This punch looks simple and unpretentious, with only a series of electric **** handles around the fist. However, the domineering weapon of boredom, with hard flesh and blood, phoenix wings and gilding, no matter how you look at it, it is self-destructive and surprised all the audience.

Even if you have the most confidence in Chu Lan Shannan, you will inevitably have doubts. On Chu Lan's level, you shouldn't be so unwise. Chu Lan's punch really has nothing to praise except for courage.

"What does he want to do? It's too confident to beat hard with his fists and beat gold with Phoenix wings." Someone whispered.

Yunshui was also confused. He was the highest-ranking person among everyone present, but still couldn't see Chu Lan's intentions.

As for Yu Yanfei, the angry phoenix brows flew up. As the person involved, she could feel that Chu Lan had indeed given up all the changes, and all the skills and all the strengths faced the sky with one punch.

"No matter how good you are, can you still regret my spirit? This is too demeaning."

Yu Yanfei was furious. His eyes seemed to be burning with flames. The dancing purple phoenix let out a scream. She was initially grumpy. Otherwise, she would not use Phoenix wings and gilding to install such a large opening and closing weapon. There, she could bear Chu Lan's attitude of giving up others.

However, Chu Lan didn't think so much. He just wanted to punch. Since practicing Thor's tactics, Chu Lan suppressed herself for too long, ascended to the First World War in the dim space, and climbed to another peak at this moment. "Boom——"

Shining, the water waves flying high in the air, Yu Yanfei's face changed drastically. He saw from Chu Lan's plain fist that endless power surged out, and the purple phoenix wailed and shattered, revealing one Phoenix wings gilded boring. Yu Yanfei only felt a huge shock and bite back over him. Almost all real renminbi are scattered. The phoenix wings and gilded boredom in his hand were lifted aloft, and he wanted to get rid of them.

Yu Yanfei's mind was shocked, but she was born strong. How could she endure being killed by a single blow with her hard-saved weapon? She would never let go anyway. Instead, she forced Sadamoto to surrender the boredom of the gilded wings.

But some things do not depend on will. Yan Fei's true essence is gone. Even if it is a strong breath at this moment, it can't do much. The gilded phoenix wings really seemed to grow a pair of wings, flying to the sky from Yan Fei's hands. Yu Yanfei was shocked by the floating blood, stepped back, and almost fell into the lake.

Chu Lan punched it. Although there was no change, it was simple and direct, but it condensed all of his merits, a human race composed of gold skin, silver blood, and jade bone.

But seeing this scene, the whole water pavilion was silent inside and outside. Only the boring voice of phoenix wings rose up into the sky involuntarily. Everyone opened their eyes wide and was very surprised. Even mature and smooth continental clouds have different colors.

It didn't take long for Yunshui to recover. Chu Lan was accepted as a true disciple by Nine Saints, which proved his talent, and the record of killing 3,000 demons in a dim space, proved his strength, and was defeated by Yu Yanfei, which is understandable. But Chu Lan knocked Yan Fei's weapon away with just one punch, which was beyond Liu Yunshui's expectations.

Chu Lan's fists were gentle at first. However, after contacting the Phoenix wing-shaped gold-plated boring machine, it instantly burst into a brilliant and huge momentum. ..


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