I often walk by the river, so how can I not wet my shoes?

In the past few years since he was released from the detention center, Mai Xiaoyu has been walking on the road of "deception".

If you deceive, you must be prepared to be deceived.

The skills are not as good as people are willing to bet, and there is nothing to blame.

At the beginning, he stepped on Qian Hongyou to create momentum for the publication and distribution of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"; now Qian Hongyou is hiding in the dark, taking advantage of the weakness of the cute person and using his personal connections to put him together, which can be regarded as a normal "reciprocity."

Mai Xiaoyu is not going to be furious about this.

The round, how normal is it for you to come and me? If you lose this round, you can win the next round. It's no big deal. Who dares to say that you are the biggest winner until the end?

But the "heavy money" that cute people smashed on Zhou Zhe must be vomited.

Still the same sentence: collect money for errands, what kind of money you don’t do for errands!

"Two things. One, apologize to Aunt Liu; two, even cash with gifts, 400,000 yuan, spit it out."

Qian Hongyou looked at Mai Xiaoyu contemptuously: "You..."

"Go away, what's the matter with you!"

Mai Xiaoyu's scolding shocked Qian Hongyou, and his face flushed with anger.

Zhou Zhe stood up for his brother-in-law with a cold face: "I don't understand what kind of cash gift."

"Really don't understand?"

Mai Xiaoyu sneered, kicking Zhou Zhe's abdomen without warning.

Zhou Zhe snorted, clutching his stomach and curled up on the sofa.

Qian Hongyou got up and scolded Mai Xiaoyu: "How can you beat people, do you have any quality!"


Mai Xiaoyu slapped Qian Hongyou's face with a backhand.

Liu Xiaoli was taken aback, and hurriedly walked over to hold Mai Xiaoyu: "Mai, don't be impulsive. If you have something to say, please speak carefully."

"It's okay." Mai Xiaoyu pulled out his arm, "Some people say it is useless, isn't it Director Zhou?"

While speaking, Mai Xiaoyu stepped on Zhou Zhe's chest again: "You brother-in-law partnered to yin me, this is not over, let's just wait and see. But if you take the benefits of our company, you have to give me all today. Come back, don't think of a point less!"

"You wait, I'll call the police now!" Zhou Zhe was ashamed and angrily took out his mobile phone.

Mai Xiaoyu slapped her over, and the phone hit the wall and fell apart: "Call the police? Whatever. I admit fines and education criticisms. I don't care about the fines and education criticisms. I don't care about detentions for up to a few days. I promise, starting tomorrow, you will be met every day. Be beaten as a pig until you pay the money back. If you don’t believe me, you can try."

"It's the other way around, this is the capital city, at the feet of the emperor, do you really think that there is no law to control you!" Qian Hongyou, director of the Art Channel of Yanjing Radio Station, covered his face with one hand and a mobile phone in the other, exuding strong official power. Sternly reprimanded.

Mai Xiaoyu spit out: "You have the face to talk about the law? Okay, since you are willing to come in, I will fulfill you. Starting tomorrow, you two leading cadres will be beaten into pigs every day. You can call the police at will. "

When the voice fell, Mai Xiaoyu retracted his foot, lit his cigarette, and took out his mobile phone.

"Buck teeth, it's me."

"How many people do you have?"

"Help me clean up two people."

"One is Qian Hongyou, the director of Yanjing Radio's Art Channel, and the other is Zhou Zhe, director of the purchasing department of Yanjing Satellite TV."

"He has hacked my money, and cheated on me."

"Fear of a fart, pull a sack in the alley and leave after the fight. He knows who did it?"

"Never kill or mutilate, just slap them in the face. I want them to be pig heads every day."


Mai Xiaoyu said one sentence after another, and finally discussed the price with the person on the phone.

At this time, Qian Hongyou put down his phone and looked at Zhou Zhe.

Coincidentally, Zhou Zhe's gaze also turned to him.

They are also related. Black and White can always find someone who can speak, but is it necessary to make things that way?

Porcelain does not fight with tiles, but jade?

One is the director of the radio channel and the other is the director of the TV station's film purchase department. They are all leaders within the system. What is jade?

Is it guilty to be entangled with barefoot ****, gangsters and gangsters?

When you have time, it’s okay to collect gifts, run to officials, and collect stamps, isn’t it?

And that gangster is not particular about it. Didn't you hear him say "face slap" on the phone?

They are cadres and leaders. They often attend various meetings, events, dinners and other public occasions. The "face" is very important!

Most importantly, their purpose has been achieved.

Putting Mai Xiaoyu together delayed the sale of the copyright of "Pink Girl" and gave Qian Hongyou a sigh of foul.

On the contrary, money is a trivial matter, which is originally cute money.

More than three hundred thousand...

Is it true that a leading cadre has never seen money?

Zhou Zhe was unwilling to say: "Okay, I will refund the money to you. But I don't know where to throw a few shopping cards, and I gave some gifts."

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't want any shopping cards, gifts, etc., pay me 400,000 yuan, two clears!"

"You're still unreasonable. You can add up to more than 300,000 yuan for cash, shopping cards, and gifts!"

"Our time is wasted!" Mai Xiaoyu put out his cigarette butt, "If you don't give it, let's go, Aunt Liu."

"Wait a moment!"

Zhou Zhe stopped Mai Xiaoyu, took out the checkbook, and wrote a check for 400,000 yuan.

"Count you ruthless, in the future, your company's TV dramas, don't want to step into Yanjing Satellite TV for half a step."

Qian Hongyou also threatened: "Yanjing's radio and television circle has absolutely no place for you to stand!"

"Are you two taking yourself too seriously?" Mai Xiaoyu flicked the check. "If there is a problem with the check, you two should be careful when you go out tomorrow morning."

"go out!"

"Don't worry, there is still one thing left."

Zhou Zhe hasn't apologized to Liu Xiaoli yet!

"Too much bullying!"

After holding back for five minutes, Zhou Zhe barely suffocated his internal injury, biting his molars and spit out three words: "I'm sorry."

The meeting at the tea house came to an end, and both parties were very upset.

Needless to say, Qian Hongyou and Zhou Zhe, although they put Mai Xiaoyu together, they also paid the price; while Mengren film and television need to re-run the TV station and seek the broadcasting platform of "Pink Girl", which was delayed for more than a month. NS.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Liu Xiaoli is concerned about Mai Xiaoyu's call.

The "temperament" that Mai Xiaoyu showed just now, she is very worried that Mai Xiaoyu will go astray: "Mai, who did you call just now? What have you been doing these years?"

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and handed the phone over. Liu Xiaoli took the phone and took a look. The number Mai Xiaoyu dialed just now was 10086...

"You lie to them?"

Liu Xiaoli couldn't laugh or cry.

True and false, false and true, even deceived and deceived...

This kid has learned all the old Mai's set.

After confirming that Mai Xiaoyu did not interact with any inconsistent people, Liu Xiaoli relaxed her mind: "Mai, I blame me for this matter."

"It has nothing to do with you, I used to offend people."

The two went to the nearest bank and checked in. After leaving the bank, Mai Xiaoyu said: "Come over again, let's contact other TV stations as soon as possible..." (To be continued.)

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