The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 273: "Fatal" error

Shen Fei's words touched a string deep in Tang Yan's heart.

That was her secret, she hadn't told any relatives or friends, not even her parents.

I thought I had forgotten about the incident two years ago, but now I heard Shen Fei's words, and the familiar routine came to his mind, Tang Yan subconsciously reminded: "Sister Fei, don't you be a scam company?"

Tang Wenhui and the girl with short hair also spoke in turn.

"Yes, Sister Fei, there are so many scam companies now, so be careful."

"I heard from junior seniors that last year a senior in our department was deceived by such a scam company. It seems to be called Huaying Baichen. If it weren't for the early and timely withdrawal, it wouldn't be possible to lose money."

Moe is not a liar, Shen Fei is very sure.

"Ten thousand yuan is also called a matter?" She turned on her computer, lit another cigarette, then logged into the Moeren official website, pointed to the photo above and said: “Did you see it. Liutao, Moe is the first? A contracted artist who filmed Dove’s commercial debut and was called Dove Girl. Later, he shot "Returning the Bead 3", "Eternal Dragon Slayer", "Pink Girl"..."

The Mengren official website is very delicate. The most conspicuous position on the homepage displays the information, advertisements, and film and television works of four contracted artists, Liu Tao, Huang Bo, Deng Chao, and Hu Xun.

Followed by members of other film and television companies such as Wang Chuhan, Enchanting Brother, Gou Yunhao, and Luo Xuejuan.

Then comes the weekly member recommendation.

Shen Fei opened the photos of the contracted artists one by one, and published the information of each reader in the style of the book.

"Huang Bo, film works "I Believe", "Crazy Stone", "Old Boy" (coming soon); TV series "Pink Girl"; music "My Little Apple"..."

"Deng Chao, movie works "I Believe", "Crazy Stone"; TV series "Fake Acts Really Do", "Pink Girl"; musical works..."

"Hu Xun, the actor in the TV series "Pink Girl", "The Legend of the Sword and Fairy" (in preparation)."


"Have you seen, these people are all signed artists who have come out of Moeren members. Almost none of them have received systematic learning, but they have starred in most of the film and television dramas produced by Moeren Film and Television, and the response has been very good."

"This Wang Chuhan, a senior student of the Dance Academy, signed with Tiandi Film and Television after starring in "I Believe" last year; this Hu Hu is even more powerful, and he can star in a TV series as soon as he signed the contract. Do you still think this company is a liar?"

Movies, TV shows, songs, advertisements...

There are pictures and the truth, no doubts are allowed!

""Crazy Stone" was shot by their company?"

"I remember the movie "I Believe". The speculation on the Internet was particularly fierce, as if it was maliciously discredited by the navy."

Tang Wenhui and the short-haired girl no longer had any doubts, and they leaned close to Shen Fei, staring at the official website of Mengren, with a strange light in their eyes.

Even for students from majors, it is difficult to achieve such results in the first year or two after graduation.

What's more, except for Hu Hu, these people are all non-majors!

Non-professional background... In front of them, the subject has a natural advantage and superiority.

Their relationship is like a miscellaneous army and a regular army.

"Sister Fei, you will be popular in the future, but don't forget us." Tang Wenhui hugged Shen Fei and acted like a baby, "When the time comes, you will play the heroine, and I will serve you as a supporting role."

The girl with short hair asked: "Sister Fei, what time do they ask you for an interview? Shall I go with you?"

Shen Fei squinted the girl with short hair: "No. For this interview, I prepared for almost two weeks, and I can handle it."

Tang Wenhui asked: "Sister Fei, how old and what does the boss of Mengren look like?"


The three of them kept talking about Mengren Film and Television, and Tang Yan next to them remained silent.

Because she always feels there is a problem.

Interview, membership fee, 10,000 yuan, model card, advertising and film and television drama...

This routine is too familiar, even the price is exactly the same.

When Shen Fei turned off the computer and was about to go to Meng Ren for an interview, Tang Yan reminded again: "Sister Fei, you must be careful not to be deceived by them. Any company that collects money is a liar, as reported in the newspaper."

Shen Fei froze for a moment, and said with a light smile: "Our Xiao Yanyan is still the kindest, but you think too much. Their company recruits no more than five members every month. Last month, because the boss was busy, there was no time to make arrangements. During the interview, all members were confiscated. Do you still think they are liars?"

If it is a scam company, you should not refuse to come. How can there be no reason to send money to your door?

This reason is sufficient to prove that the cute person is not a liar, and Tang Wenhui and the short-haired girl no longer doubt it.

Only Tang Yan was always entangled in her heart, and she didn't know why, perhaps because of the familiar sense of routine.

This anxiety lasted until Shen Fei returned from the Mengren Film and Television interview.

It was about five o'clock in the afternoon when Shen Fei returned to the dormitory. The cafeteria was open for dinner, but the three roommates came back after dinner and were all waiting for her in the dormitory.

Seeing her back, the three asked almost in unison: "Sister Fei, how did the interview result? Did it pass?"

Shen Fei drank a glass of water first, then sat in a chair and smoked. After smoking a cigarette, she said angrily: "I suspect that cute people are always Tang Yan didn't understand, cute new ones. Asked: "Is there a relationship between this? "

Her question was actively filtered by the other three. Tang Wenhui sighed: "Don't even want to give money?"

"Heh, let alone money, he didn't want to give it to him, or I suspect he was bent?" Leaning on the back of the chair, Shen Fei spit out a series of smoke rings, "Well, this is the entertainment industry. Sometimes, You want some people to have no chance to dive."

"Sister Fei, you probably guessed the truth." The short-haired girl jumped out of the bed with a serious expression, "Have you ever noticed that the only contracted artist of their company is Liu Tao, a woman, and the others are all men..."

Her words reminded Shen Fei.

When I think of myself interviewing, I make explicit hints every once in a while.

For example, if you raise your skirt to show your thighs; you accidentally emptied your legs when you lift your legs; you even pretend to be lying on your desk without standing firmly, with a loose neckline facing Mai Xiaoyu, showing off his delicate upper circumference, Mai Xiaoyu is indifferent , On the contrary, became more and more indifferent to her.

Shen Fei increasingly believes that she has made an unforgivable strategic error. ⑧☆miào⑧☆bi(.*)gé⑧☆.$.

I am so silly.

He is crooked, and I all seduce AA in front of him, it's strange that he can be happy!

The three girls, Shen Fei, short-haired girl and Tang Wenhui, talked about the sexual AA orientation of the cute boss, and then extended to various gossips in the entertainment circle.

Straight, curved, bendable or straight...The forest in the entertainment industry has too many strange birds.

Tang Yan was eating, listening to the gossip of her roommates, and digesting their remarks.

For example, she remembered the strange conclusion that Meng Ren always bends.

At this moment, she did not know that she had committed a "fatal" mistake, so that she would pay a heavy "price" in the near future.

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