It will be greatly improved by breaking through the shackles of this knot, so what is this special way of this special situation? As the saying goes, this heart disease also requires a heart medicine, as long as the heart is concerned with a few things that a few people care about.

Repeat these things, reunite these people for a while, listen to him talk about his events, solve misunderstandings, or explain happy fears, such as these people did not misunderstand him, such as himself I think too much, for example, there must be a misunderstanding.

After he could untie it, his heart suddenly opened up, and this knot was naturally untied. Therefore, many people in history have been desperately trying to find such opportunities, such opportunities, to liberate their knots and liberate themselves.

Let your mind reach a kind of six-rooted purity. How to calm the six-rooted is not to say to endure, but to guide, wherever there is a knot, to block it, to clear it, to find a way to open it, This is the best way to make six roots clean, so everything in the world.

This person who is chosen by heaven and earth, or his own life is very good, these people are born with a high level of life, their ideological consciousness is different, and they think about the world and their life from different angles. They can easily think of this. , But thinking of one thing is another thing.

How many people in history have been searching for this opportunity all their lives, letting themselves get out of the shackles of their own destiny, let these common things that they have in the world become trapped in their hearts, and then want to use a kind of Way to open it, to unlock it.

But I have never found such an opportunity in my life. How many regrets in life? But how many people can solve the regret? This is even more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. Moreover, this opportunity is not available to everyone, even if it is destined.

Destiny and these, the ordinary old destiny, they are better than these ordinary destiny is that their destiny has helped him avoid the troubles of these worldly shackles in advance, so they can move forward, they can only six clean, But once these destinies are also disturbed by these worldly shackles.

Just like the talented, extraordinary talented ruler recalled by the will of the world before, he was plagued by emotion and the secular shackles of love, so he lost his mind and did the wrong thing.

The world will think about how many people who were shocked and glamorous at that time were defeated by this worldly shackles, because, when they found out, no matter how hard they are, how smart they are, and how lucky they are, It is impossible to get rid of the interference of worldly seven emotions and six desires.

It is also unlikely to use his own way, nor to find a way to find such a situation to liberate his shackles, because things are people and people are not the truth of the world, think about it The person who gave you the shackles may have died long ago.

It may have ceased to exist for a long time. In short, it disappears into the vast sea of ​​people. When you see him again, then you are seeing him, then the height will be different, and the size will be different. Maybe he was stronger than you. It can make you feel that way, and then he bullies you and makes you grudge.

Why must I bully me? Why lie to me? But when you leave this person and grow up within a period of time, you start to grow and change. In fact, you already have a basic understanding of this kind of thing in your mind, and you have a basic attitude. Care about these things.

When you meet this person again, you don't want to ask him at all, why do you bully me? Because at that time, you no longer want to mention one of your fingers, you don’t want to say a word to him, because you think he is too far away from you, and you and he are not in the same world.

He doesn’t even know you when he sees you. He doesn’t even dare to look at you because you are so much stronger than him. At this time, he can no longer give you the same feeling as before, and you can’t revenge anymore. Because you have contradicted, your inner contradictions. When you were weak, you were bullied.

You have been let down by this person, you believe in him, you think he is very good, but he bullies you, because it feels that you are weak, which causes you great harm, but you see him again, you are much stronger than him, You no longer think of this person as someone close to you, so there is no more betrayal.

Therefore, he can no longer be the unlocker of your spiritual shackles, but your spiritual shackles still exist, so it is difficult to say that you want to rely on this changing environment to unlock this secular shackle.

So later, many wonderful and gorgeous characters began to change another way to unlock their own spiritual shackles, that is, to directly erase the influence and restrictions brought about by these spiritual shackles, and since then, these themselves have great luck , But there is no one who is favored by destiny.

They got a great development because they were not bothered by secular shackles, and the way they lifted this shackle was also very straightforward, that is, directly obliterating. Does this have any effect on them? Actually there is no impact at all, why do you say that.

Because these things are absolutely superfluous for them, this burden is absolutely superfluous and superfluous. Think about it, a person, before she was ignorant.

She still can't understand what an innocence is like betrayal and being hurt, or even something that is not worth mentioning at all. When things should be treated lightly, they take these things to heart. It's not supposed to be on your heart, this kind of thing on your mind.

In fact, all the influence on them is superfluous, they are asking for it, in other words, he is asking for it, but when they eliminate them, these things will no longer affect themselves, And these things were originally superfluous, and they were not originally the fault of this person.

So it’s right to eliminate it and completely eliminate it. This is a shortcoming to one’s own heart. I did a kind of elimination under the influence of external forces. This is very good, without any side effects. Of course, those who can let themselves eliminate these marks are actually more ruthless.

But they did get rid of it, but how many people in this world are willing to dust off their memories? ..

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