He will immediately be a super universe, regardless of whether the creatures are just beginning to grow or what, after all, he is blessed by Chu Lan. Such a starting point is used as the basis, then everything is different, and this world wants Into a super world.

A super universe, in this universe, the world will no longer be able to think of itself as the most powerful as before. They will definitely understand their status and their roles more clearly. This is the world, this universe has become a super universe. Inevitable.

Of course, the rhythm here should actually be the will of the world, understand its own truth, understand its position, and then make a counter-complement to the entire world, but now because the master is too strong. Because he is Chu Lan, suitable for men whose destiny can fight together.

Here, the sixteen worlds, the three kingdoms of God, the leaders of the three worlds of hell, and their ideological foundations are all too powerful, so they form a kind of one from the bottom up Refutation, in this refutation, if someone in the world will understand.

Then they can continue to be world-willed people. If they cannot understand, in fact, Chu Lan will make a good arrangement for them. Chu Lan's arrangement is if these world wills can see their identity and status clearly.

Can be very good, enough to be 100% willing to do their own services for this world.

Then Chu Lan may also be willing to let them continue to do the will of the world, but if they can’t do it, they are not willing to do so, they always think that they are the main body of the world, and all the creatures are nothing more than Yes, this passerby only.

Well, in this case, in fact, they are not suitable for this world will. In fact, when Chu Lan selected the world as a god, that is, when Chu Feng, he did not intend to let this world in this During this time, a new world will have been produced.

Because there is always a person who must be designated by himself, and the person who formulates must be consistent with his own foresight and his own view of the world, otherwise, a world will not recognize the reality and cannot see the future. Unqualified, if you use it to dominate the world.

Just use it to get in touch with human beings, use it to drink in the direction of the development of the universe, and to be a leader, then he will definitely be lagging behind. Therefore, Chu Lan directly transformed the world's will that he had the same idea as before into the world. God of will, then it will act as the will of this new world.

The combination of the will of the old world, only the new and old merger of Xin, the new is directly extracted from the old, and this new retains the superiority of the old, remembering the limitations of the old, so as to Become a truly superior new, and now the will of the world is such an existence.

Therefore, it is impossible for Chu Lan to hand over the world to those world wills that have not undergone real transformation and real development before. It is impossible to see the future from them and it is impossible to choose any of them. A new world will god.

On the contrary, these world wills are now a state of being chosen, not chosen. They still do not understand this truth. They do not yet know that they have actually faced a renewal of the era of the world. In such a renewal, If you can grasp the essence of the times.

auzw.com Being able to understand the direction of this world, then they may still make progress, but if they cannot understand it, their final ending can only be eliminated, these wills do not know themselves What will be faced?

The wills of these worlds came together, so they came to the world where the will of the world will be Chu Feng, and negotiated with him. This world will also become a prophet that looks very wise and masters the endless mysteries of the world, trying to deal with this Chu. The wind causes world pressure.

Do they think that Chu Feng is just a person chosen by fate?

There are many people chosen by destiny, and it does not need the assistance of the will of the world. Over the years, no one who has not been assisted by the will of the world, and no one who has not been assisted by the will of the world, has died. Are you aware of the mysteries of the will of the world?

To scare him with things he doesn't know, he will immediately compromise, he will immediately know what he wants, then at this time all the things he wants will be able to be taken away, everyone thinks like this, So he came here and turned into a prophet.

Facing Chu Feng, esoteric said:

"The seeds of this world, the seeds of this world that are nurtured by countless rules, can you grow healthily, what the **** are you doing here? Do you know why you came here, and how many years have we been in this world? ?Do you know why we exist?"

"Do you know who we are, why do we come to your side. And how do you think about it, how do we want to communicate with us now? You shouldn't let us say what you don't understand, if That’s how I would like to let go of my identity."

"Go talk to you in your language, remember, children, me, to help you, remember, children, never against our will, remember children, you are lucky, countless people in this world, There are very few who can be chosen as the gods of the world."

"If you are selected to discuss the world with us very few, then you, you are that lucky person, but there are countless lucky people in this world, because there are too many chances in this world, in this countless era The lucky ones, when they have the luck."

"Some of them start to get lost, some still remain clear, and those who keep clear will listen to us, and the lost people are arrogant and arrogant, and we are enemies, but we are as the guardians of this world, as this world. The most essential and essential thing."

"We don't know why you exist, but you do exist who have lived in this world for countless years and always act as the protagonist of this world, but in fact, we are the protagonist of this world, and later we figured out, where we are The world and the realm are not what you can understand."

"So we realized that there are just too many people in this world, so they all think that they are the protagonists. If you understand these words, then you understand."


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