The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 414: The branch chief who can dispatch police faster than the police

Tang Dynasty Hotel is a more well-known brand hotel chain in China Southern. It has outlets in many large and medium-sized cities in the south. The hotel covers three levels from three-star to five-star, with assets exceeding one billion.

Whenever a brand, the image must be emphasized, and the hotel is no exception.

Ensuring the personal safety of guests is the most basic principle of the hotel. Even if you stay on your lips most of the time, the hotel must come forward as soon as possible in the event of today, and can't pretend to be deaf.

Because it was the crew of "April Love", director Song Shuhai was going to be taken away from their hotel, and the abductee seemed to be just a few gangsters on the street.

Fighting in the corridor of the hotel, even if the security guard in the monitoring room took a nap and fart without looking at the monitor screen, he received a call from the crew.

Therefore, when Mai Xiaoyu took the people and took Song Shuhai with rags in his mouth down the elevator to the lobby on the first floor, he was stopped by the security team of the Tang Dynasty Hotel.

The duty manager of the security department personally led the team, accompanied by the lobby manager, and a dozen security guards surrounded Mai Xiaoyu and his group.

They are different from the crew members who are bare-handed, rubber batons, ****, and Mai Xiaoyu even saw a few electric batons equipped with security guards.


Song Shuhai was overjoyed when he saw the life-saving straw, struggling to make a sound in his mouth.

Although he was speechless, security manager Liu Jianqiang could still understand the meaning of "stuffing me"-help.

But he didn't move, even if he saw a buck-toothed man punch Song Shuhai in the abdomen, to be honest, he didn't say a word.

He is not sure of the background of this group.

Those who can afford a star-rated hotel must have a certain level of strength in the local area, and both black and white have to be related. In some hotels, the deputy security director rarely goes to work and only takes money under the name, which is self-evident.

Liu Jianqiang is not so hungry, but he became the security manager of the Tang Dynasty Hotel in his 30s. He has a six-figure salary and dividends at the end of the year because of his background.

Let's put it this way, the various **** around this three-star Tang Dynasty hotel are basically familiar.

Usually the hotel also has "craftsmen" who come to the hotel to make a fortune, and fights occasionally occur. But it was the first time that it was as ruthless as today that it rushed in to beat and openly kidnapped people. It was the first time in so many years.

The other party is very faceless, and the accent is not like a local. Will it be a cross?

Liu Jianqiang decided to give courtesy first and then pawn.

The lobby manager Meng Juan is a clever person. Seeing Liu Jianqiang's silence, she immediately understood.

She took two steps forward and smiled and said, "Hello, this is a guest of our hotel. Can some of you give us a face, and any grievances will be released today, otherwise everyone will be troubled when the police arrive. ."

"Does your hotel have a lot of face?"

Mai Xiaoyu's sarcasm set the tone for this matter, and the gangsters behind him all began to tease.

"Beauty, **** don't work."

"Whoever says it's not good, I like big breasts. Look at this ***, it's pretty and warped, it's the type I like."

"I like it too, I really want to catch it, it feels good."

"Well, if you accompany your elder brothers to be happy, they might consider giving you face."

The buck-tooth men's words were very nasty, and Mai Xiaoyu smiled without saying a word and didn't stop it.

Meng Juan was not angry either. In her early thirties, she still had the charm. From the ignorant migrant girl to the lobby manager of the three-star hotel, she experienced a lot of wind and waves, otherwise she would not be accompanied by Liu Jianqiang.

The dirty words of Gu Ya Nan and others are too pediatric for her, and she has also heard it even worse, and it is not ten times eight times that people eat tofu.

It's just that the smile on his face disappeared, and there was a pitiful and disdainful look in his cold eyes.

The temptation is over, or the "ceremony" is over, it's the "soldier" turn.

The possibility of crossing Jianglong is unlikely, because the words of Gu Ya Nan and others are too dirty.

If the words are too dirty, it means that the person is too rough.

Under the iron fist of the country's ****, rough people can't eat on the road, it's hard to get a little boss, and most of them are cannon fodder.

Really terrifying bigwig-level figures often have a very glamorous identity in the sun.

Martial Law?

Ha ha!

Liu Jianqiang coughed, Meng Juan stepped aside, laughing at the corners of her mouth, and the sarcasm grew stronger.

Liu Jianqiang waved his hand again, and his security guards dispersed and surrounded Mai Xiaoyu and others: “I don’t care who you are, protecting the personal safety of every hotel guest, and creating a safe environment for the guests, is our hotel’s first priority. One purpose..."

