As if it were just an insignificant animal, as if it were an item, it had lost a life, a higher intelligent creature, and a dignified creature with emotions. Later they were used to it, they got used to it, and when they got used to it, these people who didn't know where to emerge.

Suddenly became evil, suddenly less cautious, suddenly less religious, before they had seen a trace of guilt in the eyes of those people, and some of this hidden heart, but later they found that They treat their bodies.

They don’t care so much about their lives, they start to become evil. When they cut their bodies, they no longer use narcotics but directly cut their own bodies and cut their skin. That painful I feel that the taste is simply that the memory is still fresh.

They scolded while cutting, although they could not understand what they were scolding, but they could feel their anger, they still spread a layer on the skin they had already spent, then they didn’t know what it was. Later, they directly whipped their bodies.

Crush it, and then repackage these loose muscles that have lost their activity into their skin. This is a brutality, a way to exterminate humanity, although, although they said Some behaviors may be because they have needs.

Maybe it’s because they are aliens, maybe it’s because the two parties can’t communicate, they still give you anesthesia, they are also a civilized experimenter, but then they have become brutal, they already know that they are the last creature, but They still do not change.

They have intensified, and later learned that these people’s atrocities, these incomprehensible atrocities, are actually venting. As a robot, they are the lowest layer in the primitive atmosphere, they are often beaten and scolded, often Be treated unfairly.

When they found out that these creatures were actually rational and thoughtful creatures, and they were losers like them, the demons in their hearts were ignited, and they were angry under the hands of those people they could not beat. , They have to pay it back ten times and hundred times here.

This is what I learned after I learned their language and listened to what they said. Think about how much these creatures hated these people. They just wanted to kill them.

After the anger in the hearts of the people was mobilized, they actually saw some people come in. Oh my god, they were the robots who killed thousands of knives. He was familiar with their images. These robots were originally a group of people. What the robot looks like, I don't understand, I thought it was a motorcycle standing up.

They have a pump cylinder above their heads, without eyes, and then a big oil cylinder on their belly, and their limbs are shiny. Then, the skin on their faces is all steel, but they have no eyes, no mouth, and can vomit. In other words, their body structure is like a cockroach.

That is, the cockroaches that talk on their stomachs, and some of them also have eyes, but they grow on their heads. These are their most original appearances. This group of poor worms are deceived and become People are not ghosts or ghosts, these poor worms, they are confused in their eyes. Their movements are cautious, they show a kind of caution, they show a fear, it is these robots, they just came to the void, when they first discovered them, at that time, they waited People actually thought it was some poor creatures from the poor universe.

So, although vigilant, they did not guard them too much, and gave them some food and water from the void. After these people approached themselves, they did not indicate their purpose but pretended to cry, and slowly approached. Spend a few days and nights with myself.

They also did not eat their own food and water, but one night they suddenly burst out, holding weapons, fierce, although timid, but did not hesitate to stab them at their bodies, and then wait for themselves It was calculated.

I believe that many creatures in the void space of the void at that time also experienced the same thing. These people took advantage of their sympathy for them, and took advantage of the last kindness of these kinds of people to actually break them down and then Pressed the dissected body on his body.

At that moment, they scoffed at almost all kindnesses and almost all kindnesses. They were unwilling to believe in anybody or any aliens, even the void creatures with them. It is impossible to believe that all kindness is ushered in.

What comes back will only be betrayal, all will be deception, only harm, whether it is those who attacked their own atmosphere, the universe, or these people now.

Those universes, how friendly they were to them before, sent some people to strengthen the resources of their own planet, taught them a lot of microbial knowledge, and won their trust, otherwise how could these atmospheric creatures be so easy Break through the core of your own universe.

They captured the most important part of their own universe, destroyed their universe in such a short time, how could they understand their weaknesses so much, these are all things that evil people will do, that is, they will use the goodness of others to come To gain your own benefit is to deceive goodness and bully goodness.

They just want to force goodness to become evil and defeat them, and their purpose is achieved. What a terrible state of mind is this, why are such people born? Why squander the right, why gain strength, why live better than others, why?

The more they think, the more angry they are, there is a fire coming out, they think, if you give yourself a chance, these tens of millions of years, they don't think about it all the time, where they are and how they met again in the end these people? How to witness their evil and unbearable again.

How will you punish them? In the end, send them to where they should go, send them to hell, and completely eliminate their arrogance. These people let them realize that they did not realize their mistakes. Use your own way to get angry with yourself.

Release all your grievances.


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