The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 385: Birth, new god!

"How did you do it!" Watching Chu Lan crush the God of War gods, Vulcan's voice began to tremble.

"When you are testing the effects of drugs, I am also studying the divinity of love and beauty." Chu Lan said, "What you gave me placed her divine, is actually a protective cover? There is a very subtle breath on it, I guess , That should be the breath of Jupiter."

"You!" Vulcan was really shocked. "What are you talking about?"

Chu Lan kneads the shattered dignity easily, just like kneading a ball of dough.

But every kneading, a little golden light was dispelled from the broken godhead.

He looked at Vulcan's figure and said, "Now, our contract conditions have been fully fulfilled, and the contract is completed, you don't need to continue acting."

Vulcan said puzzledly: "I don't understand what you're talking about? But you have completely killed Mars just now, and all the other gods feel it. I can feel that Jupiter will appear soon! Look at our cooperation, you gave me a lot of good things, I advise you to leave immediately!"

"No matter how powerful you are, you can't fight all gods with one person!"

Facing the good intentions of Vulcan, Chu Lan was completely unimpressed.

His hands are still squeezing, and the golden light in the broken divine light beam in his hands is getting less and less, and the remaining energy is extremely pure and transparent.

"It seems that in order to be able to know what is in the outside world, you are willing to pay a high price." Chu Lan's words completely broke Vulcan's disguise.

He said almost angrily: "How could you know! I clearly didn't show any flaws! Impossible, this is almost perfect, you must have read my mind by some method!"

"It turned out to be true." Chu Lan kneaded hard in the last few strokes to completely remove the golden light from the broken **** lattice.

He looked at the huge transparent energy in his hand, and his eyes were full of appreciation.

There was not a small lightning flash in that energy, but Chu Lan knew that it was not a real lightning, but the regular power contained in the divine personality.

"Spartacus, come here!" Chu Lan said.

Spartacus seemed to understand what Chu Lan was going to do. He suppressed his excitement and knelt down at Chu Lan.

Chu Lan grasped the group of dignity and pressed down directly at the eyebrow of Spartacus.

The divine personality, which had become transparent, was pressed into the body of Spartacus by Chu Lan.

Spartacus only felt that he started to burn.

He felt his body full of power, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that the whole world was completely different in his eyes.

In the sky, on the ground, even in the distant people, there are different energies everywhere.

When Spartacus looked at Chu Lan, he saw a huge mass of energy.

Behind Chu Lan is a ghost of energy.

This energy is so huge that it covers the entire sky and ground like a giant on earth.

Spartacus really understood how terrifying Chu Lan's power was at this time.

He stood up slowly, and everyone who saw Spartacus understood.

Now Spartacus is no longer a human being.

He has become a new god. Spartacus’s blonde hair dazzled like the sun, and a small flash of lightning flashed in his eyes, although he had not yet fully grasped the rules in Chulan’s divine personality, but By virtue of his talent and understanding, it won't take him long.

Spartacus floated slowly.

He looked at the slaves who had followed him.

The slaves looked at him too, and countless people cried in a low voice.

The birth of the **** Spartacus means the death of the human Spartacus.

"Don't cry for me, my friends." Spartacus's voice came into their ears. "I haven't forgotten my past. I know who I am. As a human being and as a **** I am no different. I will still be with you, I will always protect you, and I will give you freedom!"

"I am not the old god."

"I am the new god."

"My name-Spartacus, the **** of freedom and unyielding!"

When Spartacus said the name of the god, a huge vortex appeared between heaven and earth. In that vortex, you can see the vast universe outside the sky! Around the vortex, countless lightning flashes thundered in the clouds.

A holy light emanated from the center of the vortex and enveloped Spartacus.

At this moment, his heart felt, his eyes looking at the sky were full of shock.

Chu Lan knows that this is a sign that Spartacus has been recognized by the world’s will in this world.

No matter how powerful a person is and how to call himself a god, if he is not recognized by the will of the world, then he is not a true god.

Today Spartacus has truly become the **** of this world.

And his divine name is the **** of freedom and unyielding!

When the light disappeared, the powerful vortex suddenly disappeared.

The calm of the past is restored in the sky, the blue sky and white clouds are still as usual, just like what happened just now is an illusion.

But Vulcan, who saw all this happening, was full of bitterness.

He knew that what happened just now was not an illusion, but a real existence.

Because in his perception, he can feel the familiar and strange personality fluctuations in Spartacus.

A new **** was born before his eyes.

And the birth of this new god, many of them are the result of his help.

Vulcan knew how Spartacus' life began, but he didn't expect it to end.

Spartacus felt his strength, and he flew to Chu Lan's side.

This new deity, with the respectful attitude he had when he was a human, said to Chu Lan with extreme humility: "My Master, thank you for the power you have given me! Without you, there would be no me today. I Still your servant, willing to do anything for you."

Chu Lan said as usual: "The **** of freedom and unyielding, this **** is very good name, suitable for you."

"Thank you for your praise." The new deity bowed his head respectfully to Chu Lan.

Chu Lan stretched his waist and looked at the sky as if he saw something.

"Okay, the prologue is over, the really interesting part is about to begin."..

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