At the end of November, the highly anticipated "Dragon" crew will be launched soon.

Before the opening, the chief producer and chief director of the crew will lead all the actors and actresses of the crew to Jinling City, where they will make their official appearance at the Hilton International Hotel and hold a grand opening ceremony.

Both Liutao and Qianqian will join the crew and go to Jinling with the crew, while Deng Chao has already been in the crew for half a month, under the guidance of a martial arts coach for more than half a month of martial arts training.

"Brother, you want to see me." Before leaving, Cici pulled Mai Xiaoyu's sleeves and looked at him eagerly.

"Don't worry, I'm just a sister like you, of course I want to see you."

"Don't lie to me, you are notoriously lazy and don't like visiting classes."


Mai Xiaoyu was speechless, turned to Liu Tao next to him, and Liu Tao pursed his lips and sneered and waved his hands.

Cici continued: "Don't wrong Sister Tao, everyone in the company knows it. Just say Sister Tao. She has filmed several movies. How many times have you seen her? If you don't come to see me, I will I don't recognize you as an older brother."

Liu Xiaoli feigned angrily: "Cici, don't be acting like a baby, your brother is busy with work and has a lot of things to do. Isn't it okay for your mother to be with you?"

Cici remained silent, puffing up her buns, and looking at Mai Xiaoyu.

"Brother promised you that he will go to the crew to see you and do what he says. Also, if someone bullies you during filming, tell me as soon as possible that there are a hundred ways for him to apologize to you."

Mai Xiaoyu gently touched Cici's head, remembering how Cici was crying in his arms the other day, full of love and affection.

Cici is not easy these days.

Starring in "Tianlong" and playing the role of "Wang Yuyan" still brought great pressure to her.

This pressure is too heavy for her who is less than sixteen years old.

Due to the large number of fans in the 97 Hong Kong version of "Dragon", Li Ruoxun’s image of the fairy sister was so deeply rooted that after the crew announced that she would play "Wang Yuyan" as a newcomer, she was immediately booed by the public. It hasn't been announced yet.

Chief director Zhou Xiaowen praised her very much, praising her beauty as "more than known, all, and popular celebrities." However, after her photos were made public, people didn't agree with them and attracted criticism.

Fortunately, Cici was strong enough to not succumb to the pressure.

"It's good to have pressure. Pressure is also motivation, and it can motivate me to work more seriously. At least, "The Family of Gold Fans" is well shot."

This is her answer when facing a reporter's question, showing enough self-confidence, but it can't be exchanged for the public's understanding and support, and even attracts another voice --- the householder!

As soon as the word came out, it spread quickly on the Internet. Regarding that she was admitted to the Yanying Department of Performance and played the role of "Wang Yuyan" when she was less than sixteen years old, various malicious speculations arose on the Internet.

One day, in the face of those unbearable rumors, Cici finally couldn't bear it and asked Mai Xiaoyu to cry.

"It's a big deal. It doesn't matter which drama is in the entertainment industry. It's nothing more than some people can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. Anyway, I think my sister is the most beautiful and the most beautiful in the world." Like Sister Shenxian, ah, she is also very beautiful when she cries, it feels like pear blossoms bring rain."

"As for those boring rumors, don't worry about it. This is a stage that every big star must go through and the price of fame. You think, if you are just an ordinary person, who would be jealous of you and black you, right?"

"Let’s talk about related households. Believe it or not, if they have the relationship of promotion, salary increase, big money, or stardom, they will definitely not use it. This is a person, regardless of domestic or foreign, many people have their own set of standards and treat others. A set of standards. Are you guilty of crying for this kind of person?"

"Remember, people can only shed tears for those who care about themselves, love themselves, and love themselves. As for those who scam you, there is only one thing you have to do to make yourself live better and happier..."

Mai Xiaoyu's enlightenment has given Cici a lot of confidence and encouragement. Now she has adjusted her mood and will play the role of "Wang Yuyan" in the best state, and through her own efforts, she will crush the doubts of others.

"Tianlong" started, Liu Xiaoli accompanied Cici, and Liu Tao, Deng Chao and assistants into the group filming, the workload of Meng Ren suddenly reduced by half.

In addition to continuing to recommend members to practice hands and cultivate the agent attributes of scouts, Mai Xiaoyu's main job at the moment is only one-shooting Yake Yiya chewing gum ads.

In his large-scale studio, Sheng Shi meticulously set up the scene of the convenience store in accordance with his paintings. The director and photographer were former partners of the golden age, and Mai Xiaoyu personally sits in the studio, which makes Yake both satisfied and assured.

No way, Mai Xiaoyu attaches great importance to this commercial shooting, because the male and female protagonists are all newly signed newcomers of the company.

