This is what Chu Lan most wanted to know.

Because friction is inevitable in the development of the world, the development of the world requires the cooperation of different people, and among different people, they each have their own background-based values ​​and have different demands, because Different pursuits come together.

But what they are doing is the same thing. So how do they cooperate, they must think, how to compromise as much as possible in the direction of what they do, or does the world want to compromise it? What kind of compromise is the most fundamental and effective effect on the development of this thing?

Today Chu Lan just wants to see that if people with two different backgrounds, different strengths, and different values ​​need to sit together, they need each other, so they must have a common direction, but if this direction is not established If so, then these people are together.

In the end, it is certainly impossible to come together. What he wants, what they want, and what they seem to do together are not successful, but now these people don’t understand Chu Lan wanted to see these reasons. They were in these wrong ideas.

What exactly can the world be brought to, or to what extent can it be done? Or how much destructive power do they have in doing so.

The top ten Yanlu felt the arrival of Chu Lan, and they all felt afraid, but they did not dare to say that the top ten Yanlu’s fear was actually more like this kind of child’s fear of parents and children’s fear of teachers because they I feel, my God, now Mr. is watching here.

But we are powerless to this weak and nasty world will, now Mr. think we are useless? This matter is very embarrassing, but we don’t want to be embarrassed, sir will definitely scold us, sir, is the father, sir, is the father of everyone in the wild world.

He scolded us for what he should be, but he would really feel lost. If he can’t make a contribution, then at least be idle. Why can’t he be rushed back by the husband, and if the husband doesn’t want to scold, then go back What do those people think of us after arriving in the wild world?

I said we were ashamed of our loved ones and said that we did not cherish this opportunity. We must know that when Chu Lan returned to the Honghuang world to select some people, there were indeed many people who were squeezing their heads because they wanted to agree with Chu Lan. Because the opportunity to work with Chu Lan is an opportunity for them to break through.

However, Chu Lan chose the top ten Yanlu, because what Chu Lan can see is the possibility of the top ten Yanlu. Other people can't see these, others think like that, and think that the top ten Yanlu is shit. Fortunately, the top ten Yan Luo also felt that they were just shit.

But my luck is so good, and now I am still performing so mediocrely. I am also helpless about these things. Isn't it a curse? The world will be afraid, because the world will never feel murderous from this man, but they are still afraid.

Because they feel the possibility from this man. Now it is a man who wants to kill them, then he does not need to do anything else in his mind, as long as the other person blinks and waits for others to disappear, How could there be such terrible energy.

In front of their own destiny, I did not feel such a great pressure. Under the fear between the two parties, the stalemate between them actually became smaller, but they did not find that after their power came down, those other The world power they bring is actually a special form of endless flow.

In an unexpected form, they all gathered to Chu Lan's side.

Under the control of Chu Lan, the source energy of this world is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. Finally, a super whirlpool is formed. If there are people in the wilderness world, they will find that this is actually the reconstruction of Chu Lan. In the nether world, when the nether world gradually clears.

It was the kind of maelstrom that emerged at that time, which was based on the energy of the world’s origin and assisted by consciousness before it formed the true core of the world and the root of the world, but the world is actually the world’s will and the world. These two things make up energy.

Now, the world will see that it has less and less energy to control, and then follow the flow of the world's original energy, they will see Chu Lan, how can they dare not look at Chu Lan, because they know this Men can kill them with just one look.

Therefore, it is only to promise and concede defeat. So they also put their hands down and no longer controlled the energy, and let this energy flow to Chu Lan continuously. Chu Lan, this man, has more and more energy around him. Ten Yanlu found out After Chu Lan took control of these energies.

So they gave up their control of energy, and then all the sources of the **** world were transferred there. After the energy was enriched, they actually made a small hell, which is the appearance of 18 layers of purgatory. I looked and looked and looked again, as if I was studying something.

Now, whether the two parties are the will of the world or the top ten Yanlu, their mood is very tense, and their resentment towards the other party is deeper. They feel that if they are not the other party, they cannot fall into this situation.

The world will think, if not these people suddenly develop here, if not they want to make themselves ugly, and then want to get more power from this negotiation, and then set up this big formation, if not Because of the threat of this large group, how could he use this unfriendly way.

How could he attract such a powerful man if he didn't use it in this way? If he didn't come here, how could he be afraid? You know, in countless eras, the people who fear the will of the world have not existed, even if it is destiny.

He must also obey certain rules to control it, otherwise, how could he be afraid of destiny? But this man is different. This man does not seem to be bound by any rules. It seems that he is incapable of any rules. It seems that this man is in one breath.

The whole world is going to be destroyed, all the rules don’t exist, what else can you do? What else do you have to insist on, even if it is destiny, don't you dare to appear now? If destiny dares to appear, how can these people now be given control of the world. ..


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