It’s not because I’m weak, I’m normal, you have more than me, and you have more things than me, of course, it’s normal.

But you can't use what you have more than me to get more things. You can't get this flower that hangs high because you are taller than me. Again, you can't because you are beautiful, It is better to live than me, more is that you cannot have more because your strength is stronger.

You can’t have more opportunities than me because you are smart. This is unfair. You should treat your high, your handsome, and use your strength, and your skills, all of which are regarded as a kind of For things that are too important, it means that whether you are stronger than me or not, we should live the same day.

What is the reason? Does this make sense? Is it fair to say that it should be? So, the so-called good and evil, the so-called fair order, in fact, on the one hand, it is a comparison of the weak to protect their own interests The lower end is a weaker way.

On the one hand, they don’t know how they should become stronger, on the other hand, it seems unlikely that they become stronger, so they want to condemn people who are stronger than them in this way, and want to get more rights. , Want to let your rights and interests no longer because you are in a disadvantaged situation.

In this society of natural selection, you can stay a little longer and stay a while longer. Such a thing, let alone destiny, Chu Lan does not like it. After talking about these losers, let them become strong, they What kind of mentality is it? Will they still care about these so-called rules of order?

Doesn’t he say that rules and order are the things of the weak, and the strong don’t care about these, and the strong are the people who make the rules, which is actually the fact, so it’s true that everything has nothing to do with good and evil. So to speak with the will of the world, a long time has passed.

The world’s will has already said it when it was discussed by itself. The world’s will is also understood this way. In fact, many of the world’s gods are also understood this way, but there are some of the world’s gods, it is better that they gain strength and make rules For real fairness, and some animals they make rules.

Just because there is no fairness, it is a fixed way for the fittest to survive, and then the mindset of the strong respected. So these are relatively strong, but they are not at peace, and these surly creation creators came to this planet and created this world.

The first thing they want is to determine their status and establish an absolute authority for themselves, and this absolute authority is to break everything, just like everything that doubts them must die, let everything doubt them, and disbelieve them. , Disappeared.

Here, in their world, they want all people who hold a wait-and-see attitude to die, or to submit to them, or to look at them, just like the gods, or to die.

They want this effect. What they want is to make everyone think of them as the supreme ruler, so as not to threaten their authority, so that they can do whatever they want, and they also have this consciousness in their hearts, that is to say They will think about everything the way. Go to the development of this world, or let the development of this world be in such a relative position of water and ship, keep yourself the first in the world, you must take care of your will On top of this world, without saying that it will be eliminated by this world.

But who can guarantee it, especially with this kind of unwilling will to suppress the mentality of others, the world is progressing with the development of the will, which is impossible for anyone to suppress, even if it is destiny It can only put such a state that the world could have risen straight up.

Change him into a spiral rise. Although this will greatly increase the speed of development of this world, there is no way to will its trend, that is to say, it must be the will to develop upward, no matter how slow it develops, so Say if you can't break through yourself.

Can’t move forward, then they are destined to be eliminated, so these creator gods are dead, but this is that these creator gods did not understand this truth before death, just before these creator gods created the world, at the beginning When building, the most they want to do is prove themselves.

How to prove yourself, that is, to break something that no one can break, that is, to conquer all that no one can conquer, this thing is the will of the world, how to conquer the will of the world? The most crucial thing is when signing a spiritual contract with the will of the world.

As long as the existence of the spiritual contract is based on the state of fear and attachment of the world's will, rather than equality, or that God is attached to the state of the world's will, then even if a conquest of the world's will is completed, how can it be done? What about this conquest?

It is to use their own efforts to obtain their own realm, to embarrass the world will, 2 to the world will understand, ang these world will know, let them know forever, this world is not at all he can say, then the world will have just begun When I did not think of these humans at all.

Those who finally got some rules and then, with the permission of the rules, with their own acquiescence, who have achieved today's great achievements, have such courage and courage to challenge their status, and in a hurry, actually Let them succeed, so in this countless era.

Of course in the first few epochs, the world will indeed not be caught by some creation gods, and then do some not-so-good things, and then let these world will suffer dumb losses, and then the world will take these creations. The world **** does indeed produce a feeling of fear.

The world's will is indeed in such a situation, really ignorant, they originally thought they were at least a teacher's image, or the status of a teacher, not to mention that the world expected by the world's will is based on the world's will. The will of the world will be predominant.

After a few times, the will of the world will grow, and they secretly pay more attention to the connection between themselves and energy. They pay more attention to how to protect themselves when the Genesis God is in trouble Ability, as a result, the degree of integration of the world is actually not high.

Because the contract between Genesis God and the world is not equal, nor is it signed under the willingness of the will of the world. ..


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