They danced around, they were like children, and they felt great enthusiasm from them.

They continued to discuss:

"In this place these years, although the ancestors are very good to us and everyone is very friendly, but they never get real happiness, and they can’t find opponents if they want to compete. After all, there are just a few of our own universe. Individuals, if they compete with other universes, it can only be learning."

"But because this kind of learning is not talented, it can often only feel some rules, and can't really get the essentials. Even if you know the essentials, you can't really show it, so the bones have been itchy all the time. Say, this person is an absolute master."

"Hopefully, he can let me show my greatest strength and improve me. Hey, I don’t believe that he can win me. Under my rules, everything is up to me, even the ancestor, There is no way."

"I hope so too, but what excites me more is not whether I can improve it, but I can use the raindrops on my body to feel the wonders of this world as before, and let the world feel my wonders. , In our water droplet universe, our daily life is rain."

"This kind of rain is very magical. When it rains, we will release our own energy, and then come and exchange energy with the world to get the energy we need, and release the energy that other people need. So, we drop water The universe has become the most peaceful and friendly universe."

"Forget about it, there aren't enough memories. Now it's still a good time to prepare for the game. The game hasn't been experienced for a long time. The game is like the hot wind blowing through the grassland of our elephant universe. With this hot wind, I can feel that I am really alive."

"For tens of millions of years here, I feel that I am not alive because I am a combination of hatred and the despair of losing my family. I don't think I am a real life."

"That's right, a person with a lot of hatred and hatred, a person with so many things to do, a person whose own life is not his own, but belongs to the dead family members and compatriots, how can he have his own life , We live not because of ourselves, but for revenge."

"If this hatred is not reported, we will not be able to live for ourselves one day, how sad it is for someone who cannot live for ourselves, but for family and friends, for our responsibilities, we have to In doing so, this is a burden, but the burden is meaningful and very glorious."

"But this kind of burden really makes us breathless. For tens of millions of years, we are no better than anyone. Although we have not suffered any harm, we have met people like our ancestors and lived in such a stable. In a peaceful environment, the pain in our hearts has never stopped."

"That is, before, we did not let ourselves live, only let ourselves live in hatred, not let ourselves live in happiness, we are right, today our game may be a carnival before death, or it may be before victory Carnival, but no matter what, we are almost on the battlefield." "Regardless of whether the person on the opposite side is an enemy or a friend, I think after this game, it will be on the battlefield. Before going to the battlefield, will all the troops be themselves? Everyone indulges indulgently, and the general will try his best to satisfy the wishes of the soldiers and soldiers below, and the atmosphere invaded us at that time."

"So when the battle started, when the atmospheric soldiers conquered our universe, our generals were like this, standing in front of the largest arsenal in our universe and telling us, let us say the greatest wish in our hearts, let us enjoy the joy, Let's drink as much as we want."

"Let's do what we want, let's sing loudly, let's be extravagant, no subordinates, no complaints, only friends, only family, only one cosmic creature united together, at that time we felt Life is precious."

"Feeling the dignity of life, feeling the unity and warmth, and how happy it is to support each other.

But after that time, I never felt alive again. A war took away the lives of everyone, only a few of us. "

"If it weren’t for the ancestors, all of us would be dead. After being awakened by the ancestors, we looked at the wreckage of our universe. Where else we can see that it is our beautiful honeycomb universe, and the run-down wreckage has no space. The law can be said, the whole is a broken wall, all the rules are destroyed in it."

"The rules are the most beautiful and rational things in the world, but they are defeated and defeated by the evil animal without any rationality. I still think it is caused by my weakness. I have never been free from it. Today , Just let me live for myself."

"Just let me continue the memory of tens of millions of years ago, let me live this time well, then, we will face it directly with our ancestors, even if it is dead, I have no regrets, how can we say Also lived once."

"Yes, that’s it. Even if we die, we will live for a while. This game hopes that our opponent will not cheat or cheat us. If he cheated us, seized our psychology. In the name, let us open the door and then kill us directly, what should we do?"

"I don’t think so. First, with the wisdom of the ancestor, he can fully distinguish the purpose of this person. Since the ancestor did not object, it means that this person should be trusted, at least he does not It’s going to be a means of playing in the middle of the game. Second, I’m based on the spells of our planet."

"Of course it is also that we combined the ancestors to teach us the bones to look at this person. It is indeed not the kind of person who will use the three promiscuous methods. I can even feel a tyrant in him."

"A king can’t do this kind of thing, so I believe that even if he is our enemy, he also feels our state of mind, knows our situation, and wants to give us dignity. If it is really In this way, then he is indeed a respectable opponent."

"If this is really the case, then I must give full play to my advantages, I must defeat him, let him understand our strength, know our excellence, understand that our dignity is not a ridiculous play, but worthy of being maintained proud."

Everyone feels that this sentence is particularly good, and tells the essence of the matter. ..

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