The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 838: Longing for Paradise

This is simply a paradise for them.

That is, the real home they are looking for, they even forget who they are, they even forget what they are doing here, they even forget what they are doing.

He even forgot who he was looking for, because in fact, these world wills are in the poor stage, not that they are in the high class, they don’t feel much, they will deal with humans in this countless era , They are in every aspect of human life.

They watched human beings in countless sorrows and joys, and they don’t know how many epochs. They haven’t seen such a harmonious, calm and joyful scene, which is very touching for them. This is their favorite thing, their most I like this kind of human being.

Their favorite is this kind of life, so it may not matter to them what the owner is or the guest.

They are used to guiding some of these people’s spiritual world in secret, for example, in a dream, when they are daydreaming, when they are joking, giving them a guide to make their own life more confident. , And then establish a better mental state.

Then these people are fed back and shocked by these good mental states. This is what they most want to feel. What they want is not the so-called authority, so they come here to really want Go directly to negotiate with this person in power in this country.

After signing the contract, they don’t even want to negotiate. They are not in a hurry to negotiate or feel anxious. They just want to feel more here and feel more about the happiness of this world, the happiness of this world, The peace of the world is amazing.

So they saw countless scenes of daily life of these primitive stars that made them very happy and made them also have a happy mood.

These world will see that this country is actually present, this is a very peaceful scene, there is no obstacle in the country, and there is no peace in the world that is usually a little dull when it comes out, in fact , At the beginning of many worlds.

In fact, there is no regular, normal world like this world, and they should be the time when this world was just born. Gods, people, ghosts, and all other elemental forces in this world, such as demon races, other races Or some, it doesn't exist at all.

But when some forces begin to wash the world and start to collide with the original elements of the world, and then produce some other elements, or produce some other species, other life, these conditions exist, then in this case, The whole world has to experience countless opportunities.

To constantly adjust and approach Destiny, because Destiny is not willing to change, so he is also unwilling to change himself, and he is even less willing to admit and change his incomplete and perfect self-created system. Under such circumstances, in fact, The world is created.

After the world was built, it was not complete at all, and the world was not perfect. So, how did Destiny transformed the whole world into the world he wanted? In fact, he used a relatively coarse way of world reaction and transformation , If the way the world grows is rough mine.

So the things that this world wants to use, the world he uses, and the life he wants to use are innumerable. For example, if a world is more capable and higher in the world of creation, and is willing to let itself The power to turn the world into a good direction from the beginning.

And from the beginning, it will be regular, and it will be the seeds of his life selectively, not that these people arranged by destiny are the same as the world. From scratch, without any guidance, it is not Give him any strength, just let him operate in his own way.

Destiny just put in the required arrangement and gave him certain blessings, he became the real master, and then the master of this so-called world is actually a chess piece of Destiny. Destiny cultivates him and makes him a more powerful person , Made him hate the world.

Then Destiny asked him to do something to make the world the same as Destiny requires. In this way, this way is bluntly, in fact, it is a game that Destiny himself and himself are playing. In this game, there is no People win, no one loses, because everything is not important.

Only destiny is playing, he turns a world that does not seem to be his fixed world into a imagined world in his own way and rules, and then he feels successful In this process, he has no feelings for this world.

He has no feelings for all the creatures and all creatures in this world, including their destiny. He doesn’t care about how the world works, nor does it care about the meaning of this world, and even the life of these lives. mood.

I don't care about these so-called joys and sorrows, even more what the world will look like, how much experience the world has developed to what he wants, and how much energy does the world use? How many people's bone blood and how many people's blood and tears are used?

He only cares if the world finally becomes the world in his way. He only cares if the world listens to him. If he listens, then the world can continue to exist. Of course, he is in a good mood. But if you don’t listen.

Well, this world simply does not exist. Destiny, to put it bluntly, is two different people from Chu Lan. He mainly wants to rely on his own strength to play, because it is too easy for him to obtain these strengths. His life is not as colorful as humans.

So I don’t know if it’s jealous or destiny. There is really no way to understand it. Born as a person, as a creature, in this world, there is a short life, but there are infinite possibilities of this kind of happiness, and this sweet and bitter, human taste , How rare it is.

So all the primitive worlds are actually chaotic. Destiny, or his creation god, did not give them a good start, either without the ability or the will. ..


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