The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 400: The last sentence is lit

"Jon, it's the first time you date Simon, you must dress up well and don't lose your manners."

"Isn't this what you usually wear when shopping casually, how can you dress so casually to date Simon..."

"Oh my god, this necklace... don't you think it doesn't match the style you wear..."

"Wait, you're just dealing with makeup, you didn't even use perfume..."

"Come up with Mommy, Mommy will accompany you to dress up..."

"That's right, my daughter should be so noble and beautiful."

After a lot of tossing, Chen Qiaoen, who was well-dressed, beautifully dressed and fragrant, left the house with a global limited edition LV.

Chen Xiangnan laohuai sighed comfortingly: "My daughter is finally sensible. Maybe next year we will be able to drink the engagement wine between her and Simon."

"Husband, are you so optimistic about Jon and Simon?"

"Is there any problem? For more than a year, she did not go on a blind date. When a boy pursued her, she didn't even look at it, and even dismissed all kinds of appointments. It is rare that Simon would agree to a date alone this time.

Speaking of which, I also think Simon is a good boy, and he is a good match for Jon. When I was playing golf with his father a few days ago, I also talked about the future of the two children. Their family also liked Jon. "

"In the future? Don't you feel that Jon is very casual about today's date, and doesn't pay attention to it at all."

"Have it?"

"Forget it, you men are always like this..."

When Chen Xiangnan and his wife were communicating in the living room, Chen Qiaoen had already walked out of the luxurious villa.

Outside the door, on a spacious, smooth and clean road, a brand new 04 Bentley Continental was parked on the side of the road.

Simon leaned against the car door with a large bunch of flowers in his arms, and straightened his waist as soon as he saw Chen Qiaoen coming out, but seemed to be stunned and motionless.

It wasn't until Chen Qiaoen walked in that he pretended to have a sudden realization: "Joe, I sayorry for my absence, you are so beautiful. When I saw you before, I thought you were beautiful, but I saw you again today. , I find that I need to redefine the concept of'beauty'. Please forgive my gaffe, this bouquet of flowers is for you, you will not dislike it if you like it."

The words are very ironing, the praise is also very clever, and the calm voice is somewhat magnetic.

Just like Simon, tall and handsome, sunny and funny, coupled with a prominent family background, like a piece of fat pork, no matter it is thrown into any haystack, it will cause most women to scream wildly, sending moths to the fire. Go to bed.

Chen Qiaoen is an exception.

She took the bouquet, smiled politely, and said "thank you".

Gentleman Simon pulled the car door and pressed the back of his hand to the door frame. After Chen Qiaoen sat firmly, he closed the car door.

Then he walked around to the cab, opened the door and got on the car. He saw that the flowers had been placed in the back seat of the car. Chen Qiaoen was wearing a seat belt. He thoughtfully wanted to help.

"No, I can do it myself." Chen Qiaoen declined his kindness and fastened his seat belt. "What are your arrangements today?"

"It's half past eleven. Let's go to dinner first. I have already booked a place. I have a surprise for you in the afternoon."

Chen Qiaoen did not ask any surprises, nor did Simon say that he drove Chen Qiaoen to an authentic high-end French western restaurant. The chef was a French chef.

The French have always been known for being good at eating and good at eating, and French cuisine is still ranked first in the world of Western cuisine. Marseille fish soup, foie gras steak, Parisian lobster, red wine pheasant, saffron chicken, chicken liver steak, etc. are all famous dishes in French cuisine.

French cuisine has a wide range of materials and fine processing, the taste of cooking is rich and light, and the variety of colors is rich.

Due to the emphasis on seasoning, seasoning with wine has become a feature of French cuisine. Champagne, red wine, white wine, sherry, rum, brandy...There are strict regulations on what kind of dishes and what wine to choose, and the amount is large, so French cuisine has the aroma of wine, and the aroma is strong when it is smelled.

The dining environment is elegant and the dishes are delicious. Simon's witty words make Chen Qiao'en chuckle from time to time. This meal is not boring.

After tasting desserts, tasting French-style coffee, and enjoying the French-style music in the restaurant, Simon took out a beautifully packaged gift: "For you, I hope you like it. This is when I went to Italy a few days ago. When it was time, it was specially selected for you..."


Chen Qiaoen took the gift without opening it, just politely thank you, and put it directly into the LV bag.

Seeing this, Simon shut up with a wink, and instead of continuing to introduce the gift, he said, "How do you think the coffee in this restaurant tastes..."

The two chatted around the coffee for a while. Seeing that it was almost two o'clock, Simon called the waiter to check out.

