The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 221: XX, what do you think?

A very ordinary old street in the Yaoziqiu area of ​​Shancheng.

Both ends were crowded with oppressive onlookers, and they were blocked by the police.

Reporters from Shancheng local media and other media’s reporters stationed in Shancheng have occupied favorable terrain and set up long guns and short cannons to target people.

It was Liu Dehua who caused such a sensation in Shancheng.

Today, the crew of "Crazy Stone" mainly filmed his cameo.

The number of ordinary citizens who arrived after hearing the news is still increasing. There are fans holding paper and pen cameras, some fans have specially made banners, some fans have prepared exquisite gifts, and fans have brought their own elaborate food.

The charm of Uranus superstars is irresistible.

Mai Xiaoyu greeted Chief Guo in advance and sent the police to come.

Not to maintain order for the crew, but to prevent too many fans, too crowded, and too crazy from causing accidents.

Now shooting is a trio of thieves posing as a moving company to steal, and prepare to evacuate when they succeed. Because of illegal parking, the police, played by Liu Dehua, checked the driving license, operating permit, and issued a ticket.

"Then you say, our car will not stop here, where do we stop when we move? We really don't know, you provide accommodation..."

Brother Tao, played by Gou Yunhao, stood in front of Liu Dehua.

The black skin played by Huang Bo went around behind Liu Dehua from the back of the van.


Xiaoxing Xi yelled angrily: "What did you do with the neck! It's fierce, the impulsive character of the character, you shudder!"

This scene has been NG more than ten times since the filming started.

At first it was because of the fans watching.

Liu Dehua's guest role in the play is a policeman. When he appeared in front of the fans in a straight police uniform, the fans on the scene instantly boiled over.

"Hua Zi, I love you!"

"Hua Tsai is so handsome!"

"Hua Zi, I want to give you a baby!"


Fans shouted in excitement, and some people wanted to send gifts they prepared to their idols, but they were stopped by the police who kept order.

At the beginning of filming, the filming was interrupted several times because of the "delivery" of gifts by individual crazy fans.

Later, after Liu Dehua and the fans briefly communicated, the "delivery" phenomenon disappeared, but the actor's problem came again.

Gou Yunhao's appearance in "Brother Dao" means something of a true character. After Huang Yi’s lectures and the experience gained from filming during this time, I have found the feeling of acting. I have recently started filming to look good.

But playing with Liu Dehua today, the whole person seems to fall back to the elementary school age. The most basic mistakes such as nervousness, forgetting words, squatting, wandering eyes, and inadequate expressions popped up one after another.

The actors who played "Little Army" were even more unbearable, and Nima turned out of the camera.

After Liu Dehua, Xiaoxing Xi and Huang Yi's enlightenment, the two slowly regained their feelings and the shooting continued, but Huang Bo, who had been performing well, had problems.

His rivalry with Liu Dehua is mainly the scene where he goes around behind Liu Dehua and raises a hammer to stun Liu Dehua.

The front is okay, the expressions and movements are in place. The key is that after raising the hammer, the hand shook, and the shaking Zhang Xiaoquan wondered if he hadn't held the camera firmly.

Nervous, very nervous.

Faced with the superstars of Uranus, new performers who have not undergone systematic training will eventually expose flaws in their mentality.

Xiaoxing Xi walked over and said: "Brother Hua is sorry, the new actors tend to get nervous. You get in the car and rest for a while, and I will talk to them about the drama, and try to pass the next one."

"It's okay. This is a common problem for newcomers. Don't embarrass them too much. There is still plenty of time anyway."

The babysitter car was rented specifically for Liu Dehua by the crew for only one day.

Sitting in the car, the assistant brought tea, and Lian Jin and Chen Qiaoen accompanied Liu Dehua to chat in the car.

Liu Dehua smiled and asked Lian Jin: "How does it feel to be filming with the mainland crew?"

Lian Jin said: "The atmosphere of the crew is quite good. Everyone talks and laughs every day. I don't know if the mainland crews are like this."

"Have you seen the screenwriter Ah Zheng?"

Lian Jin shook his head, and Chen Qiaoen replied: "Teacher Azheng has never been to the crew. In fact, no one in our company has seen Mr. Azheng except for Mr. Mai. Teacher Liu, I am Chen Qiao, the propaganda commissioner of Mengren Film and Television. Well, I want to interview you with a few questions."

The propaganda aspect of this cute person has already communicated with Liu Dehua. He smiled and nodded kindly: "I seem to have seen you."

"I also went to Xiangjiang last time."

"Oh, just ask."

""The Stone" is a small production, and there are no big stars to join, why would you agree to appear as a guest in the play?"

In the publicity draft faxed by Moe Ren a few days ago, aren't this question and answer already prepared?

Liu Dehua smiled and asked, "Didn't Mr. Mai tell you?"


"Then you should ask him, he knows best. By the way, what about your manager, Mr. Mai, will be there when the machine is turned on, why is there no one now?"

At this time, Mai Xiaoyu was talking on the phone in a remote alley nearby.

When the crew was filming, he received a call from Yanjing.

After the call was connected, the other party reported to his home: "Hello, Mr. Mai, I am Zhang Yan, Assistant Manager of the Public Relations Department of the Sky Group..."

Qingtian took the initiative to contact, and Mai Xiaoyu was not surprised. He was surprised that the other party contacted him so early.

He thought that when "My Savage Girlfriend" landed in China during the summer vacation, when it was about to be screened in domestic theaters, Qingtian would take the initiative to contact him to convey goodwill. So he told Zhang Xiaoquan that he would have to wait until summer to block Huanyu.

But big companies are big companies after all.

Hailian Cinemas obtained the domestic copyright of "My Savage Girlfriend" through the film approval model. At the beginning of the promotion of the film, Qingtian realized the risks and proceeded to demining.

"My Savage Girlfriend."

Screenwriter: Ah Zheng.

Lyrics and Music: Xiao Yuer.

"Such a good script, why don't we make it ourselves, but give it to the stick instead?"

"Such a beautiful theme song, why don't we sing it by ourselves, but instead let it be sung by the stick?"

The problems that Chen Xiangnan and Chen Xiangxi had seen at the beginning were also seen by Qingtian!

It can be said that this kind of thing ~ ~ even if Mai Xiaoyu struggles to hype, it will not have much substantial impact on the big business of DynaSky itself.

However, Sky Sky Group is a listed company. For the stock market where gossips are flying all over the sky, such news will have a negative impact on Sky Sky's stock price, which will cause the stock price to fall!

This thunder must be eliminated in advance!

“During Christmas last year, your company’s film was maliciously polluted by the navy when it was released. After we learned that it was indeed behind the scenes of the general manager of Huanyu Advertising, it seriously affected the normal order of the film industry and the positive energy atmosphere of the entertainment circle. Decided to call on colleagues to resist this phenomenon. Mr. Mai, what do you think?"

"I support the correct decision of the leading company in the industry, but I am very busy now. As you know, our company has many members. Now the membership business has expanded to Shancheng. Members in both places are waiting to shoot commercials and movies. Assistant Zhang, What do you think?" (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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