing Dongfang Wound disappearing from his sight, Gu Tianxing also had a worrisome "color". Dongfang Wound was slaughtering the demons wantonly with the Taixuan Crack, and the unstoppable force made Gu Tianxing feel heavy. The human race has such a powerful existence, which is his Pluto disaster. , The Pluto army looks like a lot, but it can't stand the beheading of the Eastern Wound. As long as the Eastern Wound rushes into the army and the moon rolls several times, countless people will die.

In the face of a strong man like Dongfang Wound, the number is meaningless, but it is cumbersome and easily affected by fighting. Only the strong above the spiritual realm can kill him. Fortunately, no matter how bad the Eastern Wound was, he also had concerns and did not dare to approach the dim space. Once the Eastern Wound entered the dim space, his cultivation was suppressed, and Gu Xing had the confidence to kill the opponent. However, the Ghost Star clan cannot stay here forever. Thousands of troops consume astronomical numbers every day. Barren and dim space is difficult to support. Only by rushing into the human world can they fight for the future. ..

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