The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 289: Lamb, see also lamb (2 in 1 large

Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Tao have not been able to enjoy a cozy dinner for two for a while.

Either Mai Xiaoyu is busy, Liu Tao is busy, or Chen Qiaoen comes to be a light bulb...

Can't blame Chen Qiaoen. Liu Tao is now well-known. If someone is seen going in and out with Mai Xiaoyu and carrying vegetables in his hand, once some gossip comes out, it is easy to get a gossip.

Therefore, Chen Qiao'en's cover is very necessary. After all, few people will evilly associate with the "threesome" aspect.

After dinner, Liu Tao sat next to Mai Xiaoyu and proactively said, “Today’s man is Ye Chu and he said he is a fan of mine. I followed my Weibo some time ago and knew that I was in class at Yanying. I didn’t expect that this evening suddenly Came to school to invite me to dinner..."

Mai Xiaoyu peeled the apple and did not speak. She was silent for a moment and carefully asked, "Are you angry?"

"Huh? Why are you angry?"

"Oh, it's fine if you're not angry." Liu Tao said in a relieved voice, with a touch of loss in her voice.

Mai Xiaoyu cut the apple into pieces: "Thank you that night."

"What night?"

"It was the celebration party when I was drunk." Mai Xiaoyu pierced a small piece of apple with a toothpick and held it to Liu Tao's mouth, "I was tired that night."

This is the first intimate act of feeding between the two.

Happy rushing away from the faint disappointment, Liu Tao ate the apple and said softly: "It's okay. You have been taking care of me since I met you, and there is a rare opportunity for me to take care of you."

"Have I been drunk, are you busy till late?"

"After you were drunk, you were very honest. You didn't even say anything about drunkenness, just sleeping. I was worried that you might vomit. I stayed with you for a while and left when you were asleep."

It doesn't look like Sister Tao...

I rub, who is sleeping with me?

No, who am I sleeping!

"You said you had something to tell me at noon, this is it?" Liu Tao asked.

"No. I just wanted to ask you, have you considered moving?"

Guomao Youth Apartment is a hotel-style apartment, all of which live in tenants. Property management can be considered conscientious, but if you move out today and he will move in tomorrow, tenants will come and see the house almost every day. There is too much staff turnover and the property management is too much.

Just like today, the fan named Ye Chu could chase Yan Ying and possibly get into the International Trade Youth Apartment.

In the event that something messed up is exposed by the media, it will easily affect Liu Tao's acting career, which is on the rise.

"I listen to you. How about you?"

"Of course I moved too. You are my cash cow, I have to watch it!"

"We, live together?"

"you are not willing?"

"No, I, I just didn't expect it to be so fast..." Liu Tao lowered his head, mosquitoes whispered, flushing clouds seemed to be blushing quietly on his cheeks.

Mai Xiaoyu tilted his head and smirked: "Are you thinking about it? I mean, buy two adjacent apartments."


After greeted Liu Tao, Mai Xiaoyu immediately started buying a house. The goal was a high-end community with strict property management. Prices and property fees were not a problem.

Searching for high-end real estate online?

Go to the sales office to inquire on the spot?

Can you tell me a few truths?

And it takes so hard?

He made a call to Ma Hongshan, manager of the demolition department of Sunshine Real Estate, and asked about high-end real estate in Beijing; soon Li Qiang, the boss of Sunshine Real Estate, called back.

"Mr. Mai, why don't you find me if you want to buy a house?"

The last project of Sunshine Real Estate was Sunshine Star City, which took the route of high-end large apartment apartments. The real estate is located in the North Third Ring Road, with a small floor area ratio and a high greening rate, with two elevators and three households.

The environment in the small area is beautiful and unique. At the same time, there are various high-end clubs such as fitness and spa to meet the different needs of the owners. The surrounding supporting facilities are complete and the life is convenient.

Sunshine Star City was handed over at the beginning of the year, and sales were booming. At present, there are only more than 20 sets of top floor with transflective terraces in the end of the market are being cleared.

After learning from the Ma Hongshan Pass that Mai Xiaoyu wanted to buy a house, Li Qiang offered to give Mai Xiaoyu a set.

A suite is worth more than two million!

Li Qiang's reluctance to his old feelings out of righteousness, Mai Xiaoyu will naturally not take advantage of him, and he is not short of money.

"Is there any one that hasn't sold three sets, I bought them all."

"The whole floor?"


Buy the top three sets to form a closed space, so you don’t have to worry about strangers coming and going at will. The privacy is very good.

The next day, Mai Xiaoyu bought a three-unit house on the 18th floor on the top floor of No. 6 Sunshine Star City at a price of 7 million yuan.

