
Lisboa Tea Restaurant.

A tea restaurant opened by the fourth wife of the king of gambling.

It broke the traditional and outdated tea restaurant business model, bright and full of Portuguese characteristics. The stylish and avant-garde decoration doors and the black and white pillars show a shining and restrained beauty under the refraction of lights from different angles.

Lin Zhiling sat alone in the sofa deck by the wall, with a sip of coffee on the table, and looked at the watch, the door, and looked around, appearing to be fidgeting.


Obviously it was eight o'clock. It's eight thirty now!

I also said that I am sincere, but what kind of sincerity is there?

"Hello, miss, can I sit here?" A middle-aged man in bright clothes appeared next to her.

"Sorry, I'm waiting for someone."

"It's been more than ten minutes. It seems that the people you are waiting for will not come." The middle-aged man talked calmly, "Sorry, I don't have the idea of ​​spying on your privacy, but your beauty conquered me, Miss. I can bear to wait for a beautiful lady like you alone."

"I understand your kindness in my heart," Mai Xiaoyu put a hand on the middle-aged man's shoulder, with a joking expression, "I will take care of her tonight."

"Crude!" The middle-aged man pushed away Mai Xiaoyu's hand and flicked his shoulder again, looking at Lin Zhiling regretfully, "I have to say, Miss, your vision is a lot worse than your beauty. Grade."

Mai Xiaoyu waved his hand contemptuously: "Go away. If you want to seduce your girl, just say you want to seduce your girl. Is it interesting to find a nightclub ticket and throw it away. Some girls talk to you about life."

Let alone middle-aged now, Lin Zhiling frowned.

The middle-aged man left quickly, and Mai Xiaoyu sat opposite Lin Zhiling and smiled: "Long time no see, you are a little more charming and charming than before."

Lin Zhiling: "..."

Remembering Chen Qiao'en's advice, she squeezed her pretty face: "Sir, did you admit the wrong person? I don't remember seeing you before."

"Then we just met today. Introduce myself, my name is Mai Xiaoyu, the general manager of Yanjing Mengren Film and Television."

"Aren't you called Lu Qiushi!"

"Hehe, why take the pseudonym too seriously?"

"A membership fee of 10,000 yuan, and a car repair fee of more than 100,000 yuan, do you want to lose it when you say "why take it too seriously"!"

"I don't quite understand what you said, unless you turn off the recording equipment."

A panic flashed across Lin Zhiling's face: "I don't understand what you said."

"I came with full sincerity to fulfill the promise I made to you."

Thinking of Chen Qiaoen's evaluation of Mai Xiaoyu, Lin Zhiling shuddered: He really is a guy who likes lip-synching!

Fortunately, Eun has thought of it.

Lin Zhiling picked up the phone on the desk, turned off the recording function, and said in a bad mood: "It's okay now!"

"and also."




Mai Xiaoyu said nothing, tilted his head to look at Lin Zhiling, and smirked.

This liar is really powerful, but it doesn't matter, everything is within Enen's expectation.

Lin Zhiling took out a miniature tape recorder from the limited edition LV bag and put it on the table.

Mai Xiaoyu picked up the mini-recorder, turned it off, and continued to look at Lin Zhiling with his previous expression.

"It depends on what I am doing, it's gone!"

This time, Mai Xiaoyu didn't speak at all, and just looked at her like that, and Lin Zhiling's heart was frowned upon.

Yeah, this liar is more powerful than you think, he can't hide it...

Lin Zhiling grimaced and took out another recording pen.

"You won!"

What she didn't expect was that Mai Xiaoyu didn't believe it. After turning off the recorder, he looked at her with that nasty expression.

"It's really gone."

"Really gone?"

"Believe it or not, don't believe me to go!"

Mai Xiaoyu stopped her, "I'm here to fulfill the promise I made to you, but your heart is broken by what you did. You don't have to go, I'm going, you don't regret it in the future."

When the voice fell, Mai Xiaoyu stood up and walked away.

When passing by Lin Zhiling, there was no hesitation.

Lin Zhiling was dumbfounded, and did not respond for a long time.

A minute later, Mai Xiaoyu reappeared in front of her and sat down with a smile: "Now I believe it is gone."

Deceived again!

Lin Zhiling was extremely angry: "You lied to me!"

I don’t need the mini-recorder or voice recorder. I picked up my phone and carried my bag, got up and left.

Mai Xiaoyu hurriedly took her hand.

Lin Zhiling struggled twice and couldn't get rid of it, blushing and threatening: "Let go, if I don't let go, I will call'indecent'."

"Sell, and I will tell others that you are my girlfriend, and you called ‘indecent’ because of a quarrel. Well, that person just now can prove it."

"Rogue!" Lin Zhiling sat down angrily, "Now you can let go."

At this time, the waiter came to ask Mai Xiaoyu what to order. Mai Xiaoyu ordered a cup of coffee exactly like Lin Zhiling, and then smiled and asked the waiter: "Is my girlfriend beautiful?"

The waiter looked at Lin Zhiling, then at the hands held by the two of them, and said, "It's very beautiful, and the two match well."

Lin Zhiling gritted his teeth angrily.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled triumphantly.

Soon, the waiter brought coffee.

When the waiter left, Lin Zhiling gritted his teeth and asked, "Why are you looking for me? Are you trying to lie to me if you don't have enough money?"

"On the contrary, I can't spend a lot of money now. I'm going to make a TV series and come to you to play the heroine."

"You don't need to talk frankly, I won't be fooled."

"I know I was not good before, and I laughed off after hurting you, so this time I came back to make up for the pain left in your heart. Why don't you give me a chance and give yourself a chance? "

"I warn you, you take advantage of me again, I'm turning my face."

"Has anyone told you that you are so beautiful when you lose your temper?"

Lin Zhiling: "..."

"Don't be kidding, just talk about business." Mai Xiaoyu suddenly became serious. "Our company plans to shoot a TV series. I sincerely invite you to play the leading role."

"Sincere? I waited for you for half an hour. Is this also called sincerity?"

"Fifteen minutes, you didn't come until a quarter past eight, I saw it."

"Being late is a girl's patent... Have you seen it? You are too dark in your heart, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is hiding in the dark and peeking."

"To each other, just like now, you must still have recording tools on your body."

Lin Zhiling was dumb, not knowing how to answer.

Mai Xiaoyu was right. She happily brought out three recording equipment, which were completely designed in accordance with Chen Qiao'en. And there is a recording pen on her body, which is working!

But what use does Mai Xiaoyu’s lyric and tuned|playy-like words recorded just now?

Mai Xiaoyu did not entangle with the recording equipment. He took out the five-episode script from his backpack and pushed it to Lin Zhiling: "You can take a look at the script first. If you are interested, we will continue to discuss it."

Seeing the name on the cover of the script, Lin Zhiling's eyes lit up: ""Pink Girl"? Teacher Maizi's four-frame cartoon?" (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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