Put yourself on the forefront of danger, so when he is injured, when he is weak, should he give up on them? If you put it in some immature or very low-level world, it must be like this, these people do not understand it.

They don’t understand the purpose of these heroes. When they think that the heroes are here to get praise, they think that when the heroes have more powerful power than them, they feel that when the heroes stand up for them, they will Say.

"Well, if it were not for you, we would not incur disaster."

Then as heroes quelled these disasters, these people would also say:

"Hurry up and leave here."

But when they threaten them, when the heroes are also around them, don’t they ask or hope that the heroes save them when they are expecting them, when they ask them, after the heroes save them, then What is their attitude towards heroes?

I am afraid that the hero does what he deserves. After the hero saves himself, he has received supreme praise anyway. So, such people, such low-level creatures, such low-end organisms, these low-end Civilization, in the original star, will actually be discriminated against.

The primitive star, as the most developed place outside, would never have this kind of thing. They deeply understood that the hero had done this. What did he want to pay for it? What did they need to do? ? So now they must be heroes.

These 30 researchers, they disagreed, they were very worried after seeing these people walking like Chu Lan, but they found out that the children actually walked into countless cave days, these cave days looked like a few The castle, scattered in countless places, looked far away.

But in fact, countless holes scattered in addition to countless portals in front of countless children. These children do not need to go too far, as long as they walk into the wormhole, they can be directly transmitted to the countless holes in the sky. These children can enter the countless holes in a single step.

There are so many children in this world now, and the people in power in the People's Republic of China think that these people should also enter this cave, but I don't know how many more in this impermanent world? How much space is left in the hands of the husband, and is it possible or not that the husband is unwilling to put the people in?

Because how to say, these people are also the most closely connected things on this planet. Although they say they come from other planets, they are indeed the only ones on this planet for this new planet. Life, so to speak, do not know the test brought about by the rules of this world.

Will they count them? If these people do not accept the test, or if they are rescued by their husbands, then, will the impact on the future of the world be great? Everyone doesn’t know, and then Chu Lan will pass the voice, It doesn't matter to these people, it's OK to wipe the edges


Chu Lan meant to let them ordinary people rush to a safe place, and don’t let their appearance exert their influence. Then the 30 researchers understood that the meaning of Mr. is to keep these people safe in order to guarantee the absolute safety of the world. .

The 30 researchers said to the adults:

"Well, we all understand that folks, when we first started, we didn’t know what this hero was. We didn’t know what the hero should insist on. We think that the hero is like the legendary old generation. Like a hero, save the people from fire and water, then invincible and extremely powerful."

"The dark and falling flowers that must be hit are always our patron saints, but later, when we arrived at that period of time and experienced all these things, we only found out how heavy the word hero is on his shoulders. , How tired, but dare not let go, because."

"The hero must be dangerous in front of him. If the hero lays down his perseverance, that danger is too big for you on this planet. We cannot let you be ruined. Now we need your help, how come we don’t need it What about your help?"

"Because I did all this for you, for you, for this planet, and why do we protect you? Listen to me, I don’t want you to be cowards, let us be heroes, and not betray you. , Not because your strength is weak."

"You know, if you have any more important effects, or if our effects on the planet are the same, I have to say, we are equally important. So should we leave some kind of fire? Wait for us not At the time, should you stay as hope?"

"Yeah, so what you should do now is to stay here. You need to know whether the world needs us more or wants you more. In fact, you think it needs us more, but how many of us are we, and this world has How big? Only 30 of us are in such a big world, can it?"

"30 of us, if there are only 30 of us, what do we 30 insist on doing here? So, you are the most important, whether it is for this planet, for us, for yourself, or for your family. Say, you are more important people than heroes."

"Or in other words, you are a hero in the true sense, what does the word hero mean? It is indispensable, it is the dependence of others, it is hope, you are the hope of your family, you are the hope of the planet , We are not, we are the guardians of a planet."

"We are the people who protect the fire, we are not the fire, you are, you must now for the present planet, for our contribution, for your children, now you must hide, you must keep the fire, our goal, our The purpose is to protect your life."

"And if you want our purpose to be achieved, if you want to let evil things go back without success, you must learn to protect yourself, instead of being reckless and irrational like now, you will simply forget, you must forget Always remember your important "sex"."

"You are the most important people in this world. You must live alive. I believe we will not lose too much. I believe that as long as you are away, we will not be distracted."

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