Li Qiang gave him four underground parking spaces, and at the same time invited Liu Tao to endorse the new residential real estate-the area of ​​No. 6 Gaoqiao Street where the Mai family lived before. The advertisement was handed over to Shengshi. In addition, the annual meeting of Sunshine Real Estate in December this year invited Liu Tao and Chopsticks to perform.

In terms of quotation, it is 30% higher than the three-person market price.

The relationship network of the prosperous world-cute people-sunshine has taken shape!

After the house was bought and it was time to decorate, Mai Xiaoyu thought of a suitable candidate.

He called Chen Qiao'en to the office this morning: "Jon, you can let go of the work on the publicity side first."

"Okay. Is there a new job for me?"

"I just bought a house for renovation. I'll give you a business card of the decoration company later. You can contact them and I will be pleased for the decoration work."

"Have you made a mistake!" Chen Qiaoen's eyes widened. "What does your house decoration have to do with me?"

"You are my assistant, shouldn't you help me with some trivial things?"

Although Chen Qiao'en's family background cannot be determined, but the status of a wealthy daughter can't escape. And this identity determines her vision, and her concept and requirements for decoration design will certainly not be low.

"This is not within the scope of the assistant's job, okay!" Chen Qiaoen suddenly thought of something, "You and Sister Tao are moving away? What should I do?"

"What's the meaning?"

Chen Qiao Enqing knew that he had failed, and quickly changed his words: "I mean, are you and Sister Tao planning to live together?"

"I bought three sets!"

"Three sets? One set for you, one set for Sister Tao, one set left... for me?"

My goodness, this lamb really dare to think about it!

Mai Xiaoyu patted his thigh and said with a smile, "Come on, Jon."


"Sit on my lap, we are affectionate and affectionate."

Chen Qiaoen has been able to calmly face Mai Xiaoyu's play. She took out her mobile phone and turned on the recording function in front of him, Xiao Tsao Jiao smiled: "What did you say, Mr. Mai, I didn't hear clearly, can you say it again?"

"You want to be the sweetheart of my golden house, why are you still so shy?"

"Where am I?"

"Didn't you just say it yourself?"

Chen Qiao'en reacted quickly: "Oh, so you admit that you like Sister Tao. You bought the property for her, and you want Jinwu Cangjiao?"

"Yes, I like her."

Chen Qiaoen has long known that Mai Xiaoyu has affection for Liu Tao, and he also knows why he has not dared to show it. In order to cope with Mai Xiaoyu's mouth-watering and playing with herself, she is also accustomed to using Liu Tao to fight back.

But now Mai Xiaoyu personally admits, but she doesn't know why she feels a little uncomfortable, inexplicably small.

Silently picked up the business card of the decoration company, she said: "Give me the specific address of the house and the key to the door. The most important thing is money. I don't have money to pad!"

"Don't worry."

Mai Xiaoyu transferred a million to Chen Qiao'en's account on the spot. For him now, money is not a problem.

"Aren't you afraid that I will run away with the money?" Chen Qiaoen asked deliberately.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and said nothing.

He is not at all worried that Chen Qiaoen will abscond with the money.

Given Chen Qiao'en's family background, would a mere one million be considered?

Step back ten thousand steps and say, this lamb has fallen against the sky and tricked him into running a million, can he not find it?

Chen Qiaoen and Lin Zhiling are best friends, he has long been determined!

"It's the same expression again!" Chen Qiaoen wrinkled Qiong's nose, "make it clear first, my eyesight is high, one million may not be enough."

Mai Xiaoyu didn't take it seriously.

When he thought about it, three houses, including furniture and appliances, calculated according to the standard of 500,000 per set, 1.5 million would always be able to stop, right?

Time flew to the beginning of November.

Liu Xiaoli flew to Taiwan with the crew of "The Stone" to attend the Golden Horse Awards ceremony held on the 10th of this month.

The audition work of the film crew of "Tianlong Ba Bu" ended, but because the "Qiao Feng" Khitan style starring Hu Jun was exposed by many media, a lot of scolding was attracted on the Internet. Netizens also turned out the 97 Hong Kong version of "Tianlong" and compared it with the new version of the characters.

In order to quell the scolding, the "Dragon" crew made a rule that the main actors are strictly prohibited from leaking their secrets, and at the same time, they announced that they will start the game at the end of the month to divert the public's attention.

Cici, Liu Tao and Deng Chao who passed the audition, under the arrangement of Li Xue, went to the crew to design styling, take makeup photos, and lead the script to recite the lines to familiarize themselves with the characters.

These belong to the scope of Mengren's daily work, and Liu Xiaoli has arranged it long ago. Unless you encounter a sudden and difficult situation, you don't need Mai Xiaoyu to intervene.

At present, Mai Xiaoyu's work in the company, in addition to encouraging employees from the spiritual aspect, only interviewing members is left.

The Central Academy Of Drama.

A female dormitory.

