Bu Feiyang finally understood why Yu Yanfei didn't get a punch. It wasn't that Yu Yanfei was not strong enough, but the meaning of Chu Lan's boxing was too scary and shocking. In confrontation, once one party loses its momentum, the result is self-evident.

But Bu Feiyang has his own pride. Although he likes to be in romance, his cultivation is a real life and death experience. Chu Lan is even more powerful and interested in him, burning fighting spirit.

"I'm not afraid that you are strong, but that you are too weak. You have not practiced the Heaven and Earth Law. I will not let this method bully you, so I will hit you with my fist."

Bu Feiyang whistled and punched out. This is Frost Fist. With a punch, endless cold air surging out, the temperature suddenly rises, the lake is frozen, thick cold mist appears in the air, and Bu Fei Yang's figure is like Hidden in the cold fog.

This type of boxing is the strongest and most powerful one Bu Feiyang has mastered. It not only has the effect of freezing the opponent's body and blood, but also accelerates the cold fog, hides the body, and moves as fast as lightning in the cold fog. With Shuangquan, Bu Fengyang didn't know how many strong men he had defeated, and now he had absolute confidence in dealing with Chu Lan who could not cross the sea.

Seeing that Step Feiyang and Chu Lan were fighting again, Liu Yunshui stepped aside and paid attention to the battlefield. This banquet was actually prepared by him for Bu Fengyang and others. This group of people come from all over the world, ready to do one thing. Liu Yunshui worried that they didn't know what to do. He did not pick up the moths in Taixuan City until he summoned them in advance to issue a warning. However, Yun Shui accidentally discovered that Chu Lan, Xie Yunxiang and others appeared in Taixuan City and invited them. However, he did not expect that Chu Lan's performance was so amazing, which greatly increased Yun Shui's interest in Chu Lan.


On the surface of the water, the cold wave was raging, and the flying figure seemed to have disappeared and was hard to detect.

Chu Lan immediately urged the book of heaven, opened his eyes and broke the fake, the light in his eyes burst out with a strange light, and he flew up and found out in an instant, and then blasted it with a punch, no matter how big the change of Frost Fist was, how many traps there were, and how many Chu Lan didn't realize the move, but she used her fist to cover her up and flew, suppressing it severely. Although the cold fog evolved from Frost Fist can isolate people's eyes, it has no effect on rolling fist strength.

Thunder's fierce fists tore through the cold fog, and lightning roared one after another at an incredible speed. Bu Feiyang opened his eyes wide, and he was horrified to discover that no matter how he dodges, he can't escape the chase of Thunder God's Fist, and Chu Lan's terrifying fist strength is shrouded in the four directions, causing Feiyang to give birth to an unparalleled sense of concession. He is Shuangquan. She was torn and proud, and she didn't even understand why Chu Lan could grasp his real body from the cold mist at a glance.

This also led to an inevitable step of flying. There was no choice but to regret desperately. In the roar, two fists hit one place. This blow was more terrifying than the previous battle with Yan Fei. Frost and lightning splashed, and the speed of the flight roared. He was very angry and made every effort to turn the situation around. However, the overwhelming force made him back again and again. His feet stepped on the water, and the splashing waves reached a height of tens of meters. When he finally stopped, the speed of the flight looked ugly, his clothes were messy, his hair was loose, he swayed and fell into grace.

Yifan looked at Chu Lan in shock. Chu Lan's boxing power is too strong, containing an invincible will. This will spread all over the world. Anyone who opposes Chu Lan must be afraid before fighting. How can one be invincible? ..


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