Such a big noise in the hotel lobby has long attracted the attention of others. Some residents have to be busy with things and leave with a glance; but some residents like to watch the excitement, even if they are worried that they will be far away from the station, they still pay attention to this place.

As a security manager, Liu Jianqiang still has basic awareness. He intends to use the group of people in front of him to operate, first to promote the positive image of the hotel to the guests, and then severely teach the group of out-of-towners in front of him.

Make trouble in the Tang Dynasty and blind your dogs!

The abacus is very good, but it is a pity that a liar will not serve as a foil to someone.


Mai Xiaoyu snapped his fingers: "Let the people go."

"What? Let it go, let it go" The buck tooth man was dumbfounded.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't say a word, but the buck-tooth man knew that he had said something wrong, so he quickly let him loose Song Shuhai.

After regaining his freedom, Song Shuhai ran away, staggering behind Liu Jianqiang, and then stood still after feeling safe.

"What about the police, why haven't the police come? Have you called the police?"

Song Shuhai was terrified. Mai Xiaoyu's group is too ruthless, he can't imagine his fate after being taken away.

Liu Jianqiang ignored his thoughts and looked at Mai Xiaoyu with a sneer: "That's it? Aren't you crazy before?"

"Who is persuading the grass mud horse!"

As soon as the buck-tooth man spoke, Mai Xiaoyu interrupted his conversation and said with a smile: "Just remembering one thing, you came just right, I will go to you alone if you save it. I will give you the face, and the hotel surveillance video will copy me. One serving."

Mai Xiaoyu didn't say what video he wanted, and Liu Jianqiang didn't bother to ask.

The hotel video involves the privacy of the residents. Don't say you are a bastard, even if the police ask for it, you may not be able to transfer it out.

So he said directly: "How old are you?"

"So you wouldn't give it to me? Then forget it, let's go, and I will ask your boss for it later."

Seeing that Mai Xiaoyu and the others were about to run away, Song Shuhai became anxious: "You can't let them go. They beat others and want to kidnap me, so you must not spare them lightly!"

"Don't worry, we will give you an account." Liu Jianqiang pointed to Mai Xiaoyu while speaking, "We came to our Tang Dynasty to beat and wound people, affecting our normal operations. Now that we are afraid of running away, is there such an easy thing? Show me them, wait for the police to come, who dares to run and break his legs!"

More than a dozen security guards surrounded Mai Xiaoyu fiercely. If it weren't for the number of guests watching, Liu Jianqiang wanted to be a good man before, so he had beaten people early.

The police... whoever came to make trouble before, didn't he beat them up first and then threw them at the police station to continue suffering?

Soon, the hotel returned to normal order.

Song Shuhai and the injured and beaten staff were sent to the hospital for treatment. Before leaving, Song Shuhai repeatedly urged Liu Jianqiang to bring Mai Xiaoyu and his gang of black sheep to justice.

Liu Jianqiang patted his chest and agreed. The hotel security forced Mai Xiaoyu and others to take care of the corner until the police arrived.

Mai Xiaoyu and the others did not resist, and stayed in the corner honestly, without the arrogance that they had done before they didn't agree with each other.

Is this the end?

The onlookers felt that their intentions were still unfinished, and Liu Jianqiang also felt that something was wrong.

He thought he was going to have a big fight.

Gu Ya Nan and others once had this idea.

"Mr. Mai, this is too awkward." In the corner, the buck-toothed man whispered.

Mai Xiaoyu is his idol, a man of righteousness, high combat effectiveness, daring to fight and never backing down. Like working with Mai Xiaoyu last time, just a few words to scare people and make a lot of money easily.

But this time, disarm directly?

"Mr. Mai, do it with them. I'm afraid of getting a ball." A **** said.

"They have too many people, and this is not our place, so we can't do it hard."

"Listen to them that the police are coming, can't we run?"

Several gangsters whispered in a whisper, Mai Xiaoyu shook his head: "I said, how I brought you here, I will take you back. I will take a break for a while, and I will make my own arrangements."


I've already fought, there is no need to fight.


Why did he run? He came here today and didn't want to leave!

He has already determined that in Huo Jianhua's case, Tang Dynasty Hotel's **** is definitely not clean.

Otherwise, how did those few surveillance video screenshots flow out?


Before long, the police arrived.

Because it was a kidnapping call, the director of the crew was openly kidnapped in a hotel in the Tang Dynasty in broad daylight. The nature was extremely bad and attracted the attention of the police.

The local police station dispatched elite troops and the deputy director Zhao Pei personally led the team. Two police cars went straight to the Tang Dynasty hotel.

