The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 865: Appellation attitude

Chu Lan is also accustomed to this, because in his opinion these people say that they are many years older than themselves and have lived countless epochs, but in the realm, they really do not have their own strengths and knowledge of the world. , Understanding of yourself, in understanding everything.

Indeed, there is no deep understanding of his own. Chu Lan thought that all these things are actually the shackles set by the person for himself. The so-called age, according to the age to arrange elders and juniors, of course, there is nothing wrong, because the blood relationship There is no you without him here.

Without you, there would be no him, then this age and this generation should be connected in this way, that is, the older should get more status than the younger, get more respect and get more Many authorities, this is right, and around this older person.

For example, if a person is the grandson of another person, then this grandson must call his grandfather beside his grandfather. This is the migration of seniority, and it is also the assimilation of seniority. In human society, in ordinary human society.

Then there will be many cases that this person and the other person do not know each other. There is no blood relationship and any social relationship between the two people. The two people feel very good, and then the two people have become year-old friends. This is also true. Among the year-old teachings.

If the old man lived more confused or casual, and the young man lived smarter, and often there are more ways to be more responsible, then this young man will become one of the old man This kind of dependence will become his dependence.

So in fact, then this young man seems to be taking on the role of this adult more than this old man, so Chu Lan doesn’t feel that as a person who has only a few hundred years of life, he doesn’t even have 100 Years of life, and then act.

What's wrong with being the elders of these big brothers who have lived for tens of millions of years, because they are indeed the highest responsibility, the most responsibility, the greatest risk, and the direction of the world, the world He depends on him for most of his operations.

So it is wrong to say that everything is according to him as the highest status? Moreover, Chu Lan also feels that all this is actually a shackle that people give themselves. Now the elderly are considered to be elderly in their 70s and 80s, but if the human life span reaches 200 years.

When the average life span reaches 200 years old, then at this time there are only 70-year-old elderly people. Are they still considered to be elderly? So, people in their 40s and 50s look at people in their 70s and 80s, don't they think they are the next generation as they do now.

But they are regarded as a kind of life with themselves.

It’s just a few years older than myself. That is to say, if the life span of human beings transitions from 80 to 90 to 100, or 200, then this name between the entire human being, The so-called human generation is in chaos.

That is to say, now that you have eternal life, you don’t have to be restricted by these things. Then you have the ability, strength, responsibility, ideas, and direction. You should become the backbone of these people. Zi Zi is not called to bow down.

It should be said to be dependent or respectful, is there anything wrong? Isn't it the soul of a team in a team? As the soul of the wild world, shouldn't we be able to enjoy this kind of treatment, but Chu Lan saw a trace of disdain from the faces of these world wills.

These world will think that this group of people looks like an incarnation of justice, but in fact it is not a bully or a hard goods. They think that our strength is not counted, or that they can’t beat them at all, so they dare to treat us like this, you look at him To this powerful man, hum, not like grandson.

These world will think this way, Chu Lan is angry, although these human relations are justifiable, Chu Lan is still angry.

Because he thinks how these people think of each other does not actually involve their character, they are so calm, and in Chu Lan’s eyes, it seems that these world wills are actually in this direction, and his mentality is actually not bad. That kind of existence is forgiveness.

Or they are problematic, they are just not very familiar with this, but this is not very familiar with this world, in their eyes, this world should not actually appear in their eyes, neither of these people Should appear, the Yan Luo should not appear.

This world should collapse within its established range, or the original destiny, not such a group of people who are not carrying destiny but carrying another destiny. For them, they are not very Can be welcomed, because they are always a community of fate.

They can’t accept such a law of development that can manipulate the world and people beyond destiny. Such a system, these people and everyone here are individuals under this power, that is to say they belong to two different Group, and they understand.

The so-called different two groups are calculated according to their previous time. Until now, they have not felt the connection between themselves and destiny. That is to say, they have been classified as loot to this mysterious. Man, they also guessed it.

The world will think of its own destiny, in fact, as a subordinate of Destiny, and then Destiny and this mysterious, powerful man fought a form of struggle in a certain realm, and then this man won a decisive victory. This kind of absolute victory.

These people, as prisoners of war, were cut off by Destiny. Destiny might be afraid that this powerful man would follow his connection with them, and then do some terrible things to them, so of course he was abandoned, these abandoned I should have been killed.

But this god-like man, he not only did not intend to kill himself and others, but also planned to let himself take over to take over his previous world, then in fact, during this period, there should be a new world will arise or the founding **** can directly Host the world.

And now this man actually wants to continue to manage the world of these things himself. ..


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