The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 268: "Car|Shock"

One is the Uranus superstar Liu Dehua, and the other is an actress who has debuted for more than a year.

If you were Yu Ji, who would you choose to follow?

The answer is obvious.

Okay, even if it’s because of Mai Xiaoyu messing up, destroying Yu Ji and shooting Liu Dehua, and angering the uncrowned king, but as for the big night, he followed behind and circled the fourth ring three times and didn’t go home to eat aa milk?

Mai Xiaoyu has every reason to suspect that the reporter in the Xiali car behind came for Liu Tao, or for himself and Mengren's film and television.

Mengren now has four contracted artists, Liu Tao, Huang Bo, Deng Chao, and Hu Xun.

Liu Tao is not only the "first sister" of Mengren, but also the most famous female star of Mengren.

Just like Mai Xiaoyu said, a cute cash cow.

If it is captured by Yuji, Liu Tao will return to the International Trade Youth Apartment with him and leave the next morning...

Under the hype of interested people, what kind of headline will appear in the media, do you still have to guess?

Liu Tao, who has just debuted, can't bear a large number of negative scandals, and it is likely to ruin her acting career.

As a result, it was a huge blow to Moeren Film and Television, and it was even more painful to Mai Xiaoyu.

Yes, gossip can make some female stars popular, but it is not suitable for Liu Tao's development route. The most important thing is that Mai Xiaoyu does not want Liu Tao to be involved in the scandal!

Even if it is Liu Tao and Liu Dehua’s scandal, good hype can greatly increase Liu Tao’s popularity and popularity, Mai Xiaoyu will never agree, because he has never been in the entertainment industry, and will not act according to the rules of the entertainment industry. !

Don't blame me for being impolite if you take people's money to help people with disasters.

Turning around the Fourth Ring Road and arriving near Sijiqing Bridge, Mai Xiaoyu turned into the side road with a dozen steering wheels and drove in the direction of West Fifth Ring Road.

"Are they here for me?" Liu Tao looked at Mai Xiaoyu nervously.

"Does it matter?" Mai Xiaoyu smiled brightly: "Remember what I told you?"


"You are my money maker, who dares to touch you, I will uproot him!"

Volvo went all the way to the west, and came to a small road just out of the West Fifth Ring Road just after 11 o'clock in the evening.

In the middle of the night, the road was secluded, no people and cars were seen, and the willows on both sides swayed gently with the evening breeze, making a rustling sound.

Mai Xiaoyu stopped, and the Xiali behind him also stopped. The distance was only ten meters, which was very arrogant.

"Wait for me in the car, don't get off."

Guessing that Mai Xiaoyu is going to fight, Liu Tao grabbed his arm and shook his head slightly: "Mai Zi."

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Mai Xiaoyu took away Liu Tao's little hand, squeezed, "It's cool and slippery, um, silky feeling."

Liu Tao blushed, and Mai Xiaoyu had jumped out of the car and opened the trunk.

It looked like it was blocking the rearview mirror, but in fact, he took out a screwdriver with a length of more than a foot from the toolbox inside, held it upside down in his hand, and walked towards Xiali, who was less than ten meters away.

"Hey, you're home, it's time to get out of the car."

The entertainment in Xiali's car is very arrogant.

When Mai Xiaoyu approached Xiali, Xiali's car door opened. The driver was a young man in his twenties. He jumped out of the car and lay down on the door. He asked jokingly, "Why, want to robbery?"

"Do you have anything valuable?"

"Try it."

Mai Xiaoyu walked to the driver, and the two looked at each other through the car door.

"You want to irritate me? Is the camera of that guy in the car ready?"

The driver was stunned, but not panicked, and whistled: "So beautiful girl, another star, still in such a secluded place...Are we disturbing your stunned Yaxing?"

"The car is shocking?" Mai Xiaoyu smiled, "Thanks to your reminder, I will fulfill your wish. Before that, you will answer me one question first. Who instructed you to come?"


The driver sneered disdainfully, but verified Mai Xiaoyu's guess: Someone instructed Yu Ji, and most of the person behind the scenes should be Ning Shibin.

He doesn't have many enemies in the entertainment industry. Both Liu Lei and Qiu Yunhui, the director of the world, are small grasshoppers, and they can't jump on the table. Only Ning Shibin can do this and has the ability to make things bigger.

It is a pity that this fellow still adheres to the usual brain-dead style, and the entertainment record he found is actually following up in an upright manner. He also tried to provoke and irritate himself, and then took photos and exposed...

Have you forgotten the experience of being beaten last time?

Don’t remember my combat power?

Forget it, I promised Cici, I will try not to do anything in the future, and let me do it first.

After making up his mind, Mai Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Ok, we have nothing to say now, let's shake the car."

The car is shaking?

The driver twitched his mouth twice and didn't understand.

Mai Xiaoyu kindly popularizes science: "You, and the person in the car... are men, that's right, take off your clothes by yourself and have a car shake, so as not to suffer the flesh and blood."

The driver yelled: "Are you sick?"

"So you don't cooperate anymore?"

"Cooperate with your uncle!"

"Then I'm sorry, haha."

When the voice fell, Mai Xiaoyu suddenly shot.

Grabbing the driver's hair with one hand, he yanked it aside.

The driver was caught off guard and was violently pulled by Mai Xiaoyu, staggering.

Mai Xiaoyu slashed the driver's neck with a hand knife, and the driver fainted to the ground.

Immediately after he got into the Xiali car from the driver's seat, a middle-aged man in his thirties in the back, holding a special camera for sneak shots, stunned.

A word of disagreement makes a big fight...Are you sure you are the boss of the film and television company, not a hooligan?

Don’t you worry about our exposure at all?

He is a professional journalist. Even if he loses his sense of measure due to sudden changes, he instinctively presses the shutter to capture the picture of Mai Xiaoyu fainting the driver clearly and completely, and it is seven continuous shooting.

I even thought about the title of tomorrow-the cute boss shook the actress Liu Tao late at night, and the reporter was violently beaten to fracture her ribs.


You said the driver did not have a broken rib?

Are you 484 stupid?

Entertainment gossip, is the truth important?

"Do you take it off yourself, or should I take it off for you?" Mai Xiaoyu turned the screwdriver more than a foot long and pointed at the other side:

"You, what do you want to do, I called the police!"

The middle-aged man looked flustered and took out his mobile phone in a hurry, trying to scare off Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu grabbed the phone and sneered: "It looks like I want to help, don't mess around..."

"Don't worry, I am a civilized person."

While speaking, Mai Xiaoyu threw away the phone and went to grab the camera again.

The camera is the lifeblood of the reporter. The middle-aged man desperately protects him. While the two sides are entangled, Mai Xiaoyu finds the right time to pick up the knife and stun the other party with a hand knife.

Liu Tao remembered Mai Xiaoyu in his heart. He sat in the car and waited for a long time without seeing him back. Worried about his injury or something wrong, he couldn't help but lower the car window and poke his head out.

Looking back, with the help of the bright moonlight, Liu Tao was startled by the scene in front of her.

The eye-catching style of painting is very strange, not a violent style but...

The back of the Xiali car, one side of the car door is fully open.

Mai Xiaoyu stood outside the door of the co-pilot, holding a mobile phone in each hand, and stepping on the body with one foot from time to time to exert force, and the pedaling Xiali car swayed...

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