The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 597: You are so ugly

Just need to breathe the air there, drink the water there, and eat the food there in that world.

Occasionally eating some good things, people can live directly according to their original flesh and blood.

And because there are countless wonders and countless challenges there, it is not boring because of the long life.

Colonel Hamos published a life publicly tens of millions of years ago, saying that his research ushered in a breakthrough and found a more advanced solution than biotechnology.

He discovered that there is a magic law in that magical world. As long as it is in that world, everything is not a problem, and eternal life is not a problem.

The language of this BOSS may be taught by a math teacher. Why do you say this, because this is obviously a word game, a nonsense statement that refuses to apologize.

In fact, Hamos discovered the problem of his research.

He thought that this time it was a failure, and some people opposed to themselves are still good, at least can keep some intact pure real life.

At that time, Hamos thought that he would cooperate with the group of unrestrained rebels against mechanical technology, so that they could protect the perfect but not eternal life.

Wait until you have worked out a truly perfect plan, then give up these imperfections, return to the original star, implement your own most perfect plan, and get loved again. So he issued such a statement.

The statement said that a more perfect solution than biotechnology was found, that is to say that your biotechnology is imperfect, and your own research has been breakthrough, that is, what your previous research failed.

The implication is that for my failed works, in order for me to prove that I am successful, you have to be imperfect for some time or never be perfect.

But my research is perfect. You victims of cannon fodder. Once my research is successful, I will remove you, all of you who failed.

At that time, I went to the original star to get applause again.

What a terrible and cruel experiment this is, and how sad this group of guinea pigs is.

But the boss in front of him didn't understand all of this. He just thought everything was fine. Although he was a little confused and doubtful, he still admired Hamos.

At the moment Chu Lan was wearing Hamos's clothes, exuding Hamos's breath, and talking to him in the tone of Hamos, this BOSS was already in a panic.

If Lord Hamos’ plan was successful, he transformed himself first, the transformation was successful, and transformed into what he is now, then he came back with real and perfect experimental results.

This is also possible, why not?

With such a guess, this BOSS is speechless.

Then he saw Chu Lan slapped again with two slaps. He didn't dodge or speak, just stunned.

He was really too excited.

I heard Chu Lan say, "What's the matter, who allows you to eliminate the pain sensation, this is my privilege."

Chu Lan's words were completely Hamos's tone.

Because before Hamos said that he had cut off his neurons for the sake of war, he was very proud when he said. In Hamos's opinion, it must be a privilege to cut off his own neurons.

It turns out that Chu Lan was right.

The BOSS knelt down immediately after hearing Chu Lan say this.

He said in his mouth: "Your Excellency Hamos, you are really back, you are back."

Chu Lan also felt lucky in his heart, so he casually said a few words, and the other party was convinced.

I haven't introduced myself yet.

Chu Lan was surprised, everyone was also surprised.

They secretly communicate with a spirit spring.

"Did you see that this person is too cooperative? Mr. Chu hasn't started his performance yet, which directly helped Mr. Chu verify his identity."

"Yeah, what's going on, I don't know, how can I say that Mr. is Hamos, Mr. has not introduced himself yet."

"It's really fast for this person to enter the drama. What's going on? This will not be the spy placed by Mr. Chu here."

"What is a spy, this is called inside and outside."

"Okay, this time is stable, this time we succeeded, Mr. Chu is awesome."

Chu Lan didn't quite understand here. Why did he become Hamos himself? Did he say he was Hamos?

I was wearing a military uniform of Hamos. Isn't anyone wearing this kind of clothing again?

Chu Lan thought about it, in such a country of personal worship, perhaps no one dared to wear the exclusive clothing of Hamos.

Thinking of this, Chu Lan still asked deliberately: "You, I didn't say who I am, how dare you say that I am Hamos?"

The BOSS was even more afraid when he heard this, he must have been sloppy, or where did Captain Hamos get angry, what could he do?

I heard the boss saying, "Colonel Hamos, don't blame me, let me explain."

I heard this person explain: "Colonel Hamos, first of all, our atmosphere is very stable under your care. Only we have invaded others, and no one has bullied us."

"So no one would dare to come to us to invade, so you must be someone in our atmosphere, this is the first point."

"Your clothes are not allowed to be worn by a second person here. Although you have not returned for many years, we all respect you very much. We always know that you are the first person in this universe."

"Your breath, no one can imitate it, because you are the strongest, so no one can imitate your breath."

"Your looks, your looks have changed. This is the least like you, but it is also the most like you. You said, you are looking for a real way of longevity, and, you said yes Experiment with yourself, and you will come back if you are successful."

"In fact, we have been waiting for you. There are also these people around you, eleven of them should be your guards and members of our universe council."

"Now it seems that you succeeded, you have already done it, so you are back, so I conclude that you are Colonel Hamos."

Chu Lan is very happy. This is called Kung Fu and everything is there.

I just made the details, and this was directly recognized as Hamos. It seems that the relationship of this atmosphere is complicated, but the brains of this atmosphere are really simple.

Chu Lan said: "Very good, but you have too many words, and why do you look like this, so ugly."

The BOSS was very sad to hear Hamos say himself. ..

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