After leaving the restaurant, Simon mentioned the topic of "coffee" again after getting in the car: "I heard from a friend that there is a very stylish coffee shop on XX Road. The coffee tastes good. The most commendable thing is their unique characteristics... "

"Listen to you."

Chen Qiao'en always took the natural attitude, whether it was flowers, gifts, French restaurants, specialty cafes, they did not arouse her interest, and his expression was indifferent.

However, after Simon walked around in the alley and walked into a small shop, she showed a look of surprise for the first time.

The exterior of the shop is old, but the interior decoration is delicate and soft, using asymmetrical techniques, using arcs and S-shaped lines, as well as shells, vortexes, and mountains and stones as decorative subjects.

The ceiling and the wall are connected by arcs, and frescoes are arranged at the corners. This is a typical Rococo decoration style once popular in Europe.

This coffee shop is located in an old-fashioned alley with traditional Donghai characteristics.

The location is slightly off. If Simon hadn't led the way, Chen Qiaoen would probably not be able to find it here.

However, the business here is not bad. It is not a very large store. According to a rough estimate, the attendance rate is more than 70%. Now it is more than two o'clock in the afternoon!

And judging from clothing, dressing, sitting posture, and facial expressions, the guests who come to drink coffee are all petty bourgeoisie people above the middle class.

After the two of them were seated, the waiter came over, and a foreigner with a big nose and big eyes asked them enthusiastically about their coffee.

"Two glasses of Blue Mountain."

After a while, two cups of fragrant coffee were placed in front of the two of them. They were golden yellow in the sun. The coffee in the cups and the floating foam formed a heart-shaped pattern.

"I wish you a pleasant afternoon, my name is John, you can call me if you need it."

Chen Qiaoen couldn't help being curious: "Here..."

Simon smiled knowingly: "This is where I am going to surprise you."

The owner of this coffee shop is John, who likes culture, especially the alley culture of Donghai. He has been in China for many years, married a Chinese woman, and opened this Rococo-style coffee shop in the alley, leaving it to his wife to take care of, and he often comes to help.

He is an executive of a multinational company and enjoys a high annual salary and dividends. The original meaning of running a coffee shop is not only because he loves the alley culture, but also for his wife to kill time. But his wife treats the coffee shop as her own business and is very concerned.

Therefore, at the beginning of the shop, the business was not good due to the remote location, and his wife looked sad every day.

He looked distressed, so he thought of a way to improve his business—playing a movie.

Taking advantage of his identity, he often brings back some DVD discs from abroad, all of which have a good reputation at the foreign box office, but have not been released in China. Every afternoon and evening, these movies are played in the coffee shop and shared with guests.

Rococo decoration style, authentic foreign coffee, excellent English movies, cozy leisure environment... After several years, this small shop has been turned into a leisure place for the petty bourgeoisie.

As for whether this practice is infringement and illegal... The DVD film he purchased was not used for commercial purposes, at least no one in China has checked it.

After listening to Simon's introduction, Chen Qiaoen has lost his previous curiosity: "The surprise you said was that you brought me here to watch an English movie?"

"Yes, you'll know later."

Simon thought his plan was perfect.

Eat at noon, watch a movie in the afternoon; have dinner after watching the movie, and then watch the opera; after watching the opera, you can go to the bar and nightclub. There are also shows he has prepared for Chen Qiaoen to ensure that Chen Qiaoen will have an unforgettable day.

And this afternoon movie is one of his "killer features".

While talking, John clapped his hands and said in English: "Today we are showing a thriller and suspense movie. I watched this movie in the United States last month. In my opinion, the whole story has no bugs and the footage has never been wasted. , The logical reasoning is completely reasonable...

…Unfortunately, this film was only released in the United States at the end of September, and no audiovisual products have been released yet. In order to bring this film back to share with you, I took a small disgraceful approach..."

"Don't worry, John, we won't go to the United States to sue you!"

"Hahaha, what kind of movie it is, my friends and I both like suspense movies."

Some guests who were acquainted with John and his wife joked, all in English.

John opened his hands: "In this case, I am relieved. This is a film made in your country. I don't know why it could not be shown in your country. I regret that..."

John is still nagging, his wife is ready to show the movie, and more than half of the guests present have understood.

"Fatal ID"!

Chen Qiaoen covered her lips in surprise.

She also wanted to wait for the film to be released on Hong Kong and Taiwan and invite friends to watch it in private, but she didn't expect to see it in advance in this situation.

