The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 280: Sign it, you are Shancai!

At the end of September, "Crazy Stone", which was released for two months, was officially released from theaters. The total box office was fixed at 83.67 million. All major film review websites scored more than 8 points, becoming a veritable classic masterpiece of small-cost movies.

However, the focus of the media has long been not on "The Stone", only a few reports on the total box office of more than 80 million, which is not a prominent position.

It's not that you don't want to report, but that the limelight of "Stone" has passed, and there is no gimmick and limited news value.

A number of new films were released in September, and the gossip in the entertainment circle is constantly tearing up. That's news value.

Among them, the most popular is the movie "Instant Kill" produced by DynaSky. The box office of 90 million ranked first in the box office of the same period, and it is only one step away from breaking the billions.

The most rare thing is that there are constant gimmicks inside and outside of the film.

First, Kintetsu Films released a rhetoric, and will use this film to compete for this year's Golden Horse Awards.

Before the rhetoric had landed, Longxing Studio broke the news. During the filming, the actor forced the actress to speak for him in the bathroom, which instantly sparked heated discussion.

"This is rumors, slander and deliberate smear. If we don't apologize, we will go to law!"

"It's definitely not like an evil force bowing its head! We have pictures to prove it!"

"The picture is forged!"

"We still have victim recordings!"

"The recording is also forged. Someone deliberately hyped up and wanted to take the opportunity to take the lead!"


The two sides quarreled each other in the air. The public relations team, various naval forces appeared everywhere, and the scheming party fished in troubled waters. With the help of this incident, they expressed shocking views, and the purpose was only to focus on fans and market themselves.

From time to time, Internet celebrities and young models jumped out, claiming that they had encountered the male protagonist cheating on feelings, put on their pants and refused to admit it, begging for pity and sympathy and attention...

It is said in one word: chaos!

However, in the eyes of the media, the more chaotic, the more exciting, the more chaotic, the more valuable, and the more worthy of reporting!

This incident lasted for many days, occupying the headlines of major entertainment pages, and the enthusiasm was not diminished. Countless people who didn't know the truth expressed their opinions while sitting and watching the tearing wave.

Affected by this, various unspoken rules and rumors in the entertainment circle have once again been turned out to be hyped. How can the media still have the mood to add more pen and ink to "The Stone"?

Even Mai Xiaoyu didn't want to use "The Stone" to roll off the assembly line and the total box office, and then hype.

What else to fry?

The movie has been successful, the people who should be popular are also popular, and the gimmicks that can be hyped are almost the same. The total box office of more than 80 million is not very meaningful, and there is no need to superfluous.

He is now like ordinary people who eat melons, smiling to see Qingtian and Longxing Studio tearing | forcing a battle.

Longxing Studio, interesting.

After browsing today's entertainment news, Mai Xiaoyu took out psychology books and continued to charge. The evolution speed of the lamb beside him made him feel the pressure.

Xu Ye had a good heart, and Chen Qiaoen came just when he thought of the lamb.

"Mr. Mai, did you bother you?"


Chen Qiaoen's eyes were sharp, and he saw Mai Xiaoyu's book with a cover: "Are you reading? What book?"

Mai Xiaoyu did not answer and asked, "What's the matter?"


"It's okay, you come to me?"

"I came to you just because I was okay. I asked for leave and came back. I didn't have any work for these two days. I was about to get rusty in my spare time."

Chen Qiaoen is now Mai Xiaoyu's assistant, and his work pace follows Mai Xiaoyu's.

When Mai Xiaoyu is busy, she is also busy; when Mai Xiaoyu is free, she is also leisurely.

Since winning the "Dragon" triangle, the company has been operating normally, and the seeds sowed have blossomed, waiting for the harvest time to come.

Liu Xiaoli is busy signing up for "The Stone" for this year's Golden Horse Awards.

Box-office reputation alone is not enough. Winning big prizes... even if it's just a nomination or the opportunity to attend the Golden Horse Awards, it is a rare good opportunity for companies and artists.

She has been busy with this aspect recently, so she doesn't have to worry about Mai Xiaoyu.

The work of the company’s artists has also been arranged.

Huang Bo is filming in South Korea, chatting with fans through Weibo every day, and going well.

After a while, Qianqian, Liu Tao, and Deng Chao will be members of the investor Luo and will be inserted into the crew of "Tianlong". You can sign a contract with the crew only after passing the superficial process such as audition and casting to show the fairness and justice of the crew's casting.

Because of "Dragon", "The Sword" was postponed, and Xiqian and Hu Xu were at school for the time being at ease. Li Xue will try to help them pick up some advertisements, magazine shots, etc., in order to cultivate a sense of lens.

By the 11th National Day, Hu Xu, Deng Chao, and Liu Tao will go to Hefei to cooperate with Dolphin TV with Huang Yi, Lin Zhiling, Wang Chuhan, and Huo Jianhua to promote the "Pink Girl" before the broadcast.

For the position of the director, the deputy director of Dolphin TV Wang Yunshi did not lose his strength.

Mobilize all available resources to promote the reorganization of the evening golden theater and the promotion of "Pink Girl". Now these two things have been tied together, both glory and shame.

He once specifically took the time to watch "Pink Girl" again. The actor's acting skills are not top-notch, but it is not bad. The elements of handsome men and beauties get together, a bit of a Korean idol drama taste, should have something to watch.

In order to increase the chances of winning, he specifically contacted Mai Xiaoyu, hoping that the original comic author Mai Zi could come forward and cooperate with the TV station to increase the ratings guarantee.

Mai Xiaoyu obviously couldn't agree.

As compensation, Mai Xiaoyu promised to persuade Maizi, Mai, Azheng and Xiao Yuer. The TV series "Pink Girl" will be broadcast on Dolphin TV through Weibo, and the broadcast time will be coordinated with Dolphin TV's publicity.

All the work is arranged properly, and he doesn't need to worry about it at all. In addition to interviewing a few new people every day, he now spends the rest of his time on various drafts.

As his assistant, how many jobs can Chen Qiaoen have?

"Do you think it's too idle?" Mai Xiaoyu thought for a while, "It just so happens. I'll give you a new job. I don't feel well on my shoulders. Come over and give me a massage."

Chen Qiaoen stared at Mai Xiaoyu with beautiful eyes.

Mai Xiaoyu laughed and said, "Just kidding. Let's go back to you to represent me, go to Hefei with Liu Tao and Deng Chao to cooperate with Dolphin TV If there is any emergency, I authorize you Take it all. Call me if you can’t solve it.”

If this is the case, I can see Sister Zhiling upright, just because I have something to tell her.

Chen Qiaoen responded positively: "Okay, I'll book a ticket later. By the way, Mr. Mai, do you think "Pink Girl" can be popular?"

"Maizi's original comic A Zheng adapted the script, it should be no problem."

"Actually, I think Teacher Mai's "Hua Nan" is adapted into a TV series, the effect may be better...Why do you think of me that way?"

Mai Xiaoyu looked at Chen Qiao'en and smiled without saying a word.

"It's the same again. Just smiling and not talking is annoying!"

Mai Xiaoyu looked at her for a moment, and suddenly took out two contracts from the desk: "Sign it, you are Shancai!" (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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