Rather, he wanted to see all people’s hearts. From all people’s hearts, it was such a reason to see this person’s impermanence. Therefore, Chu Lan planned to give Sima Yi more food than others after he settled down. Then let Sima Yi develop himself, Chu Lan is going to watch the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms.

A good general, and Cao Cao, many people, how do they choose at the key of their lives? How do people's hearts change, and what exactly does it change? How did people's hearts contribute to this world, and how did this people's hearts relate in this world? Chu Lan wanted to know this most, so he also planned well.

After Sima Yi's problem was solved, he wandered the world by himself, looked around, looked around, and then touched all the heroes of this world to one, and then slowly organized his game. In fact, you said that the best way to control the world is to control the game. what? Could it be that all the pieces are tightly held in one's hands.

Then let them operate according to their own arrangement, to go close according to the sky in their hearts, wouldn't that be the fate of the day? There is still a big gap between Destiny and Chu Lan. Destiny does this, but he certainly cannot do it. Chu Lan believes that this is the best way to control.

Or the best way to observe, that is, let these people fight against their own destiny, and naturally collide with the contradictory fate lines related to these people's destiny, and in this collision, Chu Lan conducted a point-by-point guide, plan, or let this conflict magnify.

It is more obvious that, in this way, it is impartial, but only to take Sima Yi as the main line. All the achievements of Sima Yi are centered on the achievement of Sima Yi. Under the premise of this center, you have to go through the heroes of the world and follow your own One way to turn everything into what you want.

And without violating the end of this world’s history, it is generally easy for Chu Lan to change the history of a world before, but without changing the end of a world, it’s true to change the process. Chu Lan is a new challenge.

Chu Lan thought of counseling Sima Yi here and said:

"Yes, now, I will go through these difficulties in your home with you. What is more difficult in your home is that for others, I can just follow suit and see, meet and help him, but I can't see it. It is his own life to get there. You are different. If you have any difficulties in your family, come to me immediately."

"When I save your father, I will point you to the clear road. After that, when I can rest assured, I will leave. At that time, I will give you the way to contact me, so don’t worry about it. Now that you have contacted Xunyu, Xunyu also knows your intention."

"Now look at what Yang Xiu really wants."

Sima Yi said:

auzw.com "Sir, I understand, you can rest at home." Lazy Listening Book br> Sima Yi took it out and arranged to rest at home. This Sima defense is still in prison, and Sima Yi is actually not Knowing how the father of Sima Fang and Yang Xiu rebelled, of course, in the eyes of these old ministers, it was either a rebellion, or one or two ministers of the Han dynasty, and then rejuvenated the Han room.

Then they regarded Cao Cao as a thief in their hearts. In fact, Simafang used Cao Cao as a thief all his life, because when Cao Cao was in power, he had Simafang aerial, all in the true sense The real power has been given up, and there is no point, nor is it because Simafang has no materials.

It is because there are too many sons in the Sima family. Eight sons, known as Sima Bada, if the Sima family is given real power, the Sima family can directly arrange a lot of positions for their son without Cao Cao. Arranged them into the court, thinking about Sima Bada.

If they manage a position by themselves, what is the point of Sima's family? Therefore, there are too many sons in Sima Fang, and the sons can only be so good, so Cao Cao is scared, Cao Cao has only a few sons, Cao Zhi Cao Zhang, Cao Anmin, Cao Chong, Cao Pi, just these son.

Moreover, these sons really want to come with several sons of the Sima family. In fact, they are really smarter than them. Cao Cao sees everything clearly, and what is the key? The key is Sima Fang this person, the old "rape" giant cunning, well versed in the officialdom, you just don't give him any real power.

The Sima family is also very powerful. Another reason is that the Sima family where Simafang is located is actually a super big family, which is more terrible than the Xunyu family. The Yingchuan Xun family is already such a big family. Even Cao Cao's eyes are red, and the other is Qinghe Cui.

This is a super big family, and one is Sima, Sima family, he is not one, there are several, there is Sima in Hanoi, Sima in Hewai, and there is an unknown Sima family, these three Sima Family, this is the same root, you say such a terrible big family.

If this Simafang family patriarch really became a court commander and held great power, over time, it would be a force no less than that of the Xunyu family. For any authority, Simafang came to think that I am your sponsor.

I am the court commander again. It was Sima Yucheng who held the real power. You came here. You made this empty. Not only did you not thank Dade, you directly took all my power away. What do you mean, then I Is there a good life? My son still has a good life.

Therefore, for the sake of his family, Simafang and Yang Xiu’s father did the reactionary action of this autograph book together, but in fact, Yang Xiu’s father was the mastermind. This Sima Yi’s father Sima Defense, it’s okay to **** He did what he did, and there was still a chance of winning, so he did it.

I didn’t expect the Dongchuang incident, but he was not the mastermind. At this time, because of Xun Yu’s conversation with Sima Yi, Xun Yu knew it. In fact, Xun Yu wanted to understand what Cao Cao wanted, if he wanted to This Manchu Han Chen survived, if he still wanted to keep the relationship between the Han room and Cao Cao in a balance.

In such a state that it will not be broken, if you want to complete everything, so that the Han room still has a foundation, if it is not completely broken, then you must go to Cao Cao and say that you are willing to support you with your life, but the premise is that now Still can't kill the minister, let alone the emperor.

So Xunyu came into the room of Cao Cao, and Xunyu came. ..

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