These things from the last Sunday, they should be scattered around the world, and then hidden between certain lives.

Or concealed between some non-living matter, and then they will connect with each other or the energy that the world can echo, and then create some incidents, and expand this incident, they always have the ability, they can always use them The ability to combine these things that are not really a disaster.

Then it is a great threat to the entire human world, the entire spiritual world, and the entire cosmic world, whether it is physical or non-physical, and now it has never happened, that is, they are actually in one place. This is not expected by anyone.

What a terrible thing this thing is, who can bear it, I am afraid no one can bear it, what exactly do these test supreme powers want to do? Because in the eyes of these high-level people, in the eyes of these world wills who have lived countless eras, such an energy.

In fact, he has no good and evil, it is just a test, its "sex" quality is a kind of "sex" strength, there is no good and evil, no definition, he has a direction to come to this world to destroy, It is his mission to destroy this world, as long as he can subdue him.

He can be transformed into a kind of justice, but if he can’t subdue it, he can’t be said to be evil. He can only say that he doesn’t work hard enough. He can only say that he is more failed, and when this energy is scattered everywhere, these people You can still capture it with confidence or confidence and control it.

In other words, arrange countermeasures in advance, mobilize the power of the entire universe and the creatures, and then come to do the most fundamental resistance, but this is not the case now, he is not in one place, and then he is directly together. Knowing where, everyone wants to investigate.

I actually felt that this thing was very close to Honghuang's ancestor. He even said that he was already integrated with his ancestor. Honghuang's ancestor also felt all this. He felt very terrible. So he wanted to ask Chu Lan, Chu Lan said:

"Honghuang ancestor, this is your karma, and this is what you must break through. Listen to me, if you can suppress him, you will be successful, but it will be normal if you can’t suppress it. Start using your thoughts, continuously influence him, and keep controlling it."

"Until he stops, or you can choose to sacrifice yourself and then explode him. Of course you have to make this decision early. If you do it later, he will not be under your control and you will fall into Endless sleep, unless the people of this world can defeat him."

"Then you will be rescued. Of course, this is only when you are able to abide by the fact that "sex" is not affected by him, even if you fall asleep and are not assimilated by him. You can be saved. Now I can't "insert". Because this involves a matter of destiny, I don’t want my destiny to be too tight."

"Another thing is that you have to do your best, there is really no way out. I will help you if it is this help instead of an interference. These are two different things. I think you should understand all this, Now stay calm and try to block your consciousness." "Don’t let him have any influence on you. Of course these things are in vain and not in vain, because only by doing so can you keep your own clarity, you understand me Does it mean?"

Honghuang Patriarch understood clearly, and then directly escaped to a place where no one was hurt. Chu Lan could see that he wanted to explode, but if only the mass of dark matter in his body had developed, he would explode. It may be very effective, but the current situation is not.

The current situation is that all the tests from these heavens are blessed by this dark will. Think about how the darkness has gained the most value. How could he still be threatened by the self-exposure of this hungry ancestor? Zu found himself unable to control his body at all.

So he quickly thought about what Chu Lan Chu Lan said and did a quick blockade of his part of his spirit, and then he resisted until he fell into a coma. The ancestor of Honghuang quickly lost consciousness, but the ancestor of Honghuang The body that has reached the realm is completely controlled by the demon.

After the demon controlled the terrible body of Honghuang’s ancestors, it was called a spring breeze, he spread directly, and wanted to come to trouble Chu Lan, Chu Lan smiled slightly, the demon watched him pass through Chu Lan, Then Chu Lan slapped the demon, and grabbed his ear and said to him:

"I don’t kill you now because I know, I believe my disciples and students can kill you, otherwise I will kill you, and I want to come and move my hands now, now you understand the gap between you and me Okay, now I will give you a way, if you can destroy this world."

"Then I will be rewarded with the objective law that came down. I might be because you killed my students and apprentices. Then I glanced at you and killed you. I said to you that it is impossible for me to do it with you now. And I remind you if you provoke me again."

"I didn’t pick you up to interfere with the fate of this world. At that time, when I won’t get in touch with this world, I must kill you, and then I can set some feasible tests for this world. I think you should Understand these reasons, so don’t look for me and don’t dangle in front of me."

"Don't bother me anymore."

Chu Lan let go of his demon, and he quickly ran away, but this demon is not the kind of person who admits defeat, because he thinks that even if Chu Lan's realm is even higher, it will not be able to withstand its infinite growth, this demon has One characteristic is that it can absorb the evil thoughts of this world to strengthen itself.

But now he really feels a trace of helplessness, because this world and before, just before the hour, feel too difficult. In the old world, you can absorb a lot of evil thoughts at once, but here, but Only the light he hated.

He must be afraid of his head, he must hide, he must not encounter these lights, otherwise he will be like a smoke, steamed by the light, unlimited evaporation, the process of evaporation, his energy and state will be compressed infinitely, now Get this value that the heavens have scattered.

So he now feels that he can destroy countless worlds in an instant. He knows that the man in front of him is right. In fact, if he can get this world now. ..

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