The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 898: Ancestor went away

The ancestor continued:

"And I have been away for too long, you can **** back and accept me."

"Can you forgive me for the mistakes I made in the past? Is there anything else I want? Okay, that's it. I will stop proclaiming Honghuang's ancestors."

Everyone didn’t know what to do, so they all sought the advice of Chu Lan, because everyone really didn’t know what to do. In the end, the Honghuang ancestor was the only creator of the world. Without him, there would be no people, but it did. I made a mistake and indeed gave all these messes to countless weak creatures in this world.

He is back now, and no one knows how to deal with it. Chu Lan thought a little and said:

"Honghuang ancestor changed into Honghuang ancestor god, do not ask the world, what to do, but according to the heart, don't go beyond the scope, overstep, I will rush to come and take you, others listen, Honghuang ancestor does not exist World, continue to govern the world according to the previous department, and remember that you must do your best."

"Otherwise I will feel something, and I will come back and take you all."

Everyone made it clear that this time the ancestors of Honghuang were renamed. Chu Lan looked at the countless worlds and was a beckoning, so the atmosphere of the ancestors of Honghuang was completely hidden, and no one can feel it anymore. Everyone sighed Chu Lan's magic.

Then, everyone thanked, withdrew their mana, and went back to their respective positions. Chu Lan felt that the world was handled very well by himself. As a crowd, Hong Huang’s ancestors were hidden in the world at first glance. Lan traveled all over the world together, but Chu Lan said that he would take this direction in the future.

In fact, Chu Lan is no longer pursuing the vastness of the realm, because the two worlds of the highest realm have already been created by him. He then pursues the deepness in this realm or how it actually does not make sense. He wants to go now Talk about the rules, talk about time and space.

Then see if they can give you some advice, let yourself see if there is a new direction, Honghuang Patriarch explained.

So only Chu Lan was alone.

The land pressure Huangshen and others wanted to keep Chu Lan to speak, but they discovered that they observed Chu Lan. He is higher than the previous level. I don’t know how much, everyone deeply feels that Chu Lan is not understandable by himself, but the gratitude to Chu Lan is true, everyone, including some of Chu Lan’s apprentices.

They were all reluctant to leave. They stood there and watched Chu Lan leave. Chu Lan did not turn back, but left like this. Everyone saw Chu Lan go away and followed him back, and Chu Lan now came to the residence of time and space.

This time and space dwelling is very unusual, actually in a grain of sand in the ordinary world. The universe in which this grain of sand exists is an unknown universe. Chu Lan never came here, but what is certain is that this universe is indeed a very ordinary universe.

Chu Lan can’t see any signs of the world’s strength here, but time and space live here. Chu Lan first came to find time and space because of the supreme rule. Chu Lan really didn’t know where he was or how he was. Formed, and do not know how to communicate with him. This is not to say that Chu Lan’s state is not as good as the Supreme Rule, but because it is said that the Supreme Rule is not a substance, that is a rule.

However, because it is a rule and a nihilistic thing, he also represents the nihilistic time and space, as well as the will. They all belong to a category, and with Chu Lan, this kind of flesh is not a category. If Chu Lan Willing to share himself with the world, or control the world in an absolute way.

That is, to classify yourself as will, or as a lost time and space, or as a rule, scattered in the invisible, but gave up the existence of his own individual life, then Chu Lan can be sure that this is above the rule himself You can see it immediately.

I must be able to control the time and space and the supreme rules very well. After all, there is still a big gap between them. Now Chu Lan comes to this ordinary gravel, and time and space are in it. To say that this space and time is invisible and invisible. It is because time and space have two body forms, one body form, which is his body.

It is this supreme world that is actually a part of time and space, and another form is his consciousness. His consciousness can be in any form, or it can be transformed into a phaseless, but they also envy humans, envy and the like The state of mind is more envious of human thinking.

So they all want humans to move closer, so how do they move closer? They can’t turn the entire space-time into a human form, and in that case, it can’t make the world develop better. He will be closer to humans in his thought form, and now in the gravel is space-time. world.

Time and space here is like making a separate courtyard. Now here is on vacation, a pot of tea and a bottle of wine are placed. Chu Lan came here. This time and space did not speak. Sit down directly, not time and space. This man is unusual, but because of time and space, he has known Chu Lan's name for a long time.

So he asked:

"Come on."

Chu Lan said:

"Come, you have been waiting for me for a long time."

Time and Space says:

"It didn't take long."

Chu Lan laughed:

"So what do you think I'm here for?"

Time and space seemed to answer Chu Lan, and it seemed that he did not answer Chu Lan, and said to himself:

"My world is just a grain of sand. To control sand, it is to drift freely. Because it is too small, it may occasionally sink to the bottom of the sea, occasionally enter large rivers, occasionally float between villages, and occasionally enter a prosperous city. It may become One of the bricks is more likely to become."

"The eyes in the faucet on the chairs of some of the palace nobles may have been swallowed by children, mixed with grains of sand, and poor rice. I just let him go "chaotic" everywhere, if it comes Time and space storm, or other things, I also let him blow my sand away."

"Although these things are controlled by me, I do not affect them. I am like a grain of sand in this world. Among the thousands of thousands of miles of dust in the world, there is one grain of me, and I drift everywhere. Occasionally encountering all living things, destined people can enter my world."

"They know my identity or feel my extraordinary, they will ask me, I basically have the request, they also have some questions, they ask, or how to solve the "confusion", or how to get , Someone asked me, as a monk, should I have feelings?"

"Just ask me as an emperor, should I have selfishness, come to ask me how to treat his students as a teacher, and some people asked me how to be a student."

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