Simon smugly said in a low voice: "Joe, this film has a good response in the United States. However, when it was first released, it was not well received. There were very few theaters. Later, it used publicity methods to cooperate with word-of-mouth effects..."

Thanks to some domestic media, many people in China know about the changes that have taken place after the release of "Fatal ID". However, very few people know the specific details of this Chinese-language movie to realize Xianyu's turnaround.

Simon knows that he has a special knowledge of the inside story of the open recruitment of the navy in the professional website where the Mengren Film and Television gathers in the U.S. navy. He even contacted a number of naval forces who made positive comments by publishing tasks, and got direct and detailed feedback from them.

In a certain way, he has more detailed knowledge than the "initiator" Mai Xiaoyu.

"...After my preliminary estimation, the cost of the film critics and recruiting naval forces will not exceed half a million US dollars. Among the 100 U.S. naval forces I know who have watched movies and published good reviews, there are seven Thirteen people really liked the film. Fifty-four people recommended it to their friends. Seventeen people’s friends went to the Chinatown theater to watch the movie. Later, the film was released in full, and 28 people’s friends went into the theater because of their recommendation. …"

Speaking of so many purposes, it is nothing more than the words "fitting one's own interests".

Chen Qiaoen is the daughter of the Chen family, and the Hailian Cinemas of the Chen Family Holdings operates a large theater chain in China and has its own distribution department. Hailian Cinema has outstanding domestic issuance capabilities, but foreign issuance is their shortcoming, and it is also the shortcoming of almost all China's issuing companies.

"Fatal ID" was successfully screened in the United States, providing a ready-made case for all distribution companies. How to replicate its success, operate more overseas distribution of domestic films, and earn money overseas to earn distribution fees and box office is a common issue for domestic distribution companies.

It can be said that if there are many domestic theaters with fierce competition, if one can take the lead in having overseas distribution capabilities, it is expected to secure the leading position of domestic theaters.

Simon doesn't care whether his homework can actually help Hailian Cinemas. He just wants Chen Qiaoen to feel his sincerity and sincerity, and that both sides have more common topics.

However, Chen Qiao'en seemed to have no reaction, and his mind was focused on the movie. He analyzed a lot of it insightfully, and did not get a few responses.

Simon thought for a while and changed the topic: "This movie is the best domestic thriller and mystery film I have ever seen. It is the only one in China that has multiple personality as the theme..."

"Multiple personality?"

Chen Qiaoen responded, and Simon struck the iron while it was hot: "Yes, you didn't expect it. I heard that it was the screenwriter Ah Zheng who inspired a script to commemorate a friend of his own..."


"Well, it's the screenwriter who can dance, a very interesting person, who seems to have specifically posted about this on Weibo. I remember that his friend is the same as yours, the last name is Chen..."


There seemed to be something torn apart in Chen Qiaoen's heart, and his mind was numb.

She didn’t care to watch the movie again, and couldn’t hear Simon’s voice. She hurriedly took out her mobile phone and logged into Ah Zheng’s Weibo. As expected, she saw that there was an extra article about "Deadly ID 》The long Weibo of the creative mind journey.

In the article, Ah Zheng clearly wrote that the script was created for a friend surnamed Chen, and thank you throughout the entire text. The last sentence is lit. Except for various advertisements and script appeals, most of the subsequent comments are like this.

"Could it be a broken love?"

"How do you feel that Brother Zheng is broken in love?"

"Do you still have to ask, it must be a broken love!"

"I watched this film in the United States. Is there any relationship between broken love and multiple personalities? I don't know what to do."

"Could it be that Brother Zheng has multiple personalities. The girl named Chen is a nurse and has been taking care of him. Then the two of them said they had a long-term relationship. Later, the girl's family dismissed Brother Zheng and strongly opposed it, and the girl had to leave him?"

"It's a terrible story. It's a shame that the one upstairs from UU Reading doesn't become a screenwriter."

"Anyway, if Brother Zheng can write such a good script every time he breaks up in love, I wish him continue to be broken up in love."

"Wish the broken love +1."

"Wish the broken love +2."

"Wish the broken love +10086."

The last sentence of the long Weibo:

"...Thank you for your contribution, so I created this script to commemorate my loss. I wish you always happy and happy, thank you."

Seeing these words, Chen Qiaoen's nose sore, grabbed the LV bag and turned around, leaving Simon with a bewildered look.

Half an hour later, Chen Qiaoen took a taxi to the front of his third uncle Chen Xiangxi's house and rang the doorbell quickly and hard.

Did he know that night... (To be continued.)

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