The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 236: It's not easy for newcomers

late at night.

The hotel where the crew of "Pink Girl" is located.

Wang Chuhan's room.

Wang Chuhan had just cried, his eyes flushed.

After the end of the night scenes in Group A, Liu Tao, Lin Zhiling, and Chen Zihan hurried back and were asking about Haiqing's affairs.

The filming of the film crew is divided into two groups A and B to start at the same time. Tonight, the three of them will follow Group A to film.

There is such a big noise in Group B, how could Group A not receive the wind?

It's just that what happened, few people know, Haiqing is no exception.

She put together what she saw, and as for the truth... everyone can only rely on guessing.

Is it hard to guess?

Everyone's speculation is infinitely close to the truth, because this kind of thing is not uncommon in the crew.

Some actors have character problems and take advantage of actresses when filming. A simple kiss scene can put the tongue into the actress's mouth, not to mention the usual tedious, verbal provocative?

After listening to Hai Qing's narration, Liu Tao and several people were filled with righteous indignation.

Lin Zhiling said angrily: "This person is too shameless. The other night, I saw a girl enter his room. Later when I was filming, I saw the girl again. There were two or three shots and five shots. Six lines. I didn't expect him to actually..."

Hai Qing asked, "Chu Han, why didn't you resist?"

"She doesn't dare, Zhuo Zhiwei is the relationship of Director Sun."

It was Chen Zihan who was speaking.

Among the five girls, Chen Zihan has been in the industry for the longest time, has followed many crews, and has seen, heard, and experienced many things.

Newcomers do not have human rights, which is a common phenomenon in society, and it is multiplied in the entertainment industry.

Competition in the entertainment industry is fierce. How difficult is it for newcomers to get on top?

No background, no background, no backing, the biggest capital is only oneself.

Whether it is an actor or an actress, they all need to accumulate and expand their contacts in the circle through their own efforts.

Don't say anything about acting is good, there are many people who are good at acting, why are so many people late to become popular, on the contrary, some people with ordinary acting are so popular?

Is it really just because of the audience's eyes?

Ha ha.

The same protagonist, why didn't Zhuo Zhiwei touch Hai Qing, Liu Tao, Lin Zhiling and Chen Zihan, and specifically pick Wang Chuhan to start?

Although Hai Qing is also a newcomer, she graduated from Yanying and is a lover of well-known actor and director Huang Lei. As Zhuo Zhiwei's fourth-line artist status, he has no qualifications and no chance to dive into Haiqing.

Not to mention Liu Tao. Not to mention appearing in the two big dramas "Returning the Pearl 3" and "Yi Tian", Zhuo Zhiwei dare not catch her attention just because of the identity of the cute artist signing. It should be noted that "Pink Girl" was invested by Moeren!

Let's talk about Lin Zhiling.

Yes, this is the first TV series that Lin Zhiling has filmed, and it can be regarded as a newcomer in film and television. But she has been in the modeling circle for several years, and recently she has been hot on the Internet again, and there is obviously someone behind her.

Zhuo Zhiwei has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and he has been sneaked by others and by others. Who can afford it, and who can't afford it, there is still a price for this point of vision, otherwise it would have been smashed to death.

So even the lead partner Chen Zihan didn't dare to provoke him.

Chen Zihan's popularity and fame are much higher than him.

If Chen Zihan has the heart to submerge him, he must be obedient to devote himself to art, but he wants to submerge Chen Zihan...that is looking for death.

Only Wang Chuhan, a newcomer in the quack new circle, is the best bully.

Chen Zihan can understand Wang Chuhan's situation.

Efforts and quickness have never been the norms of the entertainment industry.

A newcomer with no background, no one dared to offend him when he first entered the entertainment industry.

Either follow the trend, accept the unspoken rules, and strive for the opportunity to rise to the top through your own dedication to art.

You may not be able to get ahead when you fall asleep, and it's harder to get ahead if you don't sleep.

Either talk to the other party, hold on to the bottom line and take a little loss and admit that you are unlucky.

If you are too staunch, you will not only fail to get the understanding of people in the circle, but you may also be scolded as a female cousin who wants to establish a torii.

Therefore, when agent Wen Yanfeng asked someone to dismiss her role as "Hamei" and asked her to help talk to the crew, she endured it.

When Zhuo Zhiwei harassed her, she did not dare to shout for help or resist fiercely.

"...In the entertainment industry, our actresses are always in a disadvantaged position." Chen Zihan sighed, "You will know when it will be a long time in the future."

What she said was in Wang Chuhan's heart. The latter's eyes were red and he was about to cry. Liu Tao came over and grabbed his shoulders and comforted him: "Chu Han, don't be sad. Don't be afraid, there is Mr. Mai, he is sure Will support you."

Chen Zihan sighed again: "Oh, I actually envy you, especially Taotao."

"What do you envy them?" Lin Zhiling asked curiously.

"I envy them one of them is a cute artist, the other is a member of the cute. Taotao, Huang Bo and Deng Chao, after signing with cute, never have to worry about not filming; Chu Han will always help her out if there is a problem, and other Newcomers who have been in the industry for one or two years, who have such good treatment?"

"Moe is so good to artists and members?"

Lin Zhiling murmured thoughtfully: Speaking of which, I am also a cute member, that guy...

"Sister Zhiling, what do you think?" Hai Qing asked.

"No, nothing. I'm thinking about how Sun Dao will handle this matter. Isn't Zhuo Zhiwei his relationship?"

Director Sun Yaxing is reprimanding Zhuo Zhiwei in the room.

"Your head was kicked by a donkey. Did I tell you when you entered the group that this crew is different from the previous crew, so it doesn’t matter how you play it? Dare to touch!"

Zhuo Zhiwei said aggrieved: "She is a newcomer. It must be someone's bed to get the heroine. I'm not playing for nothing, so I will introduce her a few assistant directors. In the future, she has a movie and can't thank me?"

"I bought a watch last year!" Sun Yaxing slapped him, "Go to Nima's bed. She is a cute member, so she received this role!"


Sun Yaxing slapped again: "Are you all **** in your mind? The surname Mai is a freak, and I haven't figured out whether he is straight or curved. Moreover, he is shooting movies and commercials for his company's artists. And members, last time..."

I remember that the first time I saw Mai Xiaoyu was because Liu Lei wanted to bully Liu Tao, and Sun Yaxing is still unforgettable.

"For so many days, I don’t dare to stretch out my hand indiscriminately. I didn’t lose a lot of money after starting the machine for many days. Do you think I am afraid of the producer Liu Xiaoli? If I want to lose money, there are some ways I am afraid of it. !"

"Isn't he just the boss of a grass-to-head company? He doesn't know anything, what's to worry about, and he's still afraid?"

"Sister Cao Ni! At this time last year, Moe Ren was still shooting commercials everywhere, and now movies and TV series are still not available. Even Qingtian has come forward to help them block Huanyu. Do you think they are Caotou companies?"

Zhuo Zhiwei was a little panicked, took the initiative to come over, and said pitifully: "Brother, you can help me, I promise to serve you comfortably tonight."

Sun Yaxing touched his cheek: "I'll go to Chief Detective Mai to find out..." (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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