Under Li Xue's arrangement, Hu Hu flew to Yanjing on Friday afternoon and tried to finish the filming within two days without delaying his class on Monday. Of course, cute people are in charge of air tickets, boarding and lodging.

As for the pay, they are both newcomers, not high.

Hu Xu is one thousand three, Tang Yan is one thousand, this is still because of Mengren's face, Shengshi takes special care of it, otherwise it will cost a few hundred yuan.

There are two major difficulties in advertising shooting, one is the performance of the actors, and the other is the feeling created by Hu Xu and Tang Yan. The former can be solved by the director's guidance and Mai Xiaoyu's instructions, while the latter will need to be trained by two people in a short period of time.

Fortunately, Hu Xu and Tang Yan are about the same age, and they are also fellows in the East China Sea. Hu Xu was admitted to both the Directing Department of the Central Academy of Drama and the Acting Department of the Donghai Academy of Drama. He finally chose to stay in Donghai due to the persuasion of his teacher and family reasons.

Therefore, the two people have many topics in common. After a few words of hometown, they quickly became acquainted with each other.

After getting acquainted, the topic became wider.

Between shooting, the two sat in the corner and chatted in their native dialect.

Mai Xiaoyu was discussing something with the director. Tang Yan glanced at him and asked Hu Xu in a low voice: "How did you sign the contract with the company in the first place?"

Hu Xu did not suspect him, and told Tang Yan in detail about his experience in the "Pink Girl" crew and the subsequent signing process. Tang Yan was stunned.

In Tang Yan's mind, Mai Xiaoyu belongs to the kind of black-and-white boss who invades the entertainment industry. According to Hu Xun's statement, Mai Xiaoyu is not bad, he treats people sincerely, and takes special care of the company's artists and members.

Moreover, he has the ability to invest in film and television dramas to make money, and he can also attract newcomers.

The bigger difference is: in Tang Yan's heart, Mai Xiaoyu is a bad person, and she uses violence to force her to make money for the cute person, and earn enough 100 million yuan to return her freedom; in Hu Xu's heart, Mai Xiaoyu is a good boss and signed Oneself is because of value, respect, favor and trust.

The difference in painting style is too big!

After talking about his signing process, Hu Xu asked back: "How about you?"

"Ah? Me, that, interview signing." Tang Yan didn't want to touch the pain in his heart, and changed the subject, "Does the company give you three thousand yuan of pocket money every month?"

"What pocket money, that is a company subsidy, you should have it too."

It seems that I am over-concerned.

Tang Yan felt a little more relaxed, and Hu Xu suddenly lowered her voice: "Tell you a secret. I suspect that the money came from Mr. Mai himself, not from the company."


"I asked Sister Xue before. She didn't know the money. She also said that the company has never issued subsidies to artists. They are all red envelopes. Moreover, the money is always paid from Mr. Mai’s personal account. ."


He is a liar, is he conscience to find out?

Tang Yan stared at Mai Xiaoyu in the distance. At this time, Mai Xiaoyu had gathered the director, cameraman, and lighting engineer together, and it seemed that he was arranging very important work.

Hu Xu touched her and asked, "How many years have you signed with the company? Is it also five years?"

Speaking of the contract period, Tang Yan felt bitter in her heart, and she felt two lines of silence and tears: "Ten years..."

However, Hu Xu's reaction almost subverted her three views.

"Ten years? President Mai is so optimistic about you!"

"It's a good thing to sign for ten years...?"

For famous artists who don’t have to worry about their next home, too long a contract is definitely a bad thing, which restricts their freedom; but for newcomers who have just stepped into the entertainment industry and have an uncertain future, the longer the contract is, the more valuable they are. This kind of affirmation is also a kind of guarantee for oneself.

Hu Xu murmured a few words and said, "I'll call sister Xue and ask if I can extend my contract..."

So, near the end of the day’s filming, Mai Xiaoyu received a call from Li Xue, and the next day’s commercial filming was completed. When Hu Xu returned to the East China Sea by plane, he got an extra contract-it was a new contract signed between him and Mengren Film and Television. The contract, the contract period... ten years.

For Mai Xiaoyu, this is definitely a surprise.

"You are really my lucky star. You know, I have always regretted that Hu Xu's contract was too short. Fortunately for you, I have successfully resigned now for ten years."

At more than seven o'clock in the evening, in a high-end western restaurant, Mai Xiaoyu smiled and said to Tang Yan.

Tonight, he invited Tang Yan to eat western food, as a reward for Hu Xu to change his ten-year contract.

Tang Yan weakly cut the foie gras in the plate, feeling down: "I killed him, and I became your accomplice..."