Shen Fei, Tang Wenhui and short-haired girls persuaded Tang Yan one by one.

"You go try it. Please sign up first. Our students in the drama will definitely get an interview opportunity. If the interview passes, there will be filming in the future, and you can take care of the sisters."

"It doesn't matter if you try. You know, this is an opportunity for us. Few companies are willing to use so many new people in a drama. And their company's film and television dramas are very successful."

"We are sisters in the same dormitory, and we said we would advance and retreat together. We have all gone for an interview, how can you not go?"

"I'm particularly surprised, why don't you want to go. If we learn to act, don't we want to be an actor and a star in the future? Why are you unwilling to take advantage of the opportunity? My classmates don’t even know how cute people are!"

At the end of last month, Tang Wenhui's interview with the short-haired girl also failed, so they began to persuade Tang Yan.

Tang Yan really didn't want to go, because Mengren's interview methods for members are too similar to her previous experience, and she has a shadow in her heart.

"Regular film and television companies never charge money for signing contracts. Many times they have to pay a signing fee."

Her words were immediately refuted by her roommate.

"You haven’t seen the film and television dramas that their company has invested in, and you didn’t say that you have to sign a contract with their company. As long as you can become a member and have a performance. Maybe which drama is popular and attracts the attention of well-known film and television companies Throw an olive branch."

"Well, if you can pass, we will pay the membership fee of 10,000 yuan for you. When you are filming, help us get a few roles."

"If you want a little more supporting role, the main role is better."

Tang Yan said helplessly: "As for being so serious? The teacher and the senior brothers and sisters have not all said that every year, the crew comes to the school to audition for the cast. We must have a chance."

Shen Fei hated iron and steel and said: "Do you believe this? Yes, every year, the crew comes to the school to select actors. Do you think it will be our freshman's turn? The teacher recommends that kind of good thing, let alone expect. The big three and four are staring at the hungry ghosts!"

"That's it. There is no class tomorrow afternoon. You go to Mengren to apply for a member. Do you want us to accompany you?"

"We are also doing good for you..."

Can't endure the soft and hard foaming of Shen Fei's three daughters, Tang Yan had to agree: "Well, I'll try it tomorrow afternoon. You didn't pass, I guess I don't have much hope."

"You have to have confidence, how can anyone think about defeat before fighting?"

The words of the short-haired girl evoked Tang Yan's memories.

Dimly, she seemed to be back in high school. A man stood in front of her and said in a seductive tone: "Tang Yan, have confidence in yourself and believe that you will succeed, otherwise you will have lost half of it... …"

With these words, the man tarnished her dreams and cheated her out of saving money and pocket money that she had saved for several years.

In the afternoon of the next day, Shen Fei's three daughters dressed her up and escorted her to the bus bound for the CBD business district.

On the way back to the dormitory, Tang Wenhui asked: "You said, can she pass?"

"I think it's hanging." The short-haired girl imitator Mai Xiaoyu said in the voice: "Your conditions are good, um, your conditions are good, no wonder you can be admitted to the Chinese opera. I will leave the information, you go back first, if there is news If you do, the staff will inform you in is it, do I like what I learned?"

"You are so talented, you seem to learn."

Tang Wenhui and the short-haired girl giggled, Shen Fei shook her head and said nothing.

In her opinion, these two roommates are still too young and have no social experience, let alone the reason why friends in the entertainment circle have more ways to go.


Take the bus to Jinlong Building, Tang Yan anxiously came to Mengren Film and Television to express her intentions.

Nowadays, in Mengren Film and Television, outsiders come to apply for membership from time to time, and the staff has long been familiar with it. However, it is still relatively rare for students from the three major art academies to take the initiative to apply for the job.

A scout warmly received her, and proudly introduced Mengren's brilliant achievements since its establishment in the reception room, and then asked her in detail about her information.

"Student Tang Yan, I have recorded your information. You should go back first. When we arrange the interview time later, I will call you in advance. Personally, your conditions are very good and hopeful. This It's my business card. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time."

"OK, thanks."

After putting away the business card, Tang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and the task was completed.

As for the interview in the future... let's talk about I am preparing to leave Moeren briskly, just in time for Mai Xiaoyu to come back from the bathroom.

The two passed by at the door, and Mai Xiaoyu responded with a polite smile.

Tang Yan couldn't laugh.

She stood on the spot as if struck by lightning, turned around a moment later, covered her mouth with one hand and pointed at Mai Xiaoyu, excitedly speechless: "You, you, you..."

The adorable employees present raised their heads curiously, and Mai Xiaoyu also noticed the abnormality, and turned to look at Tang Yan suspiciously.

This girl... I seem to have dreamed about it.

After a few quick breaths, Tang Yan let out a breath, tears in her eyes: "You liar, I finally found you!" (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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