Chapter 67 Ed dies, Stannis’s army is in the city!!

Sunny morning

The pedestrians on the road hurried, and they all headed for one place.

A little girl on the side of the road, looking at the pigeons foraging in front of the bakery, saw the opportunity, and a servant came over, and in her hand there was a pigeon that she had caught.

She is Arya, the child of Eddar-Stark, King of the North.

He hadn’t eaten anything since his father’s accident, and now she caught a pigeon and planned to exchange it for something to eat.

“Give me a loaf of bread.”

Arya said to the bakery owner.

“Three copper coins.”

The boss came with a plate of bread and asked Arya for money first.

“I’ll trade this pigeon with you.”

Arya said as she held up her dove.

But was ruthlessly rejected by the boss.

Several people on the road walked past her, bumped her, and saw more and more people hurrying by.

And hearing the words of the King’s Hand and the Prime Minister, Arya quickly let go of the doves and ran in the direction they hurriedly walked.



The already lively crowd became even more lively after seeing Ed being escorted out of it.

The crowd shouted at Eddard Stark.

The entire masses who did not know the truth thought that their prime minister was a traitor.

Ed walked through the crowd and saw Arya at the feet of the idol, and as he passed a person, he knew who it was, and then shouted.



Then he looked at the feet of the idol, and the man whose name was called looked at the foot of the idol, and he understood what Ed meant, and quickly walked to her side and took him in his arms.

Ed looked at the three fools, Ed knew what he should do, so he dropped the honor and said the prepared lines to the crowd below with a clear conscience.

Emperor Qiao smiled proudly

Then the backhand had Eddard Stark’s head cut off.

It’s worthy of being Joe the Great, restless routines play cards, everyone else is stupid, isn’t it okay to say that as long as Ed admits treason and recognizes Joffrey’s reasonable inheritance?

How suddenly I regretted it.

Don’t talk about martial virtue, Emperor Joe.

Knock, knock, knock, knock before Emperor Joe was happy for too long, three sirens sounded, it was an enemy invading King’s Landing.

It wasn’t long before a soldier came to report that a large number of warships had appeared on the sea, and they would soon reach King’s Landing.

“Whose warship is it, can you see it?”

Cersei asked.

“The Queen Mother, according to the flag of the ship, is the flag of Duke Stannis of Dragonstone.”

“What, where did he get so many warships.”

Cersei was puzzled, but not stupid, now was not the time to say this.

“Close the city gates, and all go to the city to defend.”

That’s right, it’s Stannis’s warship, Stannis is moving unhindered along the way, and the people in the palace are fighting for power, and they don’t notice that there are a large number of warships marching at sea level.

“Your Highness, there is King’s Landing City ahead.”

The Onion Knight came over and said to Stannis.

“Very well, now is the best time to take King’s Landing, Tywin that old guy went north to fight the wolf cub.”

Stannis said with a smile.

“Now there is only the Golden Legion in King’s Landing, as long as I defeat these tens of thousands of Golden Legion, I can ascend to that position.”

“Your Highness, are we going to storm the city now?”

The Onion Knight said as he looked at Stannis, interrupting his fantasies.

“The whole army is ready, and after arriving, our army will disembark first and let the Sea Cliff Navy assist us in attacking the city on the sea.”

Stannis is also a man with brains and intends to attack in two ways.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

The onion knight went down and ordered.

All the boats were lowered one after another, and one by one came down soldiers armed with swords and spears, and dressed in armor.

Looking at the soldiers on the small boats on the walls of King’s Landing, when all the soldiers disembarked, they estimated that there were about 30,000 people… There are also more than fifty ships, of which large ones

There were thirty ships, and these were all from Jiang Lin’s army.

Stannis, who had already come to King’s Landing, was in no hurry to let the army begin to attack the city, and the long journey had already made the army a little tired.

Stannis intended to give the army a day of rest before attacking.

And the people inside King’s Landing City were a little nervous when they saw the army outside the city.

Especially Joe the Great.

“Bastard, how dare he, how dare he send troops to attack me, I am the king of the seven kingdoms, I am their lord.”

The angry Emperor Joe is venting.

Cersei ignored him and summoned all the ministers to discuss countermeasures and how to deal with them.

Now the only one in the city who has the ability to lead is the Golden Legion Commander.

The idea they eventually discussed was to hold the city and wait for the other families to come to the rescue.

On this day, countless carrier pigeons and jays flutter their wings everywhere.

The neat army of Longya Island is neatly arranged, facing the city of King’s Landing, and the defenders on the city wall are also waiting for them.

“Catapult, cast.”

With a shout, a dozen catapults began to enter the work, and a dozen 2.2 pieces of momentum smashed on the city wall, and the city wall was smashed and shattered.


With an order, the army began to carry ladders to attack the city first.

Countless arrows were shot out of the city.

For a time, the soldiers of the army on Dragonstone Island were shot and killed.

The soldiers took out their shields to block and continued to attack.

Stannis’s army had already set up a ladder and began to attack upward, but where the defenders of the city gave them a chance, countless stones were dropped from the towers.

One fell, and the following continued to attack upward, but the walls of King’s Landing were very high, there was no way, Stannis could only let people blow up the gates…

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