Even the connection between air and land, including the combination of liquid and solid, has undergone a change. In this change, the world is full of aura, full of possibilities, full of everything about energy. Mental strength.

There are countless laws and secrets about the perception of elements. This gives all life in this world a very high level. The creatures here no longer have to practice hard, they can obtain supreme value. The challenges they face are about spirit and humanity.

There is also the essence of the world, not the kind of hard work to break your skin, and then reshape or break your own bones and bones, and then reshape, or to practice your own internal organs, these belong to Body refining, and body refining, is actually the most basic and basic thing for the gods.

Many people, if they are in a more ordinary world, in ordinary life, their main task is to practice physical fitness. For them, there is no way to cultivate Qi without practicing physical fitness. There is no way to become an immortal in Xiu Xian, so in fact it becomes an immortal.

It is their lifelong pursuit, but in this world, becoming a **** in the entire universe is actually just the first step in exploring the world. Only when you become a **** can you complete the same as playing from your home to the county. Leap and play from one world to another.

Becoming a fairy just means that you have the ability to visit the world and treat the world as your town. The unit of God's life is no longer a village, a village, a country, but a unit. Take one world as a unit, so that you can see the world wider and farther.

Only then can we study this world and develop this world, can we say that you are a god, in fact people or other intelligent creatures, their development process and the extent to which they have developed are already doomed, they should be as early as tens of millions It can be done years ago, or as early as countless epochs.

that time. It should be time for it to develop to this point.

At the beginning, humans were indeed creatures without wisdom. Later, they developed countless eras and countless human beings. After inheriting their own wisdom and inheriting their own experience through inheritance, humans accumulated countless experiences. Accumulated countless knowledge of this world.

At that time, humans began to understand their own shortcomings, began to recognize their own inferior roots, began to see themselves, the world was not perfect, and then many people began to explore the nature of the world because they had long regarded the world as their duty .

They also regard these things as their most important pursuits, and then continue to develop like this. After reaching a certain stage, do the destiny and the materials of these realms equivalent to the destiny feel a kind of fear, or a kind of being replaced, being felt Domination fear.

They did not want to be suppressed like this, and began to design such an innumerable vortex, let people continue to repeat and continue to suffer in this warm and saturated person’s life and death and red dust reincarnation, but in fact, humans can already use their own One's own practice.

auzw.com or a structure of the world, it is not subject to these things, or its own original sin, but destiny does not allow them to do so, so under the arrangement of destiny, good and evil Original sin appears, and good and evil and original sin are part of human nature.

But at that time, at a certain stage, in addition to believing that humans and such advanced intelligent creatures, in fact, there is already such a possibility that some of their inferior roots and these things can be completely eliminated. Destiny sometimes does not know what to use. Method, what to use.

Using another form of design to impose these sufferings and drag on humans forever, it is likely that after the war between good and evil, humans were blinded by the subconscious arrangement of destiny, humans I began to think that there was definitely a gap between myself and the fairy.

If you want to become a god, then you must do your best, and God is your ultimate goal. In this way, even if a person becomes a god, they will substantively close their countless potentials. This potential means, In fact, it is easy to become a god.

After becoming a god, what should they do, what kind of breakthrough, what kind of contribution should they make to the world, or what kind of higher level do they need to achieve? Such urges are rare, because they think They can't do it. It's their success to be God.

This is the best place for them. They can’t move in. That’s why human beings in these circles have been spinning in this circle for so many years, and Chu Lan wants to break this strange circle, and Chu Lan wants to let People directly from this endless red dust trouble.

There is also the so-called eating and drinking of Lhasa, and the liberation from birth, sickness, and death. Chu Lan wants people to know that a person is actually a **** when he is born, and a person who is a **** when he is born. What should he pursue? What should he pursue? As he said, he was a **** from birth.

Then you don’t have to do anything, just live happily for a lifetime, but the deep nature of human nature is to have continuous exploration and continuous breakthrough of such a nature, which leads to that it is impossible for man to maintain a natural state forever. However, they must seek a breakthrough, and this breakthrough.

Whether it is to destroy the world, prove yourself, or to prove yourself by transforming the world and upgrading the world, or to prove yourself by the world, or to destroy the world as a way of proving yourself, these are not known. And these people Chu Lan arranges now, these things involved.

These situations are all for the world that Chu Lan has worked hard to build, as well as the advanced creatures cultivated by this world, to find them a good direction first. This is all Chu Lan’s plan, and here, Between Chu Lan's thoughts.

Chu Lan discovered that the world was about to complete the last step. The last step was nothing more than a disaster, either human or animal, or life, to face a difficult situation, and then break through an obstacle to his own life, go If you change, then the first thing to do is to change yourself.

After changing himself, he is going to accept a set of tests, that is to say he has changed himself, so he is supposed to be in this world. ..


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