But this time it was not financial creatures, they were not civilized, not just talking about the economy and other creatures, but some robbers who burned and looted, this group of people.

Well, it doesn’t matter what money is or not. In their eyes, money is dung. All matter is irrelevant, because there is nothing in their lives. They just want to destroy and enjoy in such a situation. Destruction, Taurus has no attack power and cannot defend.

And they don’t have much spiritual power, let alone what is the light of hope, and then the light of emotion, etc., and their confidence in the economy doesn’t make them feel that the economy is useful. They can’t eat, drink, or attack. No one else can do anything with it.

It seems like how to say, all people are no longer going to engage in the economy, no one is going to produce anymore, no one comes to share some of their lives, no one comes to do any service for themselves, and they don’t go Do any service for anyone, this is because of war.

The war has paralyzed the entire society. There is no fairness and no rules. Before the disaster, everyone had a meaning to say. All the rules and regulations that everyone has followed before have not been declared, but now they are all destroyed.

No one came out to preach justice, no one came out to punish evil, so everything was popular, deception and fraud cases, these things once brought the economy into collapse, and then the Taurus Taurus went crazy.

And the constellation that controls the emotions that the Taurus and Elephant universes lack. The lack of emotions in these two universes is the main reason for their collapse, but if the Gemini, which controls the emotions that both the Taurus and the elephants lack, can give Taurus and the elephant The shining of the emotional light of people in the universe may be able to persist for a while.

However, they just don't have this emotional light, but with the emotional light of Gemini, their situation is not very good, because in a previous disaster, Gemini faced a group of people who can control the emotions of people Emotions can reach very negative extreme light.

They control the emotions of darkness, and then fully mobilize all the evil emotions of all the people of their planet and the part of the kingdom of God and the **** of the kingdom they control. People are caused by the collapse of emotions. The overall collapse of society.

And the emotional light of Gemini just happens to restrain this, but now it is no longer a matter of emotion. Now it is some people who are in charge of the economy and other basic abilities. They come here to start burning and looting. Then use their rules to make everything.

At this time, emotions are useless, because these people in charge of the economy do not oppress your emotions. When the emotions of the entire nation are not oppressed, the people often have no direction. At this time, Gemini is powerless. They only Can guide when people's emotions are out of control.

Now, the emotions of the people are not out of control, but under the normal circumstances of their emotions, their lives are still a mess. At this time, Gemini has no way, they can only see that watching everything happens, their hearts are full of annoyance and regret, They thought about how this could happen.

Your own power, your own emotions, aren't these the most fundamental things in this world? All constellations think this way, but they are powerless, they start to question themselves, and they question the rules of the world, at this time.

Everyone’s emotions and the year are no longer at a boiling point, because they no longer believe in themselves so much, they don’t have the confidence to attack and collide with others with such a big force.


Instead, he began to doubt himself, and began to disintegrate and attack some of his ideas.

As a result, the boiling emotion quickly began to cool down, and then reached a liquid state, and this liquid was different from the previous liquid.

When all the emotions were brought together before, because of the full fusion, the fundamental color of the liquid presented was opaque and very vague. There are many things in it that are not clear whether it is a magazine or something, but now, these When the liquid turns from gas to liquid again.

It is actually a relatively stable state, and it does not look as colorful as before. It looks like they intersect, but they are not very soluble in each other, but now it is a relatively transparent, and although the color is still colorful, But it looks more harmonious.

Is a state of blending.

Chu Lan knows what is going on, because the whole world and the whole laws are all under their own control, and under their own control, they are truly integrated.

The reason for the liquid blur in the past was caused by each planet’s confidence in itself and its ignorance of other planets, as well as their blur of the world, and now they have experienced such a simulated world development, because the development of this world is very In line with the laws of reality.

Therefore, they have made up for all the shortcomings they had before, and eliminated their misunderstandings about themselves and their misunderstandings about others, so now, everyone keeps a more humble and comparative Willing to accept the state of others.

They also recognize the importance of others and themselves, so that they understand the relationship between the individual and the whole, as well as a relationship between themselves and others, so that everyone can easily tolerate and integrate with each other. At this time, everyone is truly a unity.

It is a real harmony. Under this kind of harmony, everything goes from opposition to unity, and all contradictions are melted into unity, so everything is in the most scientific form of existence in the way it should be , Exists in the whole world.

Before the world is formed, the will of the masters of these future worlds and this world view have been merged into a very peaceful and unified world.

What Chu Lan wants to see has been seen, and everyone is also a little enlightened in it. After the enlightenment, they have risen countless lights, and then these lights flashed from the countless people, from the countless people. The body rises, and after the fall before the rise, the color of their light also changes.

Then everyone went through the baptism of this disaster. ..


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