The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 821: Sinister destiny

From incomplete to complete, from irregular to rules.

So no matter who it is, the rules above the God-man, the world will above the rules, or the destiny above the world will, all these things should actually know that these things exist and all should know their own Imperfections and imperfections in this world exist.

Perfection and imperfection are always relative. There will always be more perfection and no perfection, so that the world can develop better, and evil, evil is the original sin in human life, but as God, as the rule of the world will, as Destiny. As a person who has got rid of the original sin before.

These things can't let go of their own human nature, but they can't let go of their original sins when they were still in the world. These people who judge the so-called human nature, in fact, they don't have real detachment, real Transcendence of human nature is actually an absolute perfection and absolute rationality.

And this absolute reason and absolute perfection is actually relative to the evolving planet, that is to say, God can only be called absolute if he keeps making progress and keeps the relative perfection of himself and the world under his control. Perfect God, and destiny doesn't seem to understand this truth.

He believes that he is already the best, so he has not made much progress for so many eras for so many years. He is just using his own standard to arrange the world, so there is no real upward trend in this world. development of.

But in a level, when the destiny regards itself as the most perfect thing and no longer progresses, the world begins a horizontal meaningless energy conversion, rather than a positive upward energy accumulation. And what about evolution?

It’s like a class. There is a learning tyrant in this class. This learning tyrant is very powerful. He can get 130 points from 150 points every time. When he thinks that his 130 points are not the highest, he still wants to improve He still wanted to take a few more points, so he got 140 points.

When he was asked to score 140 points, everyone in the class also felt that the gap between him and Xueba was actually a fixed 30 points, so everyone improved by 10, but when he learned this, he thought he was already The most powerful, 140 points is already a perfect score.

Well, these people under the ground can never be higher than their own scores, but all these people have such a sign that they are higher than their previous scores. How could this be allowed by this schoolmaster, so this school Ba did just one thing.

That is to tell everyone, tell everyone that the full score of this test is only 140 points, and they are already the highest score, and the difference between the scores of Xueba and Xuejiao, or that of the students, is at least 30 points. When the score difference between someone in the school **** and him is less than 30 points.

Then Xueba thinks this is not his problem, and these scum and students have broken the rules, because the distance between God and man must be 30 minutes, so he told these people to guide these people to play his Learn the hegemony effect and tell these people that they must regard their progress as a sin.

Then transform it, so he used his identity to fight against these people, to drag the cold water of these people, and then to form a relative static between the scores of all the people in this class and his score, but this This kind of relative stillness is actually something like standing water.

It seems to be constantly changing, but in fact this kind of change is meaningless, it is not progressing at all, but this advantage is constantly being eliminated, and the generation of elimination is happening, which is actually like a person. I got five apples, and then another person said you threw the apple.

Then take another one, this is progress, this is a kind of balance, in fact, this is a waste, because the apple that this person takes, if not thrown, then continue to take, if you continue to take, then in fact the whole will get a new The development of the horizontal direction.

In the development of this new horizontal direction, there is a shuffling process. In this process, Xueba may no longer be the first, the third may become the fourth, and the last one may also become the first. One, this is the real balance in this world.

One of the most correct ways to really progress, but now the destiny does not know whether it is out of unconfidence, or out of a true absolute self-confidence and conceitedness, which makes this world like this, which is not acceptable to Chu Lan, In such an environment, Destiny looks absolutely majestic.

It seems to be just, but it is blocking the development of the world. To Chu Lan, this destiny must be eliminated by himself, and he must be defeated. Destiny has not recognized his mistakes, or if he cannot realize his mistakes. In that case, Chu Lan felt that he could only destroy it directly.

Then let this world start to run in a real direction, even if you can’t kill the destiny, because the destiny may have some unfavorable relationship with yourself, then you must let this **** kingdom that you will build soon, They must be independent.

No longer suppressed by fate, Chu Lan said to the will of the world after making up his mind:

"I'm not here to kill you, I'm here to discuss and discuss with you, the destiny behind you and you, whether your ideas and your attitudes towards the world are right or wrong, would you like to debate with me?"

The world will hear Chu Lan say this, and he is even more afraid to speak, because if it is a person who directly kills him, then this person is actually a higher state and more powerful, but his pattern is actually not Very big, but Chu Lan said so now.

He felt that besides strength and state, this person's pattern might be greater than destiny. All of his thoughts did not seem to be bound by his own power. The world's will vaguely felt that destiny had already been his own. Fate is bound, he may be afraid of his destruction.

He may be afraid of causing instability to this world, or he may be afraid of being surpassed, so what he has been practicing is actually a clever way of attacking, that is, all the progressive factors of the whole world, all things that may evolve, the most It is possible to sublimate things.

It is all a suppression in his way, or another way to control, he controls all the characteristics of life. ..


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