The Supreme Rule says: "No, I only know Go."

Chu Lan said:

"Now take chess as an example. Chess, Chuhe Han Realm, Chuhe Han Realm, the two sides are at war, but if put in reality, in fact, how can it be said that so many people are united together and only listen to one person? Before that, or from beginning to end, only to be handsome."

"You must unify everything and subdue all these people of your own to be able to have the right to play, are you right?"

The supreme rule says:

"Although I haven't considered it, it is indeed correct to hear the emperor say so now.

Chu Lan said:

"Now, all I do is to make the person I choose. The person you choose becomes the real military commander of the two camps on both sides of the Chuhe Han kingdom, that is to say, we are These remaining players are all to enable them to be able to calm their side."

"Let our own side be all your own pieces, and become the player. Then, the two men stand together and fight. During the fight, neither of us can participate in each other, but in this they deal with internal In the case of relations, we must participate."

"Of course, it is also incorrect to say that we will not participate in the duel between them in the future. After all, this is the person I chose. How can I ignore it? I am such a person. The person I choose, I must deal with this person. Be responsible in the end, so I request that you must come back by then."

"Because that's not only the showdown between them, but also our showdown, don't you say you dare not fight me? But I'm not weak in observing your realm, so if you really don't want to confront me head-on, we will Take the duel of these two boys as a duel."

"How do we determine whether we will win or lose with them?"

The supreme rule says:

"Okay, emperor, if there is nothing else, I'll go first. I won't say much about the rest. If there's nothing, I'll go. If you have anything, you must call me. I must be on call."

This supreme rule, step by step, step by step, and walked away, this Sima Yi looked like a cloud of fog, then Chu Lan took him to the wild world for a turn, to the atmospheric world for a turn Circle, and then took him back again, Sima Yi's day was like a world away. After sleeping, Chu Lan said after waking up: "I am now, I want to go to the rivers and lakes by yourself, you are above the chapel, Give me a good life according to what I said, put it together according to your own ideas, live your life well, and then come to me if you have any questions. Here, it is a side of the sky, when you need to find me."

"I entered a side of the sky, and then called me there, I will definitely come to see you."

Chu Lan left this side of the cave, and then left.

Chu Lan thought to himself, who is writing history in this world? Who wrote it? I wrote about the princes and generals, the loyal ministers, the "criminal" ministers, and the poor ones are also known as the cold men of the world, that is to say, if you have no merit, if you are only a farmer, if you are not a general, even if you are a general.

If you don’t have any merits, if you don’t participate in this power center, if you don’t have the classics for this new country and the new dynasty, or you don’t participate in an old country, it’s not a walk. In the mainstream of history, you are not within this main line.

So what is the historical record? The historical record is the change of political power. Of course, there are major trends and changes in the entire country, as well as important nodes. There are also records of several conversations between the emperor and the prince. Also, records of historical events.

For example, when a certain emperor came to the throne, what day did he get married, and then take what the minister said, and then there are the advantages and disadvantages of this minister, and there is this general, who returned after fighting, what did he say? How to do it, what the fighting situation is, who decides the general order, and no one knows the fighting situation.

No one knows how many people died. Everything was said by the general. The general said that I died 50,000 people and killed 500,000 enemies. Okay, that’s what the history book says that the battle killed 500,000 enemies. I That's how the 50,000 military casualties were set. This is history. Does he remember anything else?

He remembered just one person, a farmer. When he was just born in the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was established in the Western Jin Dynasty. It has been so many years in the middle. What has he experienced? No one knows, this is not history, this is also history, then, all this place.

All countries, all lands, from one Chang Zhuo of Dong Zhuo, and the 18 princes, each occupying a state and a county, when such a dynasty is mixed, and later, the world is three points, this Soochow occupies a large area, and then Cao Cao is the place to occupy this richest man.

It was the one with the most talents in Henan and Hebei, and then Liu Bei occupied Sichuan’s Shuzhong. Later, Cao "Cao" pacified the site, and Sima Yi pacified Liaodong. Then, this became the largest and then the most prosperous country. Soochow also began to develop, only Shuhan was the weakest.

Later, the Western Jin Dynasty annexed the three kingdoms, and then later, there was the "chaos" of the Jin Kingdom. Then it was divided into five generations and ten kingdoms. The Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, of course, let’s talk about these, and now say that from Dong Zhuo according to Chang’an Taking the Tianzi, and then to the Western Jin Dynasty, this dynasty began to establish.

Or, starting from the third of the world, the people's life should be better at this time, so on the land of the three countries, what day do the people live? They are doing well and not well, what they are experiencing, nobody knows this, historical records say.

The City of Power and Strategies, disciples’ exercises, and others should also be recorded, but these historians are incapable of recording each other, and there are these three bosses, each of whom has the power of emperor's heart surgery, and each place and its own minister want to fight for politics To compete for the power of this country.

Every place has to fight against other places, to fight for the whole world, where is the peasant? Where are the people? No one is going to see it, and history is not recorded. If these things are in the records, Chu Lan is also not good-looking.

How many people don’t have clothes to wear today, and how many people are frozen to death tomorrow. Are these things good to record? It's not good-looking, so the emperor will not devolve the historian to the folk to record anything. ..

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