Chu Lan was here waiting for Sima Yi. Sima Yi stumbled over and said:

"Sir help me save my dad. My dad was caught by Cao Cao and caught by the dog thief. What should I do? What should we do? My wife just gave birth to a baby, He hasn’t kissed her grandfather enough. My elder brother’s career is not stable, and my father is in trouble. What should I do?"

"The world will be "chaotic", the world is "chaotic", sir quickly find a way, quickly find a way."

This Sima Yi was crying and crying, like a child, Chu Lan said:

"Get up, what's going on? How did I tell you, don't cry, and what you just said about Cao "caught", do you speak, you call him a dog thief, your spleen "sex" isn't nearly home God, it has risen to such a point that I have tried my best to make you temper your spleen "sex" in the past few years, which is to make you good at gentleness."

"Why, how long has it been since I got home, how did I become a dad and become an elder? This temper has grown, too. I have spent all these years in vain. Look at what you look like, how patient, Why do you still look like a "women" in a rural village?

"Painful panic, are you still a child, as an adult, as an adult who is going to make a big deal, you don't want to solve the problem, you can't think of how to solve the problem, how can you be so guilty of violent temper here, if so The world gives it to you?"

"How to get you to mediate with those tigers, how to fight with Cao Cao, this era of Cao Cao is over, how do you take over? It really disappoints me."

This time Chu Lan shouted at Sima Yi and scolded her face. Sima Yi also knew that she was out of state. When she kneeled at Chu Lan, she did not get up again. Said:

"Sir, save my father quickly. My father didn't know why he was involved in the assassination of Cao Cao. As a result, he and the ministers signed a garb. They were able to move the Cao family and Xiahoushi, and They even used Cao Cao's strategy to kill Yuan Shao, wasn't that confused?"

"What should I do now? Everyone has been pitted, everyone has been arrested, and my father has been arrested. I want to save my father now. I also hope that Mr. Mr. will give you a strategy. I can’t do it now. The two-sleeved breeze, did not enter the WTO, nor is he a general, what should I do? I can't even see Cao's face."

"I can't see him, what should I do? A few days ago Hua Tuo, my family's uncle, had a good relationship with my family and went to treat Cao Cao. He didn't expect Cao Cao to kill him, so Cruel man, how can I understand him reasonably, move him to emotion, and how to "touch" the clear calculation of pros and cons."

""Touch" to understand what I want to use to threaten him, use him to influence him, I have nothing now, sir, you have to rely on you to save my father."

Chu Lan said:

"You don't have anything, don't you see it, even if you don't have anything, your dad is not alone, your dad went in with other people, you must go in with other people, you can't save your dad, others I can't save their uncle, this face has involved all officials of this big man."

"Basically, it's half of the great Han Dynasty. If your father and other ministers were all killed because of this, this world would be "chaotic". Cao Cao also expected your father and the ministers to work for him and help him manage Looking at the world, how can he kill your father and everyone else?"

"If all of them killed him, where would he find so many elite soldiers, where would he find so many officials to manage this world for him, he finally got this world, would he just watch it chaotic?"

Sima Yi said: The lazy man listens to the book br> "That Cao Cao, why Cao Cao Caught my dad? Now I also say that they will be executed, for the crime of rebellion, in the name of the holy God It’s not just my father, my family, my newly born son, all of them are going to die."

Chu Lan said:

"Why don't I think so."

Sima Yi's eyes were empty, and she didn't even know what Chu Lan said.

Chu Lan said:

"You, you really care about chaos. I said before, when will you be controlled by others, and when will you be able to control others, that is, being caught by others, or you know the weaknesses of others, your family is yours Weakness, your newly born son is your weakness."

"Your dad is your weakness, these arrested civil and military officials, and the family members of these civil and military officials who will be convicted, for those who Cao Cao wants to control, for those Those who Cao Cao wants to influence, for those who Cao Cao wants to collect them as used."

"It's their weaknesses, do you understand? Cao Cao didn't want to control your father, nor did he want to kill your father, let alone your newborn son, he just wanted Control, or control your big brother, or control your young and determined talent in the Sima family."

"You know, someone like Cao Cao, he is the most talented person in this country. Talent is the most important thing in a country, a world. So as long as this young generation is about to rise up, The world will not be at your fingertips, this country, this world is not in his hands."

"In another 50 years, 50 years later, he will die. Of course, he will educate his son on this power, and your son will be firmly held by him. This is Cao Cao. "Do you understand the foundation of the ages?"

Sima Yi tentatively said:

"Mr. meant that Cao Cao did not want to kill my father. My father had no chance to kill Cao Cao, nor did he have a chance to get in touch with the prince. All this is just, all this It’s just that Cao Cao deliberately gave my father, and all the ministers let go of the barb."

"And it's not my father, nor my father and the ministers, but our young people, are we so important?"

Chu Lan said:

"You have, remember, Cao Cao is the real player in the world. No one can guess what he wants to do, but as long as you know what he wants, you can understand His purpose is to understand what he wants, as long as you know what he wants, if you are what he wants."

"If you have what he wants, then you can, to a certain extent, if you use it well, you can be controlled to control people, that is to say, you can also influence Cao Cao, if No, then you feed the tiger all by yourself, so that your dad can be rescued, say so."

"Now you really don't have any ability to compete with Cao Cao. On your hands, as you said, you really don't have those things."

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