Liu Jianqiang had already greeted him at the door, and when he saw Zhao Pei getting out of the car, he quickly greeted him.

"Zhao Suo, you personally lead the team?"

"Can I not come to such a big event?"

"It's not that old, just a few small-eyed scumbags from the field have been controlled by our security guards."

"Is it under your control? Where are the kidnapped hostages?"

"You said that the director, we were also rescued and sent to the hospital."

"Okay, you have to award you medals for bravery! If the citizens have your consciousness and quality, our police will be much easier."

"Don't say that, Zhao Suo, I can't bear it. We Xiao Tang always said that if there is no police uncle to maintain the safety of the party, how can we operate safely? Zhao Suo, Xiao Tang always has something to do, so we can come back later. He confessed on the phone, tonight at the Danguixuan Peony Hall to entertain some police uncles..."

Joking all the way into the hotel and seeing the suspect surrounded by security in the corner, Zhao Pei felt it was too easy to leave the police.

"Take them all back!"

Zhao Pei waved his hand, and the police and auxiliary police behind him swarmed up.

Mai Xiaoyu was unhappy, pushed away the policeman in front of him, and pointed at Zhao Pei: "Your name, job title, and siren."

"What did you say?"

"Your name, title, siren."

Zhao Pei frowned.

Most people who encounter police law enforcement require the presentation of relevant documents such as a police officer's card, and will not directly ask for their name, job title, or police number.

And seeing Mai Xiaoyu's face indifferent, he felt...there was a problem.

Liu Jianqiang scolded: "What are you guys worthy of asking Zhao Suo? Zhao Suo, don't pay attention to them, they are bluffing. When I came down just now, they sounded mad. Then when we were ruthless, they immediately persuaded."

Something's wrong!

It's okay not to explain, Zhao Pei is even more confused about this explanation.

He stared at Mai Xiaoyu for a moment: "Xiao Chen, show him your police card."

"I don't look at him, I just ask your name, job title and police number."

"who are you?"

"For your kind person."

There's something here!

Zhao Pei has been a police officer for many years and has rich experience in all aspects. The director of the kidnapping crew, met with the hotel security, but he looked relaxed when facing the police, and he asked his name, job siren...Can this be a normal person?

He turned his head and asked Liu Jianqiang: "Who did he call just now?"

After Liu Jianqiang asked the security guard, he shook his head and said, "No."

Zhao Pei thought a little, and then said to Mai Xiaoyu: "You can call now."

Why are you calling?

Of course it's looking for a relationship!

Anyone who has a relationship and is caught by the police after committing a crime is definitely to find a way for the relationship.

If the relationship is hard enough, it's not impossible to turn big things into small things.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled.

Zhao Suo in front of him is a sensible person, saving him a lot of things.

He took out his cell phone and dialed a number, hung up directly after three beeps.

Let alone Zhao Pei, even Liu Jianqiang realized that there was a problem.

After a while, a middle-aged man appeared in the Tang Dynasty Hotel Datang.

"Bull Game!"

Zhao Pei took a deep breath.

The Niu Bureau is the director of the Jianhu Branch of the Yangcheng Public Security Bureau, and their police station is the police station of the Jianhu Branch and is in charge of them.

Liu Jianqiang was also taken aback when he heard Zhao Pei's words.

The time from Mai Xiaoyu's phone call to the appearance of the bull station is faster than the time when the police station is dispatched by the Nima police station.

It took ten minutes for Zhao Suo to bring the team here!

What does this show?

It means that the head of the branch surnamed Niu has been outside, waiting for Mai Xiaoyu's call!

Zhao Pei shouted "Bull Game" and stood up and saluted.

The policemen under his command all followed suit and stood up and saluted.

When the bull game passed by them they just nodded, then walked straight to Mai Xiaoyu, and proactively extended his hand.

Mai Xiaoyu shook the hand of the bull game and smiled: "I'm sorry, I still have to trouble you."

"Nothing. It is our police's accusation to guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of every citizen." Niu Ju said with a smile, and then asked Zhao Pei, "Are you sending the police?"

"Huh? Ah, out of the police."

Zhao Pei was fortunate at this moment, and felt deeply that years of experience had saved his political life.

"Then go on, I'll see a friend, don't worry about me."

Whether you can do it or not, what we want to catch is your friend!

Zhao Pei smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to speak.

Mai Xiaoyu said: "Suo Zhao, don't be embarrassed, I'll go back with you, but should you get a copy of the hotel surveillance video?" (To be continued.)

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