"So you can't run away, just accept your fate." Mai Xiaoyu was funny in his heart and said so deliberately. Seeing Tang Yan blaming herself, he asked again: "Hu did not tell you that the company is going to invest in TV series next year. Is he my appointed actor?"

"Ah, what about this? He didn't tell me."

"Hehe, I have a hunch that the TV series is likely to be popular with him. So you don't need to blame yourself too much. The ten-year contract is good for me and it may also be good for him."

Tang Yan just remembered that although Mai Xiaoyu is a liar and a bad person, but... the cute person is the "Noah's Ark" of the newcomer!

If Hu Hu is really on fire, the ten-year contract does not matter. The big deal is to pay the penalty to terminate the contract.

She raised her head, looked at Mai Xiaoyu expectantly, and said timidly: "What about me? Isn't it... the heroine?"

"You think too much, the heroine is my sister, and that drama is a gift from me."

Alas, what Sister Fei said is right. The entertainment industry is full of related households, and it's hard to do without personal connections.

Tang Yan is very worried.

This is the first commercial she made. The salary is one thousand and one, and the fifty-five is equal to the hundreds of dollars she has earned for the company, which is too far away from one hundred million.

And Mai Xiaoyu also said, let her take classes at school with peace of mind, learn to perform and practice lines to improve acting skills, Li Xue will pick up some suitable advertising contracts for her, and accumulate experience through practice to train her position and sense of camera.

As for filming, I'll talk about it next year.

When will I make enough for him to earn 100 million and redeem my freedom...

Tang Yan's grief, Mai Xiaoyu was not in the mood to pay attention, he only had to make sure that this stubborn lamb would not commit suicide and would not call the police.

As for the rest... time will change everything.

In December, someone from Jiying Club took away the draft of "Naruto" and left a large check.

In addition to the contribution fee, the royalties of "Naruto" are settled for the first time.

The single edition of "Naruto" was released only half a year ago, and Japan sold more than 600,000 copies. This data is not high, but if it is converted into annual sales, it can barely make it into the top ten of the daily sales rankings.

For the manga that was released this year in a single book, this result is very good, and it is a good start.

In the future, with the increase in the number of separate books and the plan to publish "Naruto" in countries and regions outside Japan, Mai Xiaoyu's income will increase significantly every year.

Moreover, Jiying Club has reached an agreement with Feiyang Publishing House to represent the Japanese copyright of "Hanao", and Feiyang Publishing House also intends to publish "Hanao" overseas. When these things are all done... it is not as good as "Naruto". The huge profits generated by the adaptation of the film and television animation game!

Mai Xiaoyu is waiting now, waiting for a Japanese company that is not stupid but has a lot of money to buy the copyright.

At that time, he can truly realize the free and easy state of sleeping until he wakes up naturally, and counting money and cramps.

As for now, he has to go to the Forgotten Bar and hand the check for the royalties to Wu Guodong for Song Ma's medical expenses.

The royalties this time were less than 2 million Chinese coins ~ In accordance with his request, Jiying Club settled in U.S. dollars and issued a check for about 300,000 U.S. dollars, and Wu Guodong from the province went to the black market to exchange it.

When I got home in the evening, I ordered a takeaway to have dinner with Chen Qiaoen, which was a treat for her to help stare at the decoration. Simply ask a few words about the progress of the house renovation. After dinner, Mai Xiaoyu took a check and was ready to go out.

Chen Qiaoen ran out of the bathroom: "Hey, where are you going so late?"

"You are my assistant, not the housekeeper. I don't need to clean up the table. I'll close the door for me later."

"Huh, I don't need you to say that I won't clean up!" Chen Qiao Enqiong muttered a few words with a wrinkled nose, and suddenly thought of something: This guy wouldn't be going out and fooling around while Sister Tao was out for filming?

No, I have to stare at him!

However, when she closed the door and chased out, Mai Xiaoyu had disappeared in the Volvo.


Forgotten Bar.

When Mai Xiaoyu arrived, it was the peak of the bar, and the venue was almost full.

But he never had to worry about seats when he came to the Forgotten Bar, because Wu Guodong left the side card specially for him.

Going to a card, a waiter came over drive people.

"I'm sorry, sir, this side card has been reserved."

"I know, isn't it what I booked?" Mai Xiaoyu smiled, and took out two hundred yuan of tips and stuffed it into the waiter's hands. "Old rules, 688 drinks set meal, by the way, tell you Mr. Wu that wheat is coming."

"You are Mr. Mai, please wait a moment."

Soon, the bar waiter brought a fruit plate with wine: "President Mai, wait a minute, and Mr. Wu will come right away."

"Just ask you something. You have a singer named Dong... Shu Chang. Has she ever sang?"

"You said Lili, she doesn't sing here anymore..."

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