"... You suddenly changed your conditions, did you use me?"

The atmosphere in the room, because of Chen Qiaoen's last three words, instantly solidified.

Mai Xiaoyu tilted his head and looked at Chen Qiaoen carefully, calculating the other party's intentions in his heart.

He didn't want to clarify the words so early, because Chen Qiaoen hadn't entered the pit yet.

And he never thought about using Chen Qiaoen, Chen Qiaoen's use of relationship to punish Yan Sicong, it was not in his plan.

He changed the conditions and things to develop in favor of Mengren's film and television, but it was because of his professional habits. Be good at grasping all opportunities and favorable situations to win more and greater benefits for one's own side.

Facing his scrutiny, Chen Qiaoen's eyes flickered slightly panic: "You, why are you looking at me like this?"

Deficiency, panic, nervousness, lack of confidence...

This is the emotion that Mai Xiaoyu felt from Chen Qiao'en's expression and tone, and he also judged that her words were just a quick slur and had no intention of identifying her identity.

So what he has to do now is to "beat" this less and less cute little lamb.

"I, use you... what do you mean?" Mai Xiaoyu asked tentatively, "Is it related to you that the attitude of Dolphin TV changed?"

"No, no."

"Then why do you say I use you?"

"this and that……"

"What about this and that, hesitate. Say, are you hiding something from me?" Mai Xiaoyuhu approached Chen Qiaoen with a face.

Chen Qiaoen retreated step by step until he couldn't retreat against the wall.

"I prayed to God to bless the company and punish the bad guy last night. God must have heard my voice."


Mai Xiaoyu almost didn't laugh out loud.

She can think of this kind of **** excuse.

Do I look like a mentally handicapped, very easy to deceive?

"Are you insulting my IQ?" Mai Xiaoyu continued to approach.

Chen Qiaoen became more flustered, racking his brains to think about countermeasures.

Since she was little, she had never thought so at this moment, and she used her brain with all her strength.

"No, really, really...you stop, okay, I said, I called Charlotte last night..."

In many cases, human potential is forced out.

In the face of Mai Xiaoyu’s pressing steadily, Chen Qiaoen exploded with amazing potential. In his stumbling words, a complete logic was formed abruptly-she was almost bullied last night, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became when she slept. Can't help but call Xia Luofeng and ask him to help him out.

"... His family is rich and powerful, and his business is very large. He must be looking for someone to say hello. Yes, it must be like this."

In the end, Chen Qiao'en's lips became more and more slippery, his confidence was getting stronger, and his expression calmed down.

"Why are you looking for him? Why would he help you? Haven't you rejected him completely? Are you still disconnected?"

"No!" Chen Qiao'en categorically denied, "Perhaps he thought he still had a chance and wanted to pursue me, so he helped me. Why are you questioning, you don't suffer!"

Mai Xiaoyu was heartbroken: "I'm worried that you will suffer!"

"How can I suffer?"

Chen Qiaoen's face was dull and cute, and Mai Xiaoyu was secretly praised in her heart: This acting, tut, it's no wonder that life is the best teacher.

"Don't you know that he has another purpose for you? You took the initiative to send it to the door, how dangerous it is. And he is a super rich second-generation, how can he help you in vain, maybe he will let you repay him personally anytime."

Does he seem to believe me?

It's strange, it's all lies.

I understand, it turns out that deceiving people are also tricky.

The whole story cannot be false, the true and the false are mixed together to be more like the truth.

At this moment, Chen Qiaoen, who was relaxed in his heart, unknowingly completed another evolution.

"What do you say in return, it's so ugly, and you'll protect me, right?"



Referred to as Bidong.

Mai Xiaoyu came to Chen Qiaoen, leaning on the wall with one hand, and staring down at Chen Qiaoen: "You really have a crush on me."

"You are talking nonsense!"

"Really? Then why do you always want me to protect you?"

Can't you lie to you!

Chen Qiaoen tried his best to retreat, and her delicate body clung to the wall: "Don't bully me anymore, or I will really tell Sister Tao. Don't think I can't tell. You have always liked Sister Tao. Sister Tao's first kiss has been lost. You took it away!"

call out--

A bright light flashed in front of Mai Xiaoyu's eyes, dispelling the suspicion in his mind.

He vaguely guessed the reason for the close relationship between Chen Qiaoen and Liu Tao, and at the same time secretly sighed Chen Qiaoen's "destructive" ability.

Liu Tao's first kiss...

He only kissed Liu Tao once, on the roof of Jinlong Building, when Liu Tao almost committed suicide.

Obviously, I don't know when Chen Qiaoen turned it out, and most of them even talked to Liu Tao.

However, judging from Liu Tao's reaction in recent months, Chen Qiaoen probably didn't tell her about her past of lambs.

Can't let this lamb continue to "destroy" wantonly!

Mai Xiaoyu's eyes were suddenly full of tenderness: "Jon, there is actually something I haven't told you. You have a crush on me, I know, but I also like you, you don't know yet."

"Come on, believe it or not, I will call Sister Tao now and tell her you are bullying me?" Chen Qiaoen raised the phone and shook it triumphantly.

She thinks that she knows Mai Xiaoyu better than everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~Because it is true love, she is afraid of harm.

Before Mai Xiaoyu was completely whitewashed, he dared not express his feelings for Liu Tao, worrying that one day the Dongchuang incident would affect Liu Tao.

This is also one of the reasons why Chen Qiaoen's attitude towards Mai Xiaoyu has changed.

Mai Xiaoyu took the phone and threw it on the bed. Taking advantage of Chen Qiaoen's loss of consciousness, he lifted her chin with one hand and said tenderly: "Are you the first kiss?"

"What are you going to do?"

The long-lost sense of tension spread throughout Chen Qiaoen's body, and a little fear of playing with fire was born in his heart.


Mai Xiaoyu's index finger lightly pressed against her cherry lips, preventing her from continuing to speak.

Then he lifted her chin again, and slowly approached her head slightly.

That was the prelude to the kiss...

When Chen Qiaoen clearly felt Mai Xiaoyu's breath, she was finally afraid.


She screamed and pushed Mai Xiaoyu away to grab the door, and Mai Xiaoyu's unbridled laughter came from behind.

Fight with me, little lamb, you are so tender!

Be obedient and join the circle early, it will be good.

After closing the door and taking a shower, sitting on the bed blowing on the air conditioner, he accidentally touched Chen Qiao'en's mobile phone.

This mobile phone...seems to be a foreign customized brand.

What is she coming from?

Nima, lock it up! △≧miào.*bi(.*)gé△≧,

At the same time, Chen Qiaoen also took a bath and lay on the bed in a bathrobe, his liver puffing, and his mind was numb.

He actually wanted to treat me...

I really saw the wrong person...

No, it seems easy for me to break free, and he didn't answer the question he asked...

Did he scare me on purpose?

Maybe, he is a liar!

I won’t be in contact with him too much during this time, this guy empathizes, don’t fall in love with me...

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