The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 873: Can't help

And this kind of test will appear slowly in the future. At that time, where Chu Lan is, Chu Lan is not, when Chu Lan no longer exists, then these people, these are simply no experience of these disasters, no experience of these tests. The concept of these people.

What can you expect them to do? What kind of work do you expect them to do, how can they go or how can they do it, can they save themselves when these disasters come, and when they come again? Can they protect this world well?

Even this world is fundamental, and even the problems that arise with the emergence of this world cannot be solved, and it is vainly trying to make this world more perfect. It can't even control backwards, and it is impossible to make progress. So Chu Lan doesn't care about anything.

Chu Lan now looks at the red and red ancestors who look normal around him. When this ancestor saw the rapid development of the world, he also developed a kind of enlightenment himself, but this This kind of improvement is of great help to the solidified strength.

But the demon in his heart seems to have been closely connected with the disaster that will be brought about. I don’t know if it is destiny or what, but in Chu Lan’s eyes, he found this objective law this time. This is an objective law that is vast and numerous times larger than the sky.

I just want to connect this disaster with the heart and soul of the aging ancestor, and I want to use the heart and soul of the ancestor as the carrier, and then cause disaster, even if the world is not handled well, the world Going to destroy.

And this is what Chu Lan can understand, because although Honghuang’s ancestors said that at the beginning, or in the destiny arrangement, no matter how it is in the heavens arrangement, his connection with this atmosphere should be zero, he There should be no connection with this world.

But now the fact is that he is connected to this world, and the connection is very far-reaching. When the ancestor of the Honghuang was not in the Honghuang World, Hamos had a great influence on the Honghuang World, but when Hamos had an influence on the Honghuang World. When it was zero, he was still in the atmospheric world where Hamos was supposed to be.

Deeply affect the world, and until now, no matter whether it is time and space turbulence, or objective laws, he needs to complete these things, all the fate must have a beginning and a end, Hamos begins On the primitive planet, he passed away and came back, then disappeared again.

The ancestor of the wilderness of the wilderness world, his beginning is in time and space, and its end is to end the impact of the passage of time, and then return to his wilderness world, to play the role of his destiny son, or Say, just like Hamos, end in this erroneous stream of time and space.

Then it becomes a mistake that should never be destroyed and never appear again. It all depends on his own fortune. Now, Chu Lan feels that this destiny, or this is even broader than heaven and earth, But this objective law that stands on the front line with destiny.

He will affect the ancestor of Huang Laozu to the strongest degree, and then this demon will control the destiny of the Honghuang world, that is, the ontology of Honghuang ancestor, which is equivalent to the assimilation of him. The ancestor's evil will will become the world's greatest evil. And inspire the world’s greatest kindness, but when the world’s biggest kindness can’t resist this evil, the world will explode directly, and the power of annihilation will also put this aging ancestor The evil will will directly kill, and when this good can kill this evil.

Then, the world will receive supreme blessings because of the elimination of this evil. As an objective law rewards the world, no matter what the situation, the fate of the ancestors of the wilderness is regarded as a chess piece, or by the way, It was eliminated. Although the ancestors of Honghuang have been relatively soared.

But let him understand these things, it is still a bit difficult, after all, just as a child of destiny on the balance, although the world he is in is relatively strong, and there is a little shadow of the supreme kingdom of God, in fact, in essence, He is just a character of the same level as Hamos.

What's more, in the face of this general trend of destiny and law and the universe, Honghuang's ancestors are not the rule-makers, let alone the participants of the rules, let alone the guardians of the rules The law enforcer and the law enforcer are just people who have been ruled and selected and are still struggling with fate.

Now Chu Lan is watching Honghuang's ancestor thinking about this matter, and what Honghuang's ancestor is thinking about now is how he can persuade the sir after the establishment of this world, that is to say Chu Lan takes himself back to Honghuang's world , And cleared the devil in his heart.

Then continue to the position of the Son of Destiny, and lead his flood world to complete the transformation of such a world. Of course, their flood world has been rumored to be transformed once. It should not need such a big move, no major bleeding is needed to bring the flood world to this. The perfect world.

Change into a big world like the supreme **** kingdom, of course they also need to be transformed. He thought about letting Chu Lan get rid of his inner demons, and then give himself some hints on the realm, and then it is best to teach himself Some things, and then it is best to transform themselves into the world.

By that time, the Honghuang World can raise the level of the entire Honghuang World in a relatively peaceful way, a relatively stable way, and a relatively happy way, and also raise it to the same level as the new world he is now in, Chu Lan knew what Honghuang's ancestors were thinking about.

It's just that he just feels that this great ancestor is pitiful, because he is ignorant, so pitiful.

Except that Honghuang Patriarch and Chu Lan have their own concerns here, everyone else has their own concerns. The twelve constellation gods actually think more about how to quickly upgrade the world and grow up quickly, and then this The world has more room.

Self-help can use the laws to let the previous planet be born, and then receive the gifts and blessings from Chu Lan, and the total will of the kingdom of God now is how to manage these gods under their own management and regard them as gods. That sense of accomplishment and that sense of complacency are removed.

Then it is really difficult for them to see the wider world, see their own shortcomings, and let them see more possibilities for themselves. ..


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