The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 824: Reclaim the world

How to say, in the eyes of everyone, in fact, the whole world is under the running push and pull of others. I didn't feel any hindrance, but in fact, in their running process, everything was reclassified and decomposed.

All the world is reduced to the space between the void and reality, which looks like a void that has never been developed, but these are actually the voids that have just been developed. The first step in the development of the void is the first step of the wasteland, the wasteland, the void There is nothing in it, especially clear.

But it is not the same as the undeveloped time and space, so it looks very wonderful, but these are not felt by the realm of these outer space creatures, and outside the developed void, there are some things floating, these things are Some inherited things from the world.

For things that cannot be broken down, these things must have a very strong force to dissolve, and this dissolution process cannot be completed by everyone. The reason why they feel unimpeded is that all these things have been collected by Chu Lan. Where no one can see.

Above this void, in the middle of this void world, where people have just left, these things are constantly condensed, they are divided into different colors, carefully counted, it is actually 13 colors, 13 colors In fact, at the beginning it was the same color, it was the color of chaos.

Then this chaotic color began to transform into colorful light, but after the light, it was subdivided into 12 different colors. Among these 12 different colors, there was actually a mixture of 12 colors, the 13th Color, this color goes in 13 different directions.

That is, the development direction of these 13 different people ran towards them, and these energies were still on their heads. While running, they absorbed the useful things from the wasteland they developed, and turned them into a kind of energy. , An energy group constantly enters the energy.

Then this energy is constantly transformed and absorbed by each other, transforming each other’s needs into that person, and finally his energy is divided into two parts, one part is to form a particularly large group as a repeated part, this group is special Very large.

Moreover, there is such a trend that it is faintly transformed into three groups of elliptical matter, and the other 13 groups, that continue to follow a few people into this unexplored void, when these 13 people enter 13 different directions respectively In the void.

During the development, the thirteen regimens of energy began to act as the seeds of a world, and the collected energy also began to become a large seed. A preliminary evolution of the world began. The prototype of the world began to appear, and the world as a whole was four. Sections.

Three of these parts are the kingdom of man and the kingdom of God and hell. These three parts are in the middle, and there is a very large vacuum belt between the middle section and the 13 constellation universes. There are countless of this transporting material between the vacuums. Transmitted substances are those that cannot be broken down.

It can’t be composed of transformed materials, and then these 13 energy seeds are transformed into the original appearance of the world in the world’s body, and everyone feels that there is a mass of roots in their bodies, and then they are actually transformed. For countless stars of countless stars. The combination of stars is exactly what he was before. The lion, the balance, this man and horse, and some other things are all in each galaxy, and I later found out that, These countless galaxies are actually different light spots in the same world, and then everyone is standing here to become a Buddha.

Then began a transformation of parasitism and divinity, and all life in the world has been transformed into a string of life energies, respectively, in 16 directions, that is, the 13 constellation universes and the three human states in the middle. There are hells in the Kingdom of God, and there are countless transformations between them.

This looks like a super-large planet. The middle of the planet is not a sphere. The three substances of a sphere are combined. That is to say, a sphere is cut into three parts. The middle part is the world. The world is like a sphere. Natural place, but in fact, the sky is round and the ground is round.

It’s just that this circle is a flat circle, **** is a kind, a small semicircle wrapped from bottom to top, the kingdom of God is a small semicircle wrapped from top to bottom, and then the whole world will be there Its prototype, a little light in the middle, everyone is amazed by the greatness of the world.

Everyone found that they had the urge to discuss with some people, but they found that there was only themselves. They were so far away from others unconsciously. Just now everyone was fighting together, but now they are gone.

Everyone Chu Lan couldn't remember what he wanted to do or say.

What do you want to say, discuss or discover? Let them find that they are very far away, very far away, and they don't know why in their hearts. Many things that Chu Lan wanted to say and didn't want to say, they told themselves that they were already a god, all the past they had before .

It’s not important anymore. What I just need to remember is that I still have a lot of partners in other places, and I don’t need too many contacts with them. However, there is an inseparable connection between myself and them. Here is the seed of life that Mr. gave himself.

Spread them in the area under their jurisdiction, and then borrow each other and develop each other, then what should be done, what should not be done, there is an understanding in the heart, all the previous thoughts and releases of the past Chu Lan couldn't remember anything that couldn't be stopped.

Now Chu Lan and the will of the world have seen all this. The will of the world marvels at the greatness of Chu Lan’s power, affirming his choice more, and feeling that he has chosen the right path and followed the right person, so the will of the world Begged Chu Lan to help him to build a barrier for this whole world.

Chu Lan then secretly imposed another forbidden subsidy on the ancestor, and after fixing it more stable, he and the will of the world will build the barrier of the world world, because the importance of this barrier is actually to let the world Independent of destiny.

Become one of the most important things in Chu Lan’s own new world, so the success or failure of this barrier is the most critical, and all the words and instructions that he wants to say to everyone are hit in the world and hit the world. Among the seeds of life. ..


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