The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 210: Effective means to deal with scammers

"Little fox, you hit me twice today."

Mai Xiaoyu's voice, for Yang Mi at this time, is nothing short of the natural.

With tears in her tears, Yang Mi looked at Mai Xiaoyu with joy, as if he had met his closest relatives, and shouted with overjoy: "Uncle——"

"To shut up!"

Mai Xiaoyu snorted angrily, then pulled Yang Mi into his arms and walked into the room with her arms around her shoulders.

Six or seven young people behind him filed in after him, closed the door and dispersed.

All dressed up weird, for fear that others might not know that they are a scumbag.

"Wang Yidong, general manager of Huaying Baichen?" Mai Xiaoyu asked Mr. Wang jokingly.

"I am, who are you? Get out immediately, otherwise I will call the hotel security!"

"It's a grassy horse, it's really awesome|Forcing!" A buck-toothed man walked out from Mai Xiaoyu, scolded in all directions, and drew out a switchblade to approach Mr. Wang.

President Wang paled with fright: "Who are you guys? Don't mess around..."


Mai Xiaoyu spoke lightly, took out the cigarette, and someone next to him immediately lit him.

He took a cigarette, with one hand on Yang Mi's shoulder and the other with the cigarette in his hand. He sneered: "The security dare to control Laozi? Teach you to be a good one. If you have difficulty, call the police and call the police."

There is a kind of people in the world who are not afraid of the police and rogues.

In the face of the police, they dare to make unreasonable and unreasonable noises in indignation and generosity.

In the face of rogues and rogues, this kind of person tends to behave like a grandson... fear of being beaten.

Many crooks, including Wang Yidong, belong to this category of people.

Well, Comrade Mai Xiaoyu is an exception, because the force value is high.

Not every drop of milk... Wrong, not every liar has Mai Xiaoyu’s strength value, they mainly play routines, play tricks, grab people’s hearts, fight psychological warfare, and fight against them. Too low.

No, Mr. Wang started to fight psychological warfare.

He took out his phone and said hardly: "I will warn you one last time. If you don't leave, I will call the police immediately!"

"Report you to the police for paralysis!" Mai Xiaoyu had already seen Wang Yidong's sluggishness, and with a flick of his hand, most of the cigarettes that hadn't been smoked hit his face, sparks splashed, "A liar, really use himself as a character?" You dare to touch Lao Tzu's sister, you are tired of life!"


The phone dropped.

President Wang trembled all over.

Of the few types of people that swindlers cheat most, one of them is the woman of the Dao Brothers, and they are all light.

"No, no, I just asked her to talk about drama."

"Tell me about your paralysis! Are there anyone in a hotel speaking in a bathrobe? Huaying Baichen, right? I remember, I know the address of your company, and I know your license plate. Brothers, give it to me. Remember this face, come back from the police station and continue to look for him!"

"It's okay, brother, I recognize people as a must!"

"Big brother, let's beat up first. After coming out of the police station in a few days, let's continue to beat up!"

"Even my sister-in-law dare to touch, chop your hands!"

"The chopping hand is too bloody, just break a few fingers."

A group of **** opened their mouths one after another, approaching Wang Yidong with grim smiles.

Wang Yidong felt like a little sheep trapped in a wolf's den, his calves weakened in fright.

"Several eldest brothers don't do it, if you have something to say..."

"Don't worry, there will be time in the future. I will give you the last chance to call the police. Don't cherish it."

The buck-tooth man picked up the phone and handed it to Wang Yidong. While tapping the phone with a switchblade, he tuned in | ."

"No, I dare not." Wang Yidong backed away in a hurry, his phone turned into a hot potato, he didn't dare to touch it, "Boss, a few big brothers, I am blind, and have no eyes to offend a few big brothers. As long as you let me go, I'm willing to do anything. promise."

"Any conditions agreed?"

"Yes, any conditions."

"That's okay." Mai Xiaoyu suddenly covered Yang Mi's ears, "Take off the bathrobe, lie on the bed, push up his butt, and let my brother vent his fire first."

"No!" Wang Yidong was so scared that he almost jumped up, crying and begging, "Big brother, I have hemorrhoids...change the conditions, I will agree to all other conditions."

Mai Xiaoyu sneered and let go of Yang Mi's ears: "Which hand did he touch you?"

Yang Mi looked at him blankly, a little dazed.

The Mai Xiaoyu in her heart was too different from the Mai Xiaoyu in front of her.

"No, I didn't touch her!" Wang Yidong hurriedly dismissed, "She kicked me and hit my head with a bag. She didn't know what was in it. Her head was swollen. If you don't believe me, I really Did not touch her."

"That way, I can forgive you once." Mai Xiaoyu nodded, "How much did you lie to her?"

"Six thousand and eight, if I refund the money, can I refund them all to her?"

"Are you okay? I'll stab you with a knife, and then pull the knife out, can I tie it?"

Isn't it the same thing?

Wang Yidong didn't dare to reason with Mai Xiaoyu. He only hopes to send away these plague gods as soon as possible, so as not to be uneasy in the future.

"Then how much do you say?"

"I won't ask you too much. A penalty of ten is a penalty. It's sixty-eight thousand."

"How many?"

"Don't give it, do it!"

"Wait a minute, I'll give it, can't I give it yet!"

Few people carry tens of thousands of dollars in cash with them. Wang Yidong proposed to put on clothes and go to the bank to withdraw money, but Mai Xiaoyu vetoed him and asked him to call someone to send the money, and only gave him half an hour.

Sixty-eight thousand will not be seen after half an hour, at your own risk.

In the wolf den, the lamb Wang Yidong was able to do things very quickly. In less than 20 minutes, a young man rushed to the hotel with 70,000 yuan.

After seeing the young man, Mai Xiaoyu was happy, and Nima was an acquaintance.

The young man who gave the money was on the third day of the new year, a young man who wanted to lie to Cici at the gate of the mall.

Let the buck-tooth count two thousand and still return it to Wang Yidong, Mai Xiaoyu said: "I am very particular, and I said sixty-eight thousand is sixty-eight, no more points. Also, I warn you, you cheated money I don't care, it's the police uncle's business, but if you dare to cheat, I will castrate you next time!"

"Don't I won't dare anymore."

Mai Xiaoyu took Yang Mi’s mini messenger bag, opened it, and broke into two slabs...

He took out the slab brick and threw it away, took out 20,000 pieces in the bag, put it on his back, and said to the buck-tooth man: "You will divide the rest with the brothers."

"Brother, this is too much, right?"

"If there is much or not, just take it for you. Don't forget to thank Mr. Wang."

I didn't do anything, just babbled a few words at random. As a result, everyone was easily divided into thousands of people, each of them opened his eyes and smiled, and kept saying "Thank you, Mr. Wang" and "Continue next time" and other cynicism.

Seeing that they divided the money, Wang Yidong let out a sigh of relief: "Brothers, can you go now?"

Mai Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows: "What is the hurry, where is the camera hidden?" (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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