The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 241: Chinese screenwriters who counterattack South Korea

Since teaching Zhuo Zhiwei, Mai Xiaoyu has clearly felt Wang Chuhan's change.

In the crew these days, Wang Chuhan likes to chat with him when he is okay; he sits next to him when he eats a boxed lunch, he divides the dishes and eats together; he closes work in the evening and returns to the hotel, and gives him a supper at eleven or twelve...

Fruit salad, vegetable salad, whole wheat bread and so on, in Wang Chuhan's words, are all healthy foods, suitable for supper.

In the spirit of a liar doubting everything, he first doubted whether Wang Chuhan had changed and became a scheming woman by the entertainment circle.

It's easy to test the truth. With a few simple tricks, he can be sure that Wang Chuhan doesn't have that deep scheming.

I often cling to him recently because the girl is pregnant with spring.

Now Mai Xiaoyu is upset again.

Wang Chuhan is very beautiful, and he is not Liu Xiahui. If he encounters such a beautiful girl in a bar or nightclub, he would be happy to ONS. Anyway, he will not be responsible afterwards, but now...

"Try it, the cherry tomatoes I asked someone to buy in the afternoon are very fresh."

Sitting next to Mai Xiaoyu, Wang Chuhan used a toothpick to pierce a cherry tomato with salad dressing and held it to Mai Xiaoyu's mouth.

Mai Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment, and decided to cut the mess with a sharp knife.

He ate the cherry tomatoes and praised: "It tastes good, and my girlfriend must love it too. It just so happened that we were going out for supper, let's go together with this fruit salad."

"You, girlfriend?"

Wang Chuhan was dumbfounded and looked at Mai Xiaoyu dumbly.

She felt that Mai Xiaoyu was very good to her, and helped her several times, she should have liked her. And when she was in Yanjing, her sister also raised this suspicion. She was a little at a loss and didn't know how to face it.

Until that night Mai Xiaoyu taught Zhuo Zhiwei, she finally had the answer in her heart, so she often approached Mai Xiaoyu these days.

But Mai Xiaoyu now says that he has a girlfriend.

"who is it?"

Wang Chuhan felt a pain in his heart and asked subconsciously.

"Speaking of which, you know too. I called her to come down, let's go out for supper together."

Mai Xiaoyu intends to continue to use Haiqing as a shield. Anyway, did he use it in Shancheng?

At this time, there was another knock on the door.

It's Liu Tao.

I'll go, do you want to be so messy!

Fortunately, I haven't called Haiqing yet.

Mai Xiaoyu gently embraced Liu Tao's willow waist and smiled and introduced Wang Chuhan: "I said, you know. We have never told anyone about our relationship. Don't tell Chu Han about it."

Liu Tao was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled lightly and leaned on Mai Xiaoyu's shoulder: "I'm sorry Chu Han, I haven't told you, you won't blame me?"

"No, it won't."

Wang Chuhan stood up awkwardly.

In the previous membership group, some members half-joked and half-seriously wentssip about the relationship between Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Tao, saying that at the "I Believe" closing banquet, he overheard Mai Xiaoyu wine and called Liu Tao and suspected them. It's a couple.

At that time, the members thought it was a joke, no one took it seriously, including the gossip guy who was just curious.

It seems to be true now.

The worst part is that during the filming of "Pink Girl", Liu Tao took good care of her because she was also a member of the "cute", and their relationship was also very good.

"Mr. Mai, Sister Tao, don't bother you, I'll go back first."

Wang Chuhan's heart was numb, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

The only good news is that things are not too bad, and she hasn't confessed yet, so that everyone won't be able to get off the stage.

After Wang Chuhan left, Mai Xiaoyu was much more relaxed, closed the door and asked Liu Tao: "Why are you here?"

The publicity work of "Yitian" is about to start. Liu Tao is the second female. Tomorrow, she will temporarily leave the crew with Chen Zihan and join the main creative staff of "Yitian" to participate in various publicity activities.

This is the itinerary that was set in the film about, and Mai Xiaoyu knew it. But she still wanted to talk specifically to Mai Xiaoyu, coming here after work tonight, but she didn't expect to be temporarily pulled as a shield.

However, she likes this shield, and she feels relieved to leave the crew temporarily this time.

After Liu Tao, Hai Qing, Huang Bo, and Deng Chao also temporarily left the crew to participate in the promotional activities of "Crazy Stone" and "Fake Plays Really Do".

After the film and television drama is finalized, the film crew will organize the main creative staff to conduct publicity in major first-tier cities, and strive for better box office or ratings for the upcoming film and television drama.

For actors, it is also a chance to promote themselves and fight for appearances. If the schedule permits, they will generally not miss it.

The same is true for the upcoming "My Savage Girlfriend". Jun Ji-hyun and Cha Tae-hyun are also participating in film promotion activities in various places under the arrangement of the Hailian Theater.

At the invitation of Mai Xiaoyu, the two set aside a day to return to the "Pink Girl" crew of the East China Sea troupe.

"My Savage Girlfriend" became a big hit in Korea, and the two returned home with honours at the Korean Film Awards.

Jun Ji-hyun won the Korean Daejong Award for Best Actress and a nomination for the Korean Movie Blue Dragon Award for Best Actress; Cha Tae-hyun received the Korean Movie Blue Dragon Award for Best New Actor Award.

A movie made the two people's popularity, fame, and worth soar. The film was about to fly to the two people's agency IHQ, and two new stars in the Korean film industry rose up.

The savage wind brought by "My Savage Girlfriend" not only sweeps South Korea, but also sweeps Southeast Asia.

The Chinese Korean Wave is raging, and many viewers are full of expectations for the film. Under the promotion of Hailian Cinema and IHQ, where the two went, many media attention and fans sought after.

The two appeared on the "Pink Girl" crew, and the media swarmed like sharks smelling blood.

Why did they come to the "Pink Girl" crew?

What is the relationship with the crew?

Whose class are you visiting?

The reason why the two visited the class has become the topic of most concern to reporters.

Faced with the reporter's question, the two answered exactly the same-Azheng!

Only then did the media react. It turned out that Ah Zheng, the screenwriter of "My Barbaric Girlfriend", is the dancing screenwriter A Zheng of China, who also adapted Maizi's "Pink Girl" comic into a TV series!

In China, where the Korean Wave is raging, a Chinese screenwriter counterattacks the Korean film scene.

After his script was made into a movie, he ranked runner-up in the top ten best-selling films in South Korea of ​​the year, causing a savage craze; the heroine Jun Ji-hyun who became popular in model transformation, and the new actor Cha Tae-hyun became popular in the new actor; and won many awards.

What kind of spirit is this Nima?

It is said that the Korean Big Bell Award almost nominated him for Best only because he is not Korean but Chinese!

"The regret of Jeon Ji-hyun and Cha Tae-hyun-the crew did not see Ah Jung!"

Many media reported on this. With the help of Quan Zhixian and Cha Tae-hyun, Ah Zheng, who had been silent for nearly half a year, was once again hyped, and Weibo fans quickly exceeded 10 million.

At the same time, the publicity of the TV series "Pink Girl" written by Ah Zheng has reached a new level, and for the first time, reporters organized a group to visit.

And the movie "Crazy Stone", which was also written by him, began high-profile publicity before the release with the joint efforts of Hailian Distribution Department and Moeren Film and Television!

Local push, magazines, newspapers, internet, street sign advertisements, poster conferences, trailer conferences, crew meetings...

Moeren’s 5 million promotional fee will not be spent